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Caitlin Bragg

Dr. Fernandez
FRST 100

On October 19th, I attended a CAE event entitled Does Bae Respect Your Boundaries?
In this event, we discussed the difference between a healthy and an unhealthy relationship.
During the program the facilitator presented different scenarios to the audience and then asked
for our thoughts. When it was time for the audiences feedback there were many contrasting
ideas especially between the males and the females. There was a panel of 4 people that consisted
of 2 males and 2 females that also provided feedback on the topics. From the event I learned a lot
more about consent and how to handle tricky situations in a relationship. I also noticed that some
of the scenarios were very relatable to things that have happened to me and made me realize a
few adjustments that I need to make in my life. The program helped me to feel a little bit more
connected to the school. Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this event and I wouldnt change anything
about it.

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