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Nothing else can give you the bliss,

courage and strength that you derive

from namasmarana (chanting of the
Divine Name). Even if some people make
fun of you, do not bother about it. You
may be young or old, rich or poor,
everybody must do namasmarana. Sing
the glory of God wholeheartedly without
any inhibition, with full concentration
and total dedication. Do not be afraid of
anyone. Only then can you experience
namasmarana right from this moment.
Take care to see the Name emerges from
the core of your heart. Play on the veena
of your heart and sing the glory of God.
Ensure that you do not have evil thoughts
as they produce discordant notes. Only
then you will become the recipient of
divine grace and energy. I bless you to
lead a blissful life! You dont need to
search for bliss outside. It is within you.
From today, let your devotion and sense
of surrender grow more. Be fearless and
sing the glory of the Lord wherever you
are and lead the life of a true human
being. (Divine Discourse, April 14, 2002)

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