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By analyzing the results which we have gained from both methods questionnaire
and interview of collecting data, we have come to a conclusion about the part-time
job in AEP student community. We consider this task very advantageous for our
knowledge, this research reached a final result, which has provided beneficial
information. Our final choices for our research are as below

Tutor is the part-time job AEP students choose mostly

The main purpose of taking part-time job is for money. However, many of
them do a part-time jobs to gain experience for future career
The most benefits of taking part-time job are extra money and working
The majority of AEP students is planning quit the job in near future in order to
spend more time studying
The part-time jobs hardly change/affects their daily schedule
95.7% think that having experience from part-time job is an advantage after

Recommendation for further research

There are number of gaps in our knowledge in doing the research because the
research was just done among AEP students. For the better data, further research
should be applied not just in AEP but also in all NEU as well as others universities

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