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October 23, 2016

One thing that I have noticed lately is the role that parents play in their childs education
in the classroom. I observed that some students do not get a balanced amount of independence
and guidance from their home life which reflects itself in the classroom. One student in particular
seems to struggle to keep up with their peers in classwork. I wonder if the way the parents handle
this student at home has anything to do with their performance at school. I am also interested to
know how much of an influence a teacher can have on students who do not seem to be at the
same level as the rest of the class. Mrs. Picton discussed how she needed to take more time with
this one student and even see if there is a learning delay. This seems like a difficult task for the
teacher to focus this much attention on one student when the rest of her class constantly demands
her attention also. How can a teacher make a solid impact on a student that is obviously
struggling, but also reach the rest of the 15-20 other children in the class? When teachers plan
their day I wonder if they consider those students that are slightly more behind than the others.

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