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Kristin Como
Mrs. DeBock
English 4 Honors
28 September 16

The Cruelty Drug

How might a person feel if they found out that the drug that a trusted doctor prescribed
was the product of a cruel- fueled business? Premarin, the womens hormone replacement drug
may be effective, but it has a dark secret lying behind it. Like every drug manufactured, it
contains various chemicals, but what is not necessarily made public is that it contains urine from
pregnant mares, While this may not come as much of a shock to some people since the name
Premarin is a shortened form of Pregnant Mare Urine, the way that it is collected is what
makes this drug so barbaric. Kept often in concrete stalls in which they are unable to move
around or lay down in, the mares often become sick or injured for the almost year long duration
of their pregnancy. Often times they are dehydrated to increase the concentration of estrogen in
their urine. Not only is this drug outdated, but it is also the cause of hundreds of innocent lives
being taken because they were born into this industry. Premarin is a cruel drug that has much
safer alternatives, for both the animal and human.

For years, the public was blind to the cruelty that occurred behind the scenes of the
production of premarin. Stated by the author (Evans), Because allowing mares out to pasture
would mean losing some of their precious urine, they are forced to stand on concrete floors in
stalls measuring just eight feet long and three-and-a-half to five feet wide for most of their 11month pregnancy (Premarin: Cruelty A Hidden By-Product). Unbeknownst to most, horses

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cannot be standing for long periods of time. Result of this include swelling of the legs, lameness,
and even failure to hold their own body weight. Straight from another source, Heather Evans
states, They are also deprived of sufficient water, in order to maintain the concentration of
estrogen in the urine. Within days of giving birth in the spring, the mares are re-impregnated.
Not only are the mares mistreated with the conditions of their living, but they are also starved of
basic needs. The foals that are born into the industry often have a grave future as well.
According to an article from Townsend Letter For Doctors & Patients, Shortly after giving
birth the mares are re-impregnated, separated from their foals, and put back on the production
line. As far as the offspring are concerned, the majority are sold to feedlots, where they are
fattened and then slaughtered; others are killed immediately or kept as replacements for worn-out
mares (Gaby). Unfortunately, all of this is not made public and most patients are oblivious to
the consequences of their prescriptions.

In order to appease what might come as a concern to some consumers, the packaging of
the drug states exclusively from natural sources(Premarin and Animal Cruelty). However,
these natural sources are mares who are not only kept in unsanitary and crude conditions, but
also are mistreated. To collect their liquid gold the mares are fitted with a rubber tube and bag
that enters directly into their bladder. This way, none of the urine, which costs approximately
$17 a gallon will go to waste if they were to be let out to graze or roam free in a pasture.
However, by keeping the mares locked up and in stalls that are too narrow for them to turn
around in, they often become arthritic and in pain. Along with this, a horse's hooves are not
designed to stand on hard surfaces such as concrete for extended periods of time without being
properly shod, and with the unfortunate circumstances of their containment, is not very likely.

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According to an article written by Elaine Pascoe, when asked what the benefits of
Premarin were, Mark Hornstein, MD, states, It was the first estrogen available here, so patients
and doctors are more familiar with it," he notes. "In fact, there is no medical advantage to
taking Premarin over other forms of estrogen that are available now. " (The Premarin
Predicament) Unfortunately, as stated here, many women go with this option as opposed to a
cruelty- free alternative solely based on the fact that they do not want to leave their comfort zone,
and they are not educated on alternative medications. However, some simple research will reveal
that there are alternatives to the medication which are not only much safer to the patient
receiving treatment, but to the animals providing the materials for the medication, saving them
from the suffering caused by cruel conditions and maltreatment.

On top of the aforementioned research, there are significant side effects of taking
Premarin that are not brought to light for most of the consumers. What is important to note is
that unlike other alternatives to the medicine, Premarin is estrogen that comes
from an animal that is much larger than humans, therefore it can create unnatural feelings
among other things (Dont Let Your Doctor Give You Horse Urine). Research has also shown
that taking Premarin has been linked to increased risk of breast cancer and endometrial (uterine)
cancer. This is because one of the main effects of equilin, estradiol, and estrone is to encourage
tissue growth in both the breasts and uterus. While this is important, too much of it can become
an issue and cause pre-cancerous tissue to begin growing. Because of this, a woman who takes
Premarin is 14% more likely to develop cancerous cells than someone who does not take this
drug, or takes an alternative.

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All in all, Premarin is a prescription for cruelty. Not only does it have a monumentally
negative effect on the mares that practically give their whole lives up for the production of a
medicine that has healthy alternatives, but it has nasty side effects on the human consumers as
well. With all of the health risks and facts that have been stated, one should take into
consideration the other options if they are taking/ considering taking this medication. By
avoiding it, you are saving innocent lives and quite possibly saving your own.

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