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Find the Graded Summary Report on the last slide.

Choose a date/time that casts the widest net


North Beach

Water station

Overflow parking

Dumpster/recycling bins

Thank-you satchels


Grayson Beach

Beach permits
Collection buckets/bags

Friendship Cove

Plastic bottles or cups
Glass bottles
Food wrappers
Toys or beach gear
Cigarettes or lighters
Clothing or fabric
Fishing gear


Date Collected

North Beach Public, heavily used, low wash-in

Friendship Cove Private, much fishing debris
Grayson Beach Public, little used, much wash-in

Come rain or shine!



Shalyn Beaulieu
New Perspectives PowerPoint 2013 Tutorial 2: SAM Project 1b
Submission #3
Score is 100 out of 100

Apply a custom theme to all slides in the presentation:


a. In the Themes group on the DESIGN tab, select Browse for Themes.
b. Navigate to the folder you are saving your SAM support files, select
support_NP_P13_T2_P1b_nonprofitsmakingimpact.potx, available for download from the SAM website, and
apply the theme.
Apply a custom theme to a presentation.

Apply the Wipe transition to all the slides in the presentation.


Apply a transition to a presentation.


On Slide 2 (Identify & Engage Your Volunteers), without using a content placeholder, insert the picture file
support_NP_P13_T2_P1b_surfers.jpg, available for download from the SAM website. Then move the picture to
the right so that the left edge of the picture is aligned at the 0 mark on the horizontal ruler and the top edge
of the picture is aligned at the 1 mark on the vertical ruler.


Insert a picture.

On Slide 2, flip the picture on the right horizontally so that the man in the black swim trunks is on the left. Then
apply the picture effect Soft Edges, 10 pt. to both pictures.
Flip a picture.


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