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Julian wilhelm
Mrs. crist
English 4th cp
WAGNER, STEVE. "NEXT YEARS MODEL. (Cover Story)." Outdoor Life 223.2 (2016): 48.
MasterFILE Premier. Web. 22 Sept. 2016.
In the article Next Year's Model Steve Wagner writes about how plentiful the game was
in the 20th century and how it is going down hill again. He states in his article that the
unregulation of hunting lead to the scarcity of many species. Steve wagner also includes in his
article great examples of species that went extinct from unregulation from types of birds from
types of fish. Once the government started putting regulations on game the wildlife started
making comeback. This article is important to my project because it gives me a good example
and a lot of information on how to help the population of wildlife grow and keep it from

Mathewson, Heather A., and Michael L. Morrison. Wildlife Habitat Conservation : Concepts,
Challenges, And Solutions. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015. eBook Collection
(EBSCOhost). Web. 22 Sept. 2016.
In the article wildlife habitat conservation Heather a. Mathewson and Michael
L. Morrison write about how the loss of wildlife habitat affects the wildlife. Heather A.
mathewson and Michael L. morrison talk about how to save the habitats of many different types
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of animals, how to prevent destruction of the habitat and some of the challenges of saving the
habitats. This article is very helpful because it has a lot of information on how the loss of the
habitats affects the size of the animals, genetics, interactions with humans and other species of

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