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Cristian Espinoza

Professor Kelly Bladl

UWRT 1101
09 November 2016
Are Six Word Memoirs Effective?
Six word memoirs are reflections that people can write about what they are feeling in the
moment or what they have felt for a course of time. Writing a six word memoir is an effective
exercise because it causes the writer to not over think things. Sometimes when writers over
thinks about a topic it causes writers block, this is when the writer doesnt know what to write or
how to put his ideas on paper. Six word memoirs avoid writers block because it is a small group
of words that together have meaning. Six word memoirs are very effective to reflect on things
that are happening in the moment. For example, yesterday was the presidential election and
people have already shared their emotions about the new president of America on the internet
with six word memoirs. My favorite so far is the six word memoir that says While America
votes, the world waits this six word memoir reflects the authors emotions about election day. It
shows that the author was nervous about not only the fate of America but the fate of the whole
world. I like this six word memoir because it also reflects the emotions that I was feeling during
election day, but now the nervous felling is gone and the feelings of hopelessness and insecurity
have surrounded me.

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