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Portfolio Presentation Rubric

Exceeded expectations (9-10


Met Expectations

Approaching Expectations

(6-8 pts)

(0-5 pts)


Exhibits outstanding attention to

detail and is both well organized
and free of grammatical and
structural errors (less than 2).
Incorporated all changes and
comments and language is both
clear and accessible.

Well organized and

structured study with a
few errors (less than 4).
Made the majority of
changes suggested.
Language is clear and
easy to access.

Could be better organized

to improve clarity.
Grammar and or structural
errors hold back material
and research. Fails to
explain the findings in a
clear or accessible manner.


Presentation meets all categories

Presentation only meets 4


Presentation meets 3 or
less categories.

Maintains eye contact
with audience and
scans audience for their
Engaging- genuinely
makes audience believe
this content is worth
their time.
Appropriate grammar
and vocabulary (formal
& professional word
Stay on time not
exceeding the
maximum of 5 minutes.


All research is up to date and

accurate. The information is
exactly what was required and
from appropriate sources.
Exhibits outstanding effort and
thoroughness in research.

The research is fairly up

to date and accurate. The
information covers the
required fields and is
primarily from
appropriate sources

The research does not

appear to be current and
accuracy is suspect. The
required fields are not
covered and sources are
not appropriate


The analysis and conclusions are

both logical and display an
outstanding understanding of the
political, economic,
environmental, and social causes
of the Great Depression
including fiscal policy,
overproduction, under
consumption, and speculation,

Analysis and conclusions

are primarily logical and
incorporates an
understanding of the
political, economic,
environmental, and social
causes of the Great
Depression including
fiscal policy,

Analysis and conclusions

lack logic and basis. Does
not display an
understanding of the
political, economic,
environmental, and social
causes of the Great
Depression including fiscal
policy, overproduction,

the 1929 crash, and the Dust

Bowl. The three questions
created reflect the same work

overproduction, under
consumption, and
speculation, the 1929
crash, and the Dust Bowl

under consumption, and

speculation, the 1929
crash, and the Dust Bowl

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