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Cassandra Bourdeau


GOAL 1: Not eat fast food.
How am I going to accomplish this goal: pack lunch for work
How did I do on this goal: Went a full month without any fast food then failed and
got it at least once week so one cheat day.
GOAL 2: Limit myself on sweets (candy, donuts, etc.)
How am I going to accomplish this goal: avoid buying them when I go to the store,
pack snacks for work so I can avoid the vending machine.
How did I do on this goal: I did pretty well I didnt completely stop eating sweets
but I definitely dont eat as much as I used too.
GOAL 3: Get gym membership and go once or twice a week
How am I going to accomplish this goal: go with friend first then get my own
How did I do on this goal: good I started going with my friend Kenzie then bought
my own.
GOAL 4: eat at home more
How am I going to accomplish this goal: buy stuff to cook and make at home
How did I do on this goal: pretty good. Started making meals for myself and even
the family. Im a very picky person so we tend to have a lot of the same things
GOAL 5: eat more fruit
How am I going to accomplish this goal: buy fruits
How did I do on this goal: not very good. I love fruit but I forgot I had it then it
would go bad by the time I realized I had some.

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