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C4 Explicit Content Policies

C4 Standards
C4 is an organization that creates a bridge between artists and the Rexburg community.
Sometimes the audience for our events is focused, but often its extremely varied. We want
people of all ages and backgrounds to feel comfortable with our programs music and visuals
so that they can have a positive experience with Rexburgs artists.
Art is not discriminatory on subject matter. However, all sensitive and explicit materials
should be dealt with seriously and with reverence, not used with the intent to horrify, offend,
or entertain through crude humor. We want to respect others beliefs and backgrounds.

There are topics that may be considered sensitive or offensive to different audiences. Each
of the subjects mentioned below are common themes and concerns of humanity.

Dont make any direct references to or use explicit descriptions of sexual intercourse.
Innuendos shouldnt be crude and should only be made with the intent to help
mature audiences identify circumstances.

When race is a topic, it should be clear that there is no ill intent. All humor with
racial content will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
The goal of art should be to break racial stereotypes, not encourage them.

Torture & Rape

This theme can be explored as long as the intent isnt humor. Dont mention graphic
This theme may be prohibited during events meant for audiences younger than 18.

Exclamatory words and derogatory terms will be limited. If you are using music with
prohibited language, we expect you to find or create a less explicit version.

Racial Slurs
Avoid all terms that might be considered racially derogatory.

Do not use Fuck, Ass, or Bitch.
We will evaluate all usages of Damn, Hell, Bastard, Dick, Piss, Shit, and other
derogatory words based on the expected audience.

This category is written for all art forms that require eyesight (such as drawing, sculpture,
film, photography, acting, and dance).

Violence should undetailed and justified by the circumstances. Show only a minimal
amount blood and only when its needed for clarification.

Any images or videos intended to arouse sexual feelings will not be permitted.
Nudity in acting, film or photography is prohibited. Nudity in all other cases will be
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

*All exceptions must be approved by C4s president.

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