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Colton Cheviron and Jeffrey Harnden

Professor Lynn Raymond

UWRT 1104
September 27, 2016
Overview- We will be doing our semester long project on why or why not the use of marijuana
should be legalized in the United States of America for recreational use. We will look at the
positives and also negatives on the economy, society, etc. We will look at other nations and states
that have already pushed and achieved this request and how it has affected them and their people.
We will conduct interviews and surveys to give support to why or why not it should be legalized.
These will be done with students and teachers to get a better sense of what all people think.
Project plan- Research why or why not marijuana should be legalized for recreational use in the
United States. Try to get a broad sense on what societies opinion is on the subject. Look at
research already conducted and measure ours up with theirs. We will show old visuals with
research already done and make our own. With the research we acquire, we will present it to the
class and give our argument(s).
Justification-This is a huge topic in our politics and society today and we believe it is worth
talking about as well. It is a very debatable topic and should be researched and expressed.
Studies have shown that at least forty percent of Americans have tried marijuana so it is not
highly frowned upon.
Roles and responsibilities - With our plan mainly doing surveys and interviews jeff will do most
of those. In turn I will acquire research already done that we are not capable of doing and
integrate it into our project. We will both put the presentation together and split the talk time
during the actual oral presentation.

Colton Cheviron and Jeffrey Harnden

Professor Lynn Raymond
UWRT 1104
September 27, 2016
Timeline- For the first one to two weeks we will conduct our research, interviews and surveys.
While I find research online that we can not acquire here, Jeff will conduct surveys and
interviews. For about a week after that we will match up the compiled research and find
connections. From there on we will begin to put together our prezi powerpoint to finish things
off and make visuals.
Conclusion- To conclude our project we will present our personal argument(s) to the class and
ask for their opinions.

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