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OML Fault

Description: This alarm is reported if the BSC LAPD processing module or the BTS
module detects a fault on a operation and maintenance link (OML).
The LAPD protocol is data link layer protocol between the BSC and BTS.
To communicate between the data link layers of the BSC and the BTS through the L
APD protocol, the LAPD link should be established.
An LAPD link that carries OML and carries carrier signaling called RSL.
The BSC monitor the status of the OML between itself and the BTS at the LAPD lay
er (layer 2)
The BSC periodically sends the BTS handshake messages and the BTS is expected to
send the BSC handshake reponse messages.
The handshake mechanism helps detect OML faults at layer 3.
The BSC sends the BTS handshake messages on the OML every 30s and the BTS is exp
ected to send the BSC handshake response messages.
If the BSC does not receive any response messages within 30s, the BSC consider t
he OML as faulty and reports this alarm.

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