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Elizabeth Cady Stanton was the best known and most conspicuous

advocate of womens rights in the nineteenth century. For almost fifty

years she led the first womens movement in America. She set its agenda,
drafted its documents, and articulated its ideology. Her followers grew
from a scattered network of local reform groups into a national
constituency of politically active women. Newspapers called her Americas
Grand Old Woman. She was an innovative and radical thinker that believed
women had been condemned to a subordinate status by entrenched attitudes
based on Judeo- Christian tradition, patriarchal institutions, English
common law, American statutes, and social customs. She frequently compared
the position of women to that of slaves. In addition to suffrage she
advocated coeducation, girls sports, job training, equal wages, labor
unions, birth control, cooperative nurseries and kitchens,

property rights

for wives, child custody rights for mothers, and reform of divorce laws.
Stanton was the first person to enumerate every major advance achieved for
women in the last century. Stantons talents were aptly suited to the role
of agitator. Well educated and widely read, she had keen intelligence, a
trained mind, and an ability to argue persuasively in writing and speaking.
Elizabeth Cady Stantons life was characterized by controversy. Her actions
and attitudes provoked debate and dissension. Her politics, her prejudices,
her rhetoric, her associates, her attire, even her child raising practices
alarmed many. (Griffith pg. 14)

Elizabeth Cady Stanton. (

Elizabeth Cady Stantons quote. (

Elizabeth Cady Stanton Quote. (

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