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Jose A.

ENG 113A
April 6 2016

Is tipping still something that comes out of the kindness of the heart? So many restaurants
and other places force you to tip and give up money you worked hard for, even if their workers
did not. People today expect atip to the point where they no longer give great hospitality. In the
article The Capitalist; The Case Against Tipping Michael Lewis talks about how tipping has
become such a custom where people feel mandatory to tip. He talks about how under tipping or
not tipping can lead to arguments and uncomfortable confrontations. Getting the choice of
tipping or not makes it more uncomfortable whether to do so. He considered a tip now as more
of a tax, and he feels tipping has lost its purpose. He wants to ignore tipping to where people will
thank you for paying what you are meant to pay (Lewis 19-21). Tipping is no longer a sign of
gratitude given out to help each other. It has became a routine people feel they need to tip.
Tipping needs to gain back its meaning of trying to be helpful, because a tip is something to be
earned and not something to be expected.
Some may argue that tips are required to be payed no matter how well or how horrible the
service was because the worker had provided help. Yet, tips are not meant to be a custom they
are meant to be a sign of gratitude towards the helper or server. No one appreciates having to
deal with undesirable attitude when out in public, so why deal with it when you go out to a
restaurant? Tipping needs to stay as a way of saying thanks for the good service, and not just a
way of saying take my money from me for no apparent reason. Tipping can not be something a
person should rely on because when a tip is not received they become grumpy and less likely to
treat the next person with good hospitality. Every customer should be treated as if they are the

first customer of the day. No criticism should be carried on from one customer to the next. Some
people are mistreated for under tipping football player LeSean McCoy left a 20-cent tip on a
$61 check ( ). Because he under tripped on his check, he was publicly shamed. Restaurants
publicly shaming a person or celebrity for under tipping is something no one should have to go
threw. Tipping is a way of saying thanks for the service. If the service is not good then they
should not expect to be tipped.
A server should not expect to receive a tip at any job they are working at because they are
already being paid for working. They decided to get the job that they are at so they decided what
type of work they want to be involved in and get paid for. If the server does not get tipped then
they should not have any reason to be upset about it or lower the quality of their service they are
providing. A person who gets a job and expects to get plenty of tips should also expect bad
customers and still give great quality service in order to try to earn a tip.
In some countries like china, tipping is considered rude. Offering a tip can be considered
rude as it implies that the employee is not valued by their employer(Tipping in China 1).
There are cultures in this world that do not believe tipping is a sign of gratitude and feel it is
more polite to not tip. The united states is a country where so many cultures exist and are
strongly followed. Being mad at someone because someone did not tip does not mean they are
being cheap or disrespectful. Each person has their own reason for tipping and not tipping.
A big conception that is going on at the moment is with Uber drivers and them being
allowed to get tipped. The company says Its all-inclusive and cashless; one fare and one email
receipt, automatically charged to your credit card after rolling up to your destination. Theres no
riffling through your wallet for small bills, no idling at the curb to deal with a credit card (The
New York Times 1). A customer should not worry about having to tip their Uber driver because

their payment is electronically processed. It is not always an easy decision to get into a random
person's car and trust that they will be driving safely. But for those drivers who make you feel
safe in their car, giving them a tip is a way of saying thanks for not making me be scared to be in
the car.
Tipping needs to gain back its meaning. Too many people give out tips without thinking.
People get into an aggressive mood, whether they show it or not, when they get under tipped or
do not get tipped at all. Many people feel that the fact that servers make less than minimum wage
is the reason why they feel they need to tip in order to help out the server. But in reality the
server chose that job and knew how much they will be making with the job they had chosen.
Therefore they should not be tipped just because they do not make a lot. If people really want to
help out the servers then they need to not tip at all that way their pay wage goes up and they
make more per hour and there tips are no longer considered as part of their pay. Making tipping
no longer a costume everyone feels the need to follow. There are jobs where tips are
unacceptable and are being tested to see if tipping is a good thing to do. These jobs are also not
trying to force tipping into the original pay like some do. They are trying to see if tipping in there
line of work is something that will not get out of hand. There trying to make sure tipping still
feels as an option for the customer to decide to give one or not. Tipping needs to gain back its
original meaning as a way to show gratitude to the ones that they are helped by.
College campuses need to start enforcing more tobacco bans in order to protect their
students health and school environment. Without the schools involvement the student become
stuck in an addictive state. Schools can help keep their air quality around their school in good
conditions. So many college students and also lower grades go to these campuses and are
exposed to everything that happens there.

Work Cited
Rosenbloom, Stephanie. "To Tip or Not to Tip Your Uber Driver." The New York
Times, 18 May 2016. Web. 2 Nov. 2016.
"Tipping in China." Tipping Etiquette for China. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Nov. 2016.

Lewis, Michael. "The Case Against Tipping." Argument as Dialogue, compiled by Gary
Longman, pp. 19-21.

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