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PCS 128. Ms.

Simrin Sachdev
Report Writing & introduction to Proposals.
What is a report?
1.A document containing information organized in a narrative, graphic,
or tabular form, prepared on ad hoc, periodic, recurring, regular, or
as required basis. Reports may refer to specific periods, events, occurrences, or
subjects, and may be communicated or presented in oral or written form.

Report Writing: Formatting the Report Elements

Here are the main sections of the standard report writing format:

Title Section - If the report is short, the front cover can include any
information that you feel is necessary including the author(s) and the
date prepared. In a longer report, you may want to include a table of
contents and a definitions of terms.
Summary - There needs to be a summary of the major points,
conclusions, and recommendations. It needs to be short as it is a general
overview of the report. Some people will read the summary and only skim
the report, so make sure you include all the relevant information. It would
be best to write this last so you will include everything, even the points
that might be added at the last minute.
Introduction - The first page of the report needs to have an
introduction. You will explain the problem and show the reader why the
report is being made. You need to give a definition of terms if you did not
include these in the title section, and explain how the details of the report
are arranged.
Body - This is the main section of the report. The previous sections
needed to be written in plain English, but this section can include jargon
from your industry. There needs to be several sections, with each having
a subtitle. Information is usually arranged in order of importance with the
most important information coming first. If you wish, a Discussion
section can be included at the end of the Body to go over your findings
and their significance.
Conclusion - This is where everything comes together. Keep this
section free of jargon as most people will read the Summary and
Recommendations - This is what needs to be done. In plain English,
explain your recommendations, putting them in order of priority.
Appendices - This includes information that the experts in the field will
read. It has all the technical details that support your conclusions.

PCS 128. Ms. Simrin Sachdev

Types of Reports

A memo, short for memorandum, is a type of routine report an organization
prepares for internal communication purposes. It is impersonal and objective in its
tone, and its length ranges between a sentence or two to several pages. Most
memos begin with background information, including information on the sender,
receiver, the date, subject and location in case the memo refers to an event. A
memo is the most informal type of report format.
Letter reports are usually one-page documents used for external communication
purposes. They are in block form and include standard features of letters, such as
the senders address, receivers name and address, date, salutation, body,
acknowledgment and senders signature. Letter reports normally are typed on a
company letterhead.

Formal Reports
Formal reports follow a methodical structure and communicate knowledge, results
and findings to a range of internal and external readers. Most formal reports contain
a title page, cover letter, table of contents, list of tables and illustrations, executive
summary, an extensive body and references. The title page lists the name of the
report, date of completion and name of author or company. The cover letter
summarizes the purpose of the report, its importance and any required follow-up
action needed. The table of contents lists the major topics in the report along with
their page numbers. The executive summary highlights the report's main points, the
report body also may include conclusions and recommendations, and the references
page notes the sources cited in the report.
Semi-Formal Reports
A semi-formal report, also called a titled document, is a shorter, less complex
version of a formal report. Semi-formal reports typically have multiple pages
including a title page, introduction page, a body and references.

PCS 128. Ms. Simrin Sachdev

How to write a proposal

A proposal is a request for support of sponsored research, instruction, or
extension projects. Good proposals quickly and easily answer the following
questions: What do you want to do, how much will it cost, and how much
time will it take? How does the proposed project relate to the sponsor's
Proposals include forms, letters, memos, and more formal reports. In some
companies and contexts (such as in the construction industry), a "proposal" refers
to a work contract with a customer. In this sense, a proposal (which is often called a
"bid") is a promise that specific work will be executed by a certain time for a certain
cost (and such a promise is sometimes structured as a memo of understanding).
"Proposal" could also refer to a grant proposal, which also needs to meets strict
informational criteria (and may involve precise formattingsuch as answering
questions in specific boxes). Grant proposals, however, do allow the writer to
convey and explain his or her vision. In other contexts, the term "proposal" is used
in the same sense as a recommendation report and thereby "proposes" a course of
Grant proposals sent to foundations are often two-page letters that pitch an idea
and attach some financial information. These proposals are informal but require the
writer to match the group's mission statement in the opening, present the problem
that needs to be addressed immediately in concrete terms, and convince the
foundation that the group is qualified to successfully address the problem.
Proposals can also take the form of the "long proposal," a formal document that
proposes to complete a future project and that requests organizational support.
Often such proposals are in response to an RFP (Request for Proposal): Companies
or organizations have jobs that need to be done and issue calls to interested

