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Teacher Zoes Notes for my reading lesson:

students were engaged in the text even though it was non narrative
text was appropriate for all students reading levels
they were able to point to specific examples in the text to build there arguments
they spoke to each other about their inferences
I liked how you lead with a question that connected the article to their lives outside of school did
I liked how you had the students read together
excellent modeling of how to make an inference
students were quietly reading and engaged though
they all used the graphic organizers correctly to organize their thinking
they absorbed a lot of details from the text
Improvement areas:
i would suggest activating students prior knowledge a bit more before introducing the
topic what do you know about the moon etc
try to connect the lesson to earlier things in class remember when we .. -one girl called out a lot I would suggest
I wonder if the hook video needed more scaffolding they didnt seem to be able to
connect the idea of the polar bear to environmentalism
Some Student questions I thought were interesting about the video
what if the car runs out of electricity?
what does the polar bear eat?
why is he in the city?
I think students didnt understand some things about inferences. such as an inference is not a
prediction and an inference could be incorrect

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