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The Centinela Beach is located 5 kilometers north of the city of Huacho
in the city of Huaura. this spectacular ideal for sports enthusiasts table
is beach. Hence its excellent waves are preferred by surfers. It owes its
ame to the fact that in ancient times there was here a sentinel to monitor
the seas and prevent the village of Huaura from pirate attacks. It is a
beautiful beach, clean, scenic and suitable for surng and bodyboarding waters
To enter must do for the Panamericana Norte, km 152, it follows from front to
back along a trail. It covers an area about 540 meters, the climate is warm and
humid, cold sea water; average temperature between 15.2 C and 18.1 C in
summer reaches 29 C and low winter to 14 C, stones and coarse sand with
particular characteristics, has a rocky area where they occur waves over two
meters high, and it is recommended to run with the boy-medium sea and
Swell south.
During the summer competitions Tables and dance competitions are organized.
At Easter many tourists arrive for camping, campres and reect off the marine
beauty. Along the strip of sand, you can see a great variety of birds that roam
the beach (Franklin gull, turkey vulture (Cathartes aura), grebe (Podiceps major).

Centinela Beach is a tourist resort more we can offer every tourist in this land of beaches,
history, archeology, adventure, gastronomy and hospitality. Huacho awaits you

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