PCS 128. Ms. Simrin Sachdev

Letter writing
Leave application Format
Dated: 12th march, 2012

To Leave Application.
The Principal,

due respect I beg to state that I GARIMA SHARMA, who is a student of 3rd Year, B.A(P ) in your
college was absent from 22nd Feb. to 2nd march 2012 due to extreme fever.

With due respect it is stated that, I am father of Hamza Rana studying your school in grade 3rd

It will be grateful to you, if you grant my request for leave from date mention above, as it was not
-A. His health is not well since last one week. He has severe pain in stomach today I have taken
possible to attend my classes due to my chronic health sickness for which doctor suggested me to
an appointment with doctor for checkup. So, I need his short leave for one hour after checkup he
take bed rest.

will be back to school. Kindly, permit him to join classes afterwards.

I shallyou
be for
to you.
Doctors Medical Report attached.

PCS 128. Ms. Simrin Sachdev

PCS 128. Ms. Simrin Sachdev

Permission Letters
Permission letter is a widely used letter and it serves as both formal business document and informal
family letter. When writing a permission letter, you ask for a person to grand you an authority to do
something or take decisions on his behalf or as a reply to a previous letter, you write this letter to
accept his request and grant him the permission he wants
Other than these business firms, there are a lot of other people who use permission letters. For
example school authorities use a permission letter to inform the parents that their son or girl wants to
go to a trip and they are asked to grant the permission if the school is allowed to take them or not.

PCS 128. Ms. Simrin Sachdev

Business Letter format

Dr. Michael Smith

123 ABC St.
New York City, NY 99999

April 17, 2016

Dr. Patricia Brown

University of California, Los Angeles Medical Center
777 Medical Dr.
Los Angeles, CA 11111

Dear Dr. Brown

I am the chairman of the 2016 Metropolitan Medical Conference that is being held this year in
Miami, Florida on July 5, 2016. I write to invite you to present your groundbreaking research
on beta blockers with our conference participants and invited guests. A 30-minute discussion
of your work along with a 20-minute question and answer session would add so much to the
intellectual landscape of our annual medical conference.
The Metropolitan Medical Association would be pleased to cover your travel and lodging
expenses while you visit the conference, in addition to providing a per diem budget during
your stay.

Please reply with your answer as soon as you are able so that we may begin making
arrangements. I encourage you to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Kind regards
Dr. Michael Smith

Robert Lake
1327 Euclid Avenue
Guadalupe, CA

PCS 128. Ms. Simrin Sachdev

January 11, 2011

Samurai Industry
3645 John Daniel
Jefferson City, MO

Inquiry Letter

Subject: Business
Dear Sir




An inquiry letter has a number of other names such as

prospecting letter or letter of interest and the key
purpose of this letter is to ask or find out about
something. This is an official business document which
is sent to both inside and outside the organizations,
individuals and government department

inquire the business

offerings of Samudra
Industry, as I have
received a leaflet on


recently through the

I read with interest
the various types of
products related to
home comfort and
safety, and wish to
enquire further about
the sales offer as
listed as on offer
during this season.
I would be extremely












Sales letter

PCS 128. Ms. Simrin Sachdev

Sales letter is an official document which is sent by businesses or companies to
individuals to introduce their products and services to customers and general
markets. This is a formal letter which is mostly written on company letterhead and
sent to a number of customers. This is a standard procedure in the present world
where companies advertise their new product in the market.

