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Elsa Dillman

Unit 6 Essay 1
FHS 2450
There is definitely inconsistency between the sexes and victim blaming. Women
are blamed for enticing men. This is interesting, because based on what our culture tells
us; men are strong/brave/ect, typically not a victim and more often they play the role of
dominance. Women tend to be the helpless, submissive, weak, and inferior. With those
ideas in mind, we might assume that men would not readily accept the title of victim,
because they should be trying to prove dominance. I think that this can possibly be
explained by the idea that when it comes to men, something is taken without
permission, but when it comes to women and sex, permission is not needed, it is
expected. It is the woman's fault because she did not readily give herself to the
This is not to say that this is how everyone thinks or feels by any means. It is
simply what mass media has led many of us to think. Women are expected to fit a mold
of modesty and sexuality that is very conflicting.
I think there are some situations in which victims may not be entirely innocent
victims. For instance, let's say that there is someone who has committed a crime and
during the escape of said crime, they are critically wounded. Does this person deserve
to be wounded because, yes they are guilty of a crime, but does this mean they should
be injured? I would argue not.

Crooks, Robert, and Karla Baur. Our Sexuality. 10th ed. Belmont, CA:
Thomson/Wadsworth, 2008. 189. Print.

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