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My objectives of studies and research are connected more with contemporary history, I am

interested how this civilization which we call European will develop in next 100 years, and I am
quite sure that a clear image we can get only studying past of our civilization. My major field of
study is XX-th century, all process that happened during this age wich historian E. Hobsbawm
named Age of extremes- it does not matter if we talk about totalitarianism, formation of E.U.,
globalization or extinction of USSR, all this process were and are connected and only states and
leaders who really understand this think they are able to be with one step ahead of others. This is
avaible and for Republic of Moldova too, I really know that we can learn what a democracy and
a developed economy from our neighbours and partners like U.S.A means . From this experience
in America I hope that it will be a chance to understand and interpret history different, not in a
soviet style that it is something thypical in South East of Europe. I would like to study a program
that is connected with history of XX-th century, which includes globalization from economical
and political point of view, because these are the main elements that change history. For me it
would be a chance to get out from maze in which every student gets after graduatuion and to
discover how to use my potential in areas that are useful for my country as foreign affairs, histoty
and others.

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