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Perpetual Newspaper

Laura Crdoba Jerry Cordero

What is happening today in North

Demonstrators are peacefully fighting against what may be a catastrophe for the environment. Police
has answered back with rubber bullets, tear gas, and high pitched sirens to dispel the crowd.

Page 2.

Suiciding dogs?
Role Model

page 10.

Alarming events have taken place in Spain where two

dogs jumped from a balcony.

In todays section we have interviewed a

special member of U.T.N. from the I.L.E
Major. He has shared with us some
information about teaching techniques.
Page 12.

Dakota Access pipeline.
There has begun the construction of a $3.7 billion pipeline project that would run through North and South
Dakota, Iowa, and Illinois. It aims to improve the crude oil supply by shuttling 470.000 barrels of crude oil a
day. The US army corps of engineers approved the project and gave the final permits on July. However, there
have been protests since then. The Standing Rock Sioux tribe has called for a stop. They have argued that this
project will destroy historically relevant sites where they pray and carry out other activities. Also they show
concern about the environmental impact of these activities. The pipeline will go under the Missouri River, and
this is why opponents worry about a possible rupture that would contaminate the water supply.

On the other hand of the conflict, developers claim it will be one of the safest ways to transport crude oil. They
also take as a reference an accident that occurred in Quebec, Canada when a train carrying this substance
derailed and caused major destruction in the area.
David Archambault II, Standing Rock Sioux chairman The Dakota Access pipeline would fuel climate change,
cause untold damage to the environment, and significantly disturb sacred lands and the way of life for Native
Americans in the upper Midwest.

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JonBent Ramseys 20th Death anniversary.

On December the 26th, 1996, JonBent was found dead in the basement room of her parents house. It all had
begun when Patsy Ramsey, JonBents mother, woke up at five in the morning to prepare coffee. She found a
ransom letter and her daughter was not in bed. She had called 9-1-1 to report her daughter as missing. After one
detective arrived to the house, the search began. Strangely the woman in charge ordered John Bennett Ramsey, the
father, to go through the entire house. This is when the body is found by him in the basement. All attention was on
the family, they were the first suspects. Many clues made them look bad; however, at some point of the
investigation, DNA tests were revealed and they pointed to an unknown person.
To this day the case has been unsolved, and even though exterior research has been done, and some of these have
made their conclusion as that Burke, JonBents older brother, was guilty of the murder, nobody was ever able to
prove it. Some documentaries want to commemorate JonBents death, and this has led to new interviews with
Burke, who had never spoken publicly about the situation before, and John Ramsey. Patsy Ramsey died at the age of
46 due to ovarian cancer.
It is still a heartbreaking tragedy, but if you are an analytic type of person you will like to know more about this
case and deepen yourself into the black hole this case represents.

JonBent used to participate and win many beauty contests.

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Asian textile
Have you ever wondered how

brands manage to sell garments at

such low prices sometimes? I have,

and recently I found some news

about how thirteen workers of a

textile factory died in a fire that

consumed the building they were

sleeping in. It was tragic, but its actually not the first time an accident like this one occurs. In

2013, 1129 people died in the Rana Plaza collapse, in Bangladesh. The owners of this eight-storey
building had been warned about cracks that appeared the day before the accident; however, they

didnt care much and workers from the garment factories still were asked to return the following

day. Research from the World Trade Organization shows that Asia represents at least 58.4% of the
worlds clothing and textile exports. These factories have as customers many global fashion
brands which are looking for the lowest prices and fastest production timeframes, but the

consequences of these requirements fall on the workers. To keep prices as low as possible factories
keep their employees working for long hours, with no overtime, in dangerous conditions and at
the end of the day they still get paid not enough money to decently live. There have been

initiatives to change this situation, but it is a business. Global brands, and factory owners wont

stop until it becomes non profitable for them. We as consumers should think twice before buying
any item because somehow we will be supporting the violation of someone elses rights.

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Hawking's predictions for Mankind
According to cosmologist Stephen Hawking, famous for his theories on Black Holes, the human
race could be destroyed by 3 main causes:

Artificial intelligence: He, together with other scientist signed a letter pointing that AI is

one of major risks for mankind. However, researchers in the field sustain the AI is far away from
something that could be dangerous to our existence. Others say that it is important to discuss the
matter now.

Human aggression: The second aspect that Hawking pin points as potential threat is

aggressiveness. Form his point of view, this could have been useful in cave times, but now it
definitely risks massive destruction. Besides, he believes that human race should expand to
colonize other planets as a means of survival.

Aliens: The third although not the latest of these is the possibility that if alien life exists, it

would not be bad for humans. He compares such experience to that one of Columbus landing in
America. It may be that alien civilizations surf the space in search of resources to continue their
venture in the universe.
Whether it is AI, aggressiveness or alien life, Hawking considers that human life is in danger of
extinction from its own hand, its creations and other forms of life.

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The Ethics of Care

Recent proposals have questioned the dichotomy of several concepts in terms of gender among
others. The private and the public, the emotional and the rational. We can even think further and
consider the fair and the unfair. This differentiation is repulsive and is even legitimated by laws
and other norms. It is necessary to take into our educational system what is necessary to teach our
new generations that polarities are not appropriate nor healthy, neither are the absolute and
radical. The topic has been discussed in wrong proportion to avoid chauvinism, though. But the
breakthrough should not take the excessive feminism nor a demonizing of masculinist. It is
important that men and women see each other as equal and complementary.
The reality is that nature itself demonstrates that for a species to survive and perpetuate it requires
both, men and women, without rigid roles that stereotype, so the goal can be accomplished.

