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PESTEL analysis of Westlake

Taxation moderate. but one-time windfall tax is used in Canada on occasions
representing a risk.
Governments have great infuence on the health, education, and infrastructure.
Westlake follows public policy and other legislative priorities that are reviewed
Westlake follows public policy and other legislative priorities that are reviewed

Canadian economy dependent on the global commodity prices fuctuation.
Annual GDP growth rate 3.5-4%
Westlake increase Canada economic level because of Westlake 50% share are
Canadan Government holds.
Oil and gas represent 25% GDP; 50% federal budget, 80% of export.
Westlake market capitalisation was 7.385B till Dec. 8, 2016

Westlake supports various social projects contributing to culture, science etc
Egalitarianism- mutual support, principal of sharing equal distribution of beneft.
Health consciousness, population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes
and emphasis on safety.
Westlake also host diferent socio-cultural events

Ecological and environmental aspects, such as R & D activity, automation,
technology incentives and the rate of technological change.
Nanotechnology is a stumbling priority.

Weather, climate, and climate change, which may especially afect industries
such as tourism, farming, and insurance.
68% of energy produced in the country pollutes the fossil fuels.
According to ofcial data, 75% of surface water polluted.
Air pollution is the caused for 18% childhood and 10% adult diseases.


Discrimination law, consumer law, antitrust law, employment law, and

health and safety law.
Westlake follows Code of Corporate Governance.
Intellectual property ambiguity of the legislation.
They follow environmental policy 0f ISO 14001, ISO 9001.
Westlake follows Code of Corporate Governance.

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