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Cam Iacobelli
Mrs. Friedman
10 November 2016
The Mouth of the South

Welcome to Straight Out of PC where the current date is November 2, 2116, and the city
is doing amazing. The city is located in East Antarctica because the ice caps there are not melting
and anywhere in West Antarctica is dangerous. The area where the city is located is safe because
it is in the mountains and is not near any avalanche slide zones, volcanic areas, and a
non-flooding zone. The a population is 100, 081. This beautiful city was founded in 2055, 14
years after the tragic accident that caused its brownfield. This magical place has many natural
feature. SOPC consists of beautiful mountains, lovely ice caves, active volcanoes, and the fun
fact of the city is it is in pure darkness for 6 months. The city of SOPC makes most of its money
from tourism, exporting fish, water, salt, ice, and of course it's science experiments and studies.

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Since Straight out of PC is in Antarctica, the winds can reach up to 200 miles an hour
which is three times faster than the average hurricane speed, so all buildings are domed shaped to
stay safe in that high of winds. They can stay safe because the buildings are aerodynamic. Global
warming was a significant issue 100 years ago and since has everyone changed to clean energy,
and the city decided to use geothermal, wind, and are most futuristic one, tidal energy. For
transportation Straight Out of PC has three main systems in the city. SOPC has electric snowcats
and electric snowmobile above ground and the maglev is underground. The final transportation
system for the city is the hyperloop which will bring people to the airport and into the city. The
airport for SOPC is 300, miles away and that is why SOPC has the hyperloop. So far, the city has
not had to deal with pollution because the airport is so far away and there is no pollution in the
city that everyone loves because SOPC uses all clean energy. Another very futuristic part of the
city is that we turn all the sewage into fuel and sell it. SOPC has tons of water because it is being
pumped from the ocean. You may ask how all the citizens are going to drink this gross water.
Well the answer is quite simple, the process is called desalination. This process is where water is
pumped from the ocean and all the salt is extracted. With all that salt the will export it. Finally
the city has one more main tourism attraction and that is skiing which is a huge extraction for all
the tourists.

In this amazing city there are many features. For instance SOPC has a very high
education level with three levels of education with a main focus on math and science. SOPC has
elementary schools, high schools, and a college. The school system has it so that the elementary
and high schools are free and then the college is free if you attended the high school, but if you

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did not go to the high school it costs money. In this awesome city there is a very high health
system with clinics, hospitals, and dental offices all in pods that are hovering above the ground
sort of like a helicopter going to rescue the injured and hurt. Also in the city there is an amazing
services for the fire and police with lots of fire and police stations around town. Since this town
is very athletic and healthy, SOPC has lots of recreation and parks that are unique. For instance
we have ten different types of parks and recreation including skiing, snowboarding, ice skating,
hockey, dog parks, and ice parks. Also there are playgrounds, ice cave tours, and volcano tours
as recreation. The city just started to grow its tourism section of the city with way more shops,
restaurants and a brand new hotel called the Harriot which can hold 25,000 people, making it the
biggest hotel in the world.

Now there are many reasons why so many people moved here and why so many people
love it. But there is one thing in our city that makes it different and that is how futuristic it is.
One reason for why the city is futuristic is that it has a hyperloop that can go 760 m.p.h. That
transports everyone from the airport and back to the city. SOPC used the hyperloop because our
airport is 350 miles away on an offshore island so the pollution does not leak to the city. The
second reason is that the city has a maglev system under the city that causes no pollution unlike a
train. A maglev is powered by magnetic levitation The city is very cold, so it has to put
greenhouses indoor with artificial light so they could grow and give vegetables and fruits to all
the lovely citizens. As said before the city is very futuristic. Straight out of PC has three power
sources, geothermal, wind, and tidal energy. Finally there is one more futuristic part of the city

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and that is that SOPC does not have cars. The city has electric snowmobiles and electric
snowcats because it is snowy there..
Straight out of PC has overcome a couple problems. For instance SOPC has turned the
explosion that happened in 2041 from a brownfield into into sledding hills and ice castles.
Another problem is that the city is pitch black half the year, so it need plenty of lightning outside
and inside by having light towers and lights on buildings.. The final problem we had to overcome
is the environment. For instance, the freezing cold temperatures and 200 m.p.h winds. The city
has overcome this by having underground public spaces and hurricane proof buildings with tons
of public space with lots of activities.

In Straight Out of PC there are three main engineers that have built this city. Our first
type of engineer is an automotive engineer that helps us with building and taking care of the
electric snowmobiles and electric snowcats. SOPCs second type of engineer is a mechanical
engineer that has worked on all of the mechanical things in the city like escalators or elevators.
The third type of engineer is an energy engineer that helped the city build and maintain the
geothermal, wind, and tidal energy plants that the city runs on. SOPC is an amazing city for
scientist, adventurers, and is a great place to live.
1080 words
Watson, Craig. "How the Arts and Cultural Tourism Spur Economic Development." Western City RSS.
League of California Cities, May 2013. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.
"Antarctica." Antarctica - Attractions and Landmarks | Wondermondo. Wonder Mondo, 3 Sept. 2010. Web.
07 Dec. 2016 Bosnor, Kevin. "How Maglev Trains Work." HowStuffWorks Science. HowStuffWorks, 13 Oct. 2000.
Web. 07 Dec. 2016.

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