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LOVE AND MIRTH. Allegretto. nN J. Stmavss, BapEN Poni, i meee 1, What song doth the crick-et sing? What news doth the swal-low bring? 2. Mark the morn when first she springs Up-ward on her gold- en wi 3. With the leaves the ap-ples wrestle, In the grass the dai - sies 2.Is it mirgh? then why will man Mar the sweet song all he es gat Sos tS aad —s == SS —¢ owe Po 826 #e\ oe CTY What doth laughing child-hood ell? What calls ont the marriage bell? Hark! the soar-ing, soar - ing lark, And the echo - ing for - est—hark! And the sun smiles on the wall, Tell us, What’s the cause of all? Bid “ mh % aye re - joice, With a kind and mer - ry voice, t 4 = ie What say all? “Love and mirth, What say they? “Love and mirth, “Mirth and love, Love and mirth, Bid bim sing, “Love and mirth, § _N 22 <. ~—s— = BA 33 = = — o—e——e— xo bo» a a ops SS =H Gs r= ee ee mae soft and mer-ry is the glad-some song of earth.” ak N FE 3-5 f — ae eet ee |

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