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Comparison Essay Outline

1. Topic
Two 8-bit Games, Yume-Nikki and .flow

2. Introduction

2-1. Hook
Every derivation has original, and usually, things derived from original are more
similar to original than different from them.

2-2. Connecting information

However, some branches can be more unique than original. I want to introduce two
games which I love and know very much as examples of this. Each two games title
is <Yume Nikki> and <.flow>.

2-3. Thesis statement

<Yume Nikki> is very popular among the players who play this kind of games, and
<.flow> is derived game from it. Hence, these two games are has many similarities,
but also have different aspects each other.

3. Body
3-1. Paragraph 2 Topic sentence: There are some similarities between two games
3-1-1. Support 1: The backgrounds of both of games are imaginary world.
3-1-1-1. Detail 1: Yume Nikkis background is the dream.
3-1-1-2. Detail 2: .flows background is the computer program.
3-1-3. Support 3: The rules of games are resembled each other.
3-1-3-1. Detail 1: There are 24 Effects player has to collect.

3-1-3-2. Detail 2: There are obstructers that coop player up.

3-1-2. Support 2: They have FC mini games in the games.
3-1-2-1. Detail 1: Yume Nikki has the FC game NASU
3-1-2-2. Detail 2: .flow has the FC game SINSOKU NEKO

3-2. Paragraph 3 Topic sentence: The differences between the two games
3-1-1. Support 1: Effects different function with same name or vice versa
3-1-1-1. Detail 1: With same functions & Different names
3-1-1-2. Detail 2: With same names & Different functions
3-1-2. Support 2: .flow is more complex than Yume Nikki.
3-1-2-1. Detail 1: The map of Yume Nikki is simpler than .flow.
3-1-2-2. Detail 2: The map of .flow is very complex.
3-1-3. Support 3: The big difference of these games is ending of the game.
3-1-3-1. Detail 1: Yume Nikki has just one ending.
3-1-3-2. Detail 2: .flow has 3 different endings.

4. Conclusion
4-1. Restated thesis: These two games are very similar at some points. Both of
them have imaginary backgrounds, ambiguous stories, and the same rules to play
the game. Also they have some differences, such as the function of effects,
complexity of the maps, and the endings of the game.

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