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The Proposal

Dear principal of Leesville,

As you are aware there have been multiple fights in the past few weeks. I know that if this
continues our smart lunch will be revoked. Dropping our one hour lunches to thirty minute
lunches is too short of a time limit. Due to the small amount of time, everyone would have to
resort to the closer fast food restaurants. The choices we're given to eat at are so few that they
would be packed, making it impossible to sit down and enjoy a meal. Also I have heard teachers
complain about how they would have to make their students stay after school and work overtime.
So I have proposed an idea that would solve this schools fighting problem. If two
students were to get into an argument that could lead into something physical, they could choose
to settle it in a boxing ring. Since our school has no money for extracurricular activities, the ring
can be made from the supplies at the school. The gym floor would be padded by the cheer mats
and ladder with ropes tied to them would boundary the ring. The two students would be given a
pair of lacrosse pads, gloves, and a helmet. This would prevent the fighters from getting any
serious injuries.
Since our school is broke we could these fights to fundraise money. Just like any football
game, there would be a place to purchase a ticket. There could also be a concession stand where
the audience can grab something to eat and drink. Depending on how much you pay is where you
sit. For six dollars you could watch from the bleachers and for ten you could find a seat placed
around the ring.
Most people would say that suspending the kids for making physical contact with one
another is the best way to get the point across. To me, that logic sounds absurd. Suspending the

students would only make them more mad, increasing their need to produce conflict. Using my
idea can reduce anger and aggression and make our school a safer environment.
The only thing I am wanting to benefit from this proposal, is keeping smart lunch.
Personally, I can say that I utilize the time smart lunch gives me the proper way. I find no interest
involving myself with these fights nor watching them. Although if my is brought to use I hope
the results show a decrease in violence during school hours. Don't bother to credit me for my
idea if it works or reward me in any type of way. Keeping our beloved smart lunch is all I want
for the residents of Leesville Road High School and myself.
Jonathan Walker

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