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create a folder in HOME with the name "android" without the quotes. (navigate to
the home terminal and type in the terminal "mkdir android")
copikan into the folder "android" file downloadan said, 'arm-2009q3-68-arm-noneEABI-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2; GT-S5360_Kernel.tar.gz; folder mkbootimg and (the taro in the folder / mkbootimg / mkbootimg / *)
navigate to the folder android terminal (type "cd android" in the terminal)
create a new folder inside the android folder with the name "kernel" (type "mkdir
terminal navigate to the folder "kernel" (type "cd kernel")
GT-S5360_Kernel.tar.gz extract by typing in terminal "tar-xvf .. / GTS5360_Kernel.tar.gz" then in the kernel folder will be the folder "common" and
return the terminal to the folder "android" (type "cd ..")
extract arm-2009q3-68-arm-none-EABI-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2 (type "tar-xvf arm2009q3-68-arm-none-EABI-i686-pc-linux-gnu. tar.gz2 ") then there will be a new
folder with the title of" arm-2009q3 "in the android folder.
file arm-2009q3-68-arm-none-EABI-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2 and GTS5360_Kernel.tar.gz can delete to increase the free space (done through explorer
Ajah, not use type in the terminal )
open the file "Makefile" in the folder / kernel / common / * using gedit. looking for 2
lines that start with the word ARCH and CROSS_COMPILE and edit to: "ARCH? =
arm" and "CROSS_COMPILE? = / home / / android/arm-2009q3/bin/arm-none-eabi-"
without the quotes. and do not forget to replace "" with the user name that you use
linux. Bottom line CROSS_COMPILE let Ajah not valid in the edit, just 2 lines aja. and
preparation has been completed ....

Bolt boot.img stockrom:

copies "boot.img" ori palace to folder "mkbootimg"
terminal navigate to the folder palace "mkbootimg" (type "cd mkbootimg")
split kernel with the command "perl. / mkbootimg / boot.img" tar
then there are 2 new files, ie boot.img-kernel and boot.img-ramdisk.gz
create a new folder with the name "ramdisk" (type "mkdir ramdisk") terminal and
then navigate to the folder "ramdisk" (type "cd ramdisk")

extract "boot.img-ramdisk.gz" (type "gzip-dc .. / boot.img-ramdisk.gz | cpio-i") tar in

the folder "ramdisk" there will be new files and folders extracted result is "init. rc ""
recovery.rc "and temen2nya. Here we only use the contents of the ramdisk. (kernel
then we build from source)
please move or delete files in the 3 folders mkbootimg palace, the "boot.img";
"boot.img-kernel" and "boot.img-ramdisk.gz". purpose let not confused later when
compile boot.img
boot.img finished unloading ....

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