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Brady Fotheringham

Kim Strickland
Rhetorical rationale
This was a fun paper to write. My opinion changed serval times thought the research that
I found. My goal was to bring forward the pain that is felt daily from gun violence. Then get
facts involved to give a view point not always popular. I audience is vast any ware from 18 to 75
years olds. I had to make a big decision for myself. I started this with the mind-set that nothing
should be taken away concerning gun laws. But know I see that there has to be give and take. I
was wrong and I feel for those lives that were taken from us. I had great guidance from my
professors to really look into the facts. All this time I thought gun laws were getting tighter but
they were not. It has been going in the opposite direction. I would like to thank my professors I
really have been opened up.

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