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Colton Cheviron

Cheviron 1

Professor Lynn Raymond

UWRT 1104
5 December 2016
Thinking About My Semester Long Project
Rhetorical knowledge is a crucial part for any writing. Understanding the importance of
the audience and context of your work should be the priority to your work. The way that I have
used rhetorical knowledge is by choosing exciting content to present that some people may not
know about. I focus on the legalization of marijuana in my presentation. Not only how it has
already affected the United States but how it still can. I also look into crime rates and the shifting
of public opinion as people have requested me to do. I believe people will be interested and
invested in my presentation as it is a major topic in todays news.
In addition, to the content we need to find a proper way to organize and present it to our
audience. I would not say any previous projects made me want to do this, it was just a topic that
had already sparked my interest along with my partners. Although, I will say after the proposals
many classmates gave me better ideas and a better understanding of what to truly focus on. One
reason for this is that I want to pursue a career in law enforcement. Obviously the war on drugs is
a massive part of being in law enforcement as I will mention in my presentation.
Sources in my opinion were rather difficult to choose. Obviously as stated earlier this is a
prominent and touchy topic. Many sources seemed to be biased and non-understanding of the
other point of view. In turn, I had to somewhat choose a side on the topic.
I believe I am in a comforting position and feel confident that I will be able to inform my
audience on what I have learned and what I have yet to learn.

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