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STUDENT TEACHING/ PRACTICUM OBSERVATION RUBRIC FOR ADOLESCENT MATHEMATICS EDUCATION ‘The student teachir ‘SEDC453/ SEDC 753/ SEDC 773/ SEDC 773,10/ SEDC 773.20/ SEDC 791.58 /practicum observation evaluation is used to evaluate the candidate's performance related to knowledge of learners; knowledge and use of subject matter; skill in planning; skill in teaching; skill in developing caring learning environments and showing respect for students; skill in assessment and impact on student learning; and commitment to teaching and professionalism. The purpose of the observation evaluation Is to for candidates to effectively apply teaching practices in the classroom. Candidates must earn a B or better on the final evaluation to pass the course. Those that do not meet this requirement must make improvements until the satisfactory level is achieved. ‘Teacher Candidate's Name! 77a. © ‘School Site: /72/._. A Supervisors Name: 7a Grade Level. 77, = Course#s GC Fo) Observation = semester ts A. Date 77 Performance | Satie Key 2 Indiestors | (1) Not acceptable: Performance is less than adequate; considerable Improvement needs to be made In this area. a F\ @| fled Y | ayDeveopn: romances ot onset prod cece wile needed erg tude teaching g) 8) a] tl ee {@) Proficient: Skil performed at appropriate level; meets expectations at this pint. i e ; Bes (4) Exemplary Performance fe superor exceeds expectations at this pln : i : i g4 Fonda] © z Performance Dimension i, Knowledge of Learners ‘la, Used language appropriate to developmental and skill level _ 73 olo|ole|fo 1b. Selected and utllzed content appropriate to developmental and sil level forall students (including thosewithspedal |, | 9 | 9 |o0]|@| 0 needs such a gifted, challenged or EL') : : 1. Challenged students to think and/or develop skls ata more advanced level _ ma [oe [o|lolel|o 1d, Used differentiated instruction to provide for individual student differences 7 ° ° ° o ° Composite score for Performance Dimension >>| _O | © | 0 | © | © Performance Dimension 2. Knowledge and Use of Subject Matter 2a, Provided accurate information about subject matte (including background or contextual information) and demonstrated |= | 9 | o]o]e|o knowledge of research results in the teaching and learning of mathematics : 2b, Delivered lessons tat included appropriate curricula and teaching materials autable for allstudents (including those with |. | 9 | o|o|elo special needs uch as gifted, challenged or ELL'sIthat addressed key concepts, themes, and sklls related to the subject area 2, Used stimulating curricula and presented subject matter in a manner that appesrad tobe meaningful to students am |olofo|e|o 2d, Used appropriate subject-pecife pedagosy 73 [oe |ololel|o Composite Score for Performance Dimension2>>| 0 | 0 | 0 | @ | 0 nce | Ratha Key > Indicators | (1) Not acceptable: Performances less than adequate; considerable Improvement needs tobe made inthis area . (2) Developing: Performance Is not consistent; periodlc checks will be needed during student teaching (2) Proficient: ill performed at appropriate level; meets expectations at tis point. (4) Exemplary: Performance s superior; exceeds expectations at this paint. Not Acceptable (1 points) Developing (2 point) Exemplary (4 points) No Opportunity to Evaluate (0 points) Sanaa | Performance Dimension 3 ST Ta Panning 3a. The lesson plan was created wth appropiate learning goals andthe required elements ofthe designated lesion plan format | g 4 olololelo were delivered nthe clasrcom In an orgarized manner a eee were clearly stated In behavicral terms, aligned to learning standards, and connections were made to prior a4 ° ° ° e ° 3c. Established instructional routine — _ so fe tote to 3d. Sequenced activities in a logical, developmental manner 73 ° ° ° © ° 3e. Selected appropriate instructional strategies, resources, concrete materials, and technologies for learning mathematics B2 oO oO 3° ® ° 3f, Used different types of instructional strategies in planning the mathematics lessons 87 ° oO ° ® ° Composite Score for Performance Dimension 3>> | O ° ° e ° Performance Dimension 4. Skill In Teaching 4a, Used motivational echnigues that created a classroom where most learners were motivated 73 o[o,ol*|o ab. Used a variety of statepes to engage mos learners 73 ofololelo sributed and managed instructional materials effectively to maximize instructional time 73 ofololelo “id. Pacediessonefectvaly to accomplish objectives, including a conclusion at end of lesson 73 ofololelo ae. Used move ther one rarucoval epprorc, es appropri 73 ofololelo a. Commurlated clearly using verbal and narverbal messages 73 ofofols|o 2g, Used questioning strategies to elit student esponses at Itera,anolycl and tcl thinking 38 ofolols|o ah, Adjusted to unplanned cicumstances 13 ofololole Composite Score for Performance Dimension4>>| O | O | O | @ | O vce | Rating Key-> Indicators | (1) Not acceptable: Performance is less than adequate; considerable Improvement needs to be made inthis area. . {2) