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Horus: The God Of Light And Sky

Ciara Garcia

Horus was a very important god to the Egyptians. He controlled light, sky,
government, and administration.The appearance of horus was very unusual. He appeared to
be a man with the head of a falcon or a hawk the reason for this is because when ancient
Egypt first started the gods he was the son of Ra. In hieroglyphs he is seen wearing the
double crown, many bracelets, and a skirt. His right eye was the morning star or the sun that
represented power. his left eye is the evening star or the moon that represented healing. he
got these eyes because set ripped his eyes out. Horus and his life flip flopped a lot. when
Egyptian mythology first started Horus was the son of Ra. In later years he became the son
of Isis and Osiris. When Horus was given his power he was the god of war. As a child Horus
was a boy with his finger on his lip. Horus had many powers that the Egyptians used wisely...
at least some. Horus had the power of the light and sky. the sky for light and light to see. the
Next power that Horus had was the power of government and administration which was
needed to keep the town stable. One very surprising thing is that the greeks and romans
worshiped horus the same way as the Egyptians. Horus was thought to give the power to the
pharaoh. In Egypt every one wanted horus to give them power so statues of him where in
kings tombs. Horus had four sons and they are represented as the men on the canopic jars.
their names were Misty the human head,Qebehsenuf the falcon head ,Hapy the baboon

headed ,Duamatef the jackal headed. One thing power horus used a lot was being able to
shape shift between man and falcon. Even though the Egyptians worshiped many gods Hours
remains one of the most important to Egypt and should be remembered as Horus the god of
light and sky

Works Cited

Egyptian mythology
Call #: 291.1 ION

Ions, Veronica.

Series: Library of the world's myths and legends

Published 1983
Interest Level: Young Adult

Egyptian gods & goddesses

Call #: 299.3 EGY

edited by Jonathan Deaver.

Series: Gods and goddesses of mythology

Published 2014
Interest Level: Young Adult

h ttp://www.fac tmons ter.c om/enc y c lopedia/s oc iety /horus .htm

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