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Colton Cheviron

Cheviron 1

Professor Lynn Raymond

UWRT 1104
6 December 2016
The Talk on Marijuana
I personally talked to my suitemates and other friends about my topic.. We began by talking
about the current election. Statements were made regarding the fact that it was a huge turning
point in the fight to legalize marijuana. Surprisingly, everyone agreed that marijuana should be
legalized. I would think that at least one person in the room would have disagreed. It was
interesting to see everyone's perspective on the issue. They also brought up how other, legal,
drugs are allowed that are much more dangerous. Alcohol and tobacco cause hundreds of
thousands of deaths a year while marijuana causes none which actually surprised them.
Then, they pointed out the fact that I wanted to be a cop and brought up the war on drugs.
I had already done some research about this and explained that forty to fifty percent of the war
on drugs were with marijuana. I then went on to explain that if states were to legalize marijuana,
law enforcement could prioritize the more dangerous drugs and also funds towards fighting
marijuana would go into other, more useful places. I really was not given ny new ideas to
research but did see other perspectives that I will without a doubt use.

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