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The 4 Principles of Bioethics and the

Educational System
Recently a Swedish expert in pedagogy from Lund University visited Costa Rica. Among other
questions that we were required to point out was that the traditional education should remain the
same. To put response in context we need to consider the 4 principles of Bioethics which are
influencing most of the tendencies in current
education psychology.
These are:





The four are the basis of an ethical teaching practice to assure dignity to people and a well-being.
Teacher-student is the axis of the educational system. Hence, the environment where this occurs
should consider the tools and actions that provide empowerment to achieve learning. Teachers are
part of the equation and constitute the guidance element in the process. The teacher is the tutor of
the group of students. The expert reply indicates that we have given our kids and adolescents
some freedom that takes them away from being responsible adults in the future.
The ethical conflict arrives when the provisioning of autonomy is against the beneficence or nonbeneficence of the individual. What is good or bad, what is positive or negative is simply relative
to the purpose of the object. For example, the use of technology in class such as phones or tablets,
may be positive or negative in regards to the use and the control of such use in achieving
educational objectives. There is no good or bad in themselves. On the other hand, teachers should
allow exercising their autonomy as adults to discriminate the appropriate use of technologies in
their class. They should not be penalized or criticized for doing so.



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Role Model
In our role model section of this week, we decided to interview

Carlos Gonzlez. He has been part of ILE for two years now. He
works as a laboratory assistant, yet he also likes to help ILE

students whenever he has the opportunity to do so. Here are 10

questions we thought would provide interesting information
about him and some of his thought on teaching.
1. Where do you teach English?
Ive been teaching at CCCN for three years. (Centro Cultural
Costarricense Norteamericano)
2. According to your experience, whom do you think learns
a new language faster, adults or kids?
Based on my experiences, Id say kids acquire the language
not only faster but more easily. They have an incredible

cognitive capacity to learn and understand how a second

language works. Even though teaching kids requires lots of

patience, once they get familiar with the language, their progress is surprisingly smooth.
3. Do you think there are some aspects adults are very good at when learning? Which ones?
I do. Adults, since they are very analytical, tend to be more efficient at learning grammar and
syntactical structures.
4. Have you ever experienced any difficulties when teaching a new concept?
Yes. When I tried to explain differences in tenses such as simple past and present perfect, Ive
had some difficulties. Even though the use of these is quite simple, students tend to confuse
them a lot at the beginning. In those cases, I consider very important to provide plenty of
5. Which do you consider is the best way to help a student go from knowing a concept to
applying it?

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Well, there is no better way than oral practice in real life situations. It may sound clich, but
only when students find themselves improvising a dialogue or a roleplay, they finally get to
put into practice all those concepts that seemed so theoretical at the beginning.
6. Which do you think is the most outdated teaching method that some professors still use?
The audio-lingual method might me the most outdated one. It may work for some teachers on
certain topics, but its still not the best option nowadays.
7. What would be an alternative for it?
Task-based learning is a more effective method that allows students to incorporate all sorts of
knowledge while learning the language.
8. Have you already identified which type of learner you are? If so which one are you?
Id say I am a visual learner. I find myself writing summaries and searching photographs
when Im studying. It certainly helps a big deal.
9. Are you able to recognize other types of learning styles in your students? How?
I am. Most of my students are auditory and visual learners. However, Ive found more than a
few who are kinesthetic. When I teach Kids, I find the most variety of learners.
10. Do you ever want to teach another subject different from English?
I do. One of my life goals is to become a History professor. Id love to teach History and not
necessarily in Spanish. Id love to combine both areas English and History.

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Giving voice
Animal Abuse
Spain is suffering a severe heat wave. This has led some dogs to try the unthinkable to escape the
abuse of being left in apartments without food and water, and to stand hours shut up inside.
At least 2 dogs were reported committing suicide when they jumped from several floors above.
They were alone in the apartment without food and water. Trying to escape, the first animal

reached the balcony. Obviously, he was trapped. The dog was so desperate that started to climb

the fence. For a moment, he got stuck. When he finally released himself, he fell to the precipice.
Fortunately, there was an awning in the front that cushioned the fall and he landed on a table.
This one suffered no serious harm. The other one was not so lucky. This second one, tried to

escape through a window. After several minutes hanging from his stomach, he jumped to the

street. People who were around were left in shock. Some of them approached to the scene and
found the animal alive; however, due to the wounds he died several minutes later.
Authorities indicated that in both cases the owners will be accused of animal abuse. The surviving
dog was taken to a shelter where he is recovering satisfactorily.

Taken from:

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According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a vegan is a
person who does not eat or use animal products. They
abstain from eating any product derived from animals,
and also they dont buy products like makeup, shoes, or
any type of clothing that has leather on it. If it is makeup,
they avoid buying from companies that test on animals.
It is a revolutionary lifestyle that has grown as a community, and it also is known for having great
influence on weight loss. It is evident that people who are vegan are against animal abuse and
humans taking advantage of these beings, but it certainly goes beyond that. Here are some of the
facts and reasons why people choose to be vegan.
#1 Animal agriculture is responsible for 91% of Amazon destruction: According to research 91%
of the deforested areas in the Amazonian forest have been converted to cattle ranching since the
year 1970. The driving force behind the ranching business is the real prospect of profit from the
activity (deforestation).
#2 Predators are killed to protect livestock: Wildlife services is the name of a federal program in
the USA that kills wild animals at the request of corporate agriculture. They claim to have killed
3.5 million animals in 2015; however, some people have reported that the number may be higher.
Some of the animals are coyotes, bobcats, bears, and wolves.
#3 Animal agriculture is responsible for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions: More than the
transportation exhaust which is responsible for a 13% of the greenhouse gases. Including the five
major sectors: industry, energy, waste, land use (LULUCF), and agriculture.
It is a great lifestyle to prevent many heart diseases, and this may be one of the most common
reasons some people follow a vegan diet, but as some research has shown it has a great impact on
the planet.

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