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550 pcs kps,

3 main key ppl, networking , cctv, pabx(phone, intercom), hardware.

1.student management,payroll,attendance ki face recocnition, employee record.
salary slip,
fees, counters are linked al branch, but fee generate from head office. every tw
o months,
from a centralized location to limit resource.
2.It manager and senior programers, and the manager, commiteee. manager dows it.
6. future, cloud based.
7. no, 3 three checks. lastly frfom director.
(no plan yet an dall load goes to small team)
8. no
8. yes, directors are checking. every campus pricipal or incharge i asuring.
9. yes, usb,servers, storage. individual backups from all branches and three hdd
are backed up one by one respectively to play safe if one brach
does go wrong.
10. they have two IPs static and public ip. private pool from ZONG and same devi
ce with the same
registered with the same SIMs for it. double security layer through vpn.
10 schools wht individula stand alone backups, daily backups.
heavy duty leon server, thre big servers, software.
backup up will be on vmware ready ,

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