Beauty Herbals Limited

10, General Market
General Manager
PPKK Beauty Clinic
16th June, 2010
Dear Madam
We are introducing our new product with great pride and pleasure Fair and Beauty
Lotion to you.
It is one of the best beauty making products available in the market today. It is famous
product in many oversees market. We are providing this to you at very low cost. Our
claims are only based on different feedbacks received from various clients and not based
on self-judgment.
We humbly request you to try this item in your centers and we assure you that you would
be in a great pleasure with the results. Our Senior Sales men would be ready to keep in
touch with you to describe you more about our product.
Thanking You
Manoj Maman

E-mail Etiquette
1. Clearly summarize your message in the subject line.

PCS 128. Ms. Simrin Sachdev

Properly titled messages help people organize and prioritize their e-mail.
2. Don't use the CC (Carbon Copy) function to copy your message to
This is particularly true at work. These days everyone receives too much e-mail.
Unnecessary messages are annoying. If only a few people really need to receive
your message, only direct it to them.
Similarly, when responding to e-mail, do not respond to all recipients. By choosing
Reply to All or a similar button when responding to a message, you may end up
broadcasting your response to your entire company.
Sending Attachments
Some wireless devices don't have the software required to open an attachment like
a Word document or
3. Use BCCs (Blind Carbon Copies) when addressing a message to a group
of people who don't necessarily know each other.
Just as it's not polite to give out a person's telephone number without his or her
knowledge, it's not polite to broadcast everyone's e-mail address. For instance,
when you send a message to 30 people and use the To or CC fields to address the
message, all 30 people see each other's address. By using BCC, each recipient sees
only two--theirs and yours.
4. Keep your messages short and focused.
Few people enjoy reading on their computer screens; fewer still on small
smartphone screens and other mobile devices. Recipients tend to ignore long
5. Avoid using all capital letters.
6.Don't write anything you wouldn't say in public.
Anyone can easily forward your message, even accidentally. This could leave you in
an embarrassing position if you divulged confidential information, made a nasty
comment about someone or circulated an off-color joke. If you don't want to
potentially share something you write, consider using the telephone.
7.Use a smiley to make sure that a statement is not misunderstood.
Smileys are typically used in personal e-mail and are not considered appropriate for
business. Insert them judiciously in office e-mail. If your message needs a smiley for

PCS 128. Ms. Simrin Sachdev

better understanding, most likely you should not be delivering it via e-mail. Even
with a smiley, someone may misconstrue your message.
Use smileys to support a statement. It's rude to write something mean or
derogatory, then place a happy smiley at the end of the sentence.
Check Your Spelling
Use your e-mail program's spell checker to make sure your message isn't
compromised by misspelled words.
8. Avoid sending e-mail to large numbers of people unless you have a
legitimate reason to do it.
E-mail sent to many recipients may be considered spam.
9. Avoid nasty e-mail.
These messages have their own term: flame. Flame e-mail is an insulting message
designed to cause pain, as when someone "gets burned."
10. Include your name at the bottom of the message.

Kanika Singh, Regional

From:Mahindra LTD., Sales
Date: 24 April 2015
Subje Notification of My
I am writing to inform you of
my intention to resign from G
& S Holdings.
I have appreciated very much
my four years working for the
company. The training has
been excellent and I have
gained valuable experience
working within an efficient
and professional team
environment. In particular, I
have appreciated your
personal guidance during
these first years of my career.
I feel now that it is time to
further develop my
knowledge and skills base in
a different environment.
I would like to leave, if
possible, in a month's time
on Saturday, 23 May.This will
allow me to complete my
current workload. I hope that
this suggested arrangement
is acceptable to the company.
Once again, thank you for
your support.

The message contains your e-mail address in the

header, but the recipient may not know that the
sender's address is yours, especially if it's different from
your real name.
E-mail etiquette may take a while to learn, but don't let
your fear of making mistakes inhibit you. All Internet
users were beginners once, so most people are quite

Memorandum Writing
A memo is intended to inform a group of people about a
specific issue, such as an event, policy, or resource, and
memorandum means something that should be
remembered or kept in mind.


PCS 128. Ms. Simrin Sachdev

Job Applications
Written Applications
Written applications generally are a key part of an employers recruitment process.
Employers use recruitment processes to select who they should interview for a job
by assessing skills, qualities, experience and qualifications. Some employers will
also use recruitment processes to identify writing skills if these are important to the

Ensure you research the employer and the position you are applying for
Identify skills, attributes, knowledge, experience and qualifications which will
appeal to the employer.

Cover letter
Many employers are very busy, so the cover letter needs to be concise.
What to include

Customize your cover letter so it is relevant to the employer and the job.
Focus on what the employer wants to know, not what you want from them.
Try to convince them that you can do the job, that youll do a great job, youll
fit in and be an asset to their organization.
Make sure you include your contact details.
Keep your letter no longer than one page.

What to Include in Your Letter

As with all cover letters, the body of this job application letter is divided into three
sections: the introduction, which details why the applicant is writing; the body,
which discusses relevant qualifications; and the closing, which thanks the reader
and provides contact information and follow-up details.
The following is an example of a letter of application sent with a resume to apply for
a job. Use this example as a guideline when writing your own job application cover
letters. Your letter should detail your specific qualifications for the position and the
skills you would bring to the employer.

John Donaldson
8 Sue Circle
Smithtown, CA 08067
17th March 2015
George Gilhooley
XYZ Company
87 Delaware Road
Hatfield, CA 08065
Dear Mr. Gilhooley,
I am writing to apply for
the programmer position
advertised in the Times
Union. As requested, I am
enclosing a completed job
application, my
certification, my resume,
and three references.
The opportunity presented
in this listing is very
interesting, and I believe
that my strong technical
experience and education
will make me a very
competitive candidate for
this position. The key
strengths that I possess
for success in this position

I have successfully
designed, developed,
and supported live use

I strive for
continued excellence

I provide
contributions to
customer service for all

PCS 128. Ms. Simrin Sachdev

Resume Writing
Your resume is your most important tool when applying
for a job. It doesn't matter how qualified you are, or how
much experience you have - if your resume is poorly
presented or badly written, you're going to have trouble
getting the job you want - or even an interview.
Taking the time to work on your resume is really
important. The information on this page offers some tips
and advice on how to make your resume the best it can
The Purpose of a Resume
Your resume is a marketing tool. It needs to

That you are employable

How you meet the job and the organizations


That you have the right qualifications and


That you have the right experience and skills

That you have the right level of professionalism

for the job

How Long Should My Resume Be?

There is no set length for a resume. A resume

varies in length depending on your experience
and education. If you haven't worked much
before, one or two pages is best, but three pages
is okay if you've got a lot of study and work
behind you.

PCS 128. Ms. Simrin Sachdev

Make sure you don't pad out your resume. If your resume is only one page, as
long as it's well-presented it might get better results than a two-page resume
full of unnecessary information.

Chronological Resume
The chronological resume is the format recruiters and employers like most. It is
especially good for job seekers who wish to stay in the same line of work and at the
same level of employment. It's also good for someone who wants to move up the
ladder in the line of work they're currently in.
Believe it or not, this resume format can handle some tough resume problems such
as spans of unemployment, short-term jobs, and age issues. It takes a little thought
to come up with those solutions, but it's well worth your time to do so, just because
this format is so well received by hiring managers.

Sample I

PCS 128. Ms. Simrin Sachdev

Sample II

PCS 128. Ms. Simrin Sachdev

Sarah R. Holding
619 Main Street | Butte, MT 59703 | (406) 494-6221


Executive Assistant to Vice President

August 2009 Present

XYZ Corporation, Butte, MT

Serve as liaison between departments and operating units in the resolution of day-to-day
administrative and operational problems.
Major Accomplishments

Made international travel arrangements for senior-level executives via the Internet,
resulting in average net saving of $250 per person/per trip.

Dispatched messengers on assignments, coordinating trips to ensure that multiple stops

were made each time. Saved the company approximately $49.75 per messenger per

Senior Administrative Assistant

November 2007 August 2009

ABC Magazine, Butte, MT

Composed and edited correspondence and memoranda from dictation, verbal direction, and
knowledge of departmental policies. Prepared, transcribed, and distributed agendas and
minutes of numerous meetings.

Secretary/Administrative Assistant

July 2002 October 2007

PCS 128. Ms. Simrin Sachdev

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