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Ingredients and preparations are abundant in Bolivia, even
with charque beef or lamb. However, there is little written
about its origin. Some authors state that was born in the
community of Urus.
This dish is popular in the Oruro mines. The miners after their
hard day's work, tired out of the tunnels and the first offer to
eat they found was charque llama with mote.
In this dish was incorporated potato shell (papahuayku) and
Creole cheese that area.
Until finally this dish became famous charquekn now also
takes hard or soft-boiled egg.


Kg Charque Jerky
250 gr Mote maize
2 Eggs
3 Potatoes
Kg cheease
Oil and salt

First cut in pieces meat and add a mixture of lemon, paw

paw and salt, until everything is covered. Then it is exposed
outdoors to give it the sun , covered with a cloth or mosquito
net. It expected at least several days
Thenit is boiled mote for about 40 minutes
Next Boil the potatoes for about 30 minutes and we put to
boil eggs for about 15 minutes until they are hard
After that we put the meat in the pan and fry for about 15
minutes until It is roasting both sides
Finally we serve the mote with the potatoes eggs together
meat and add a slice of cheese and ready to enjoy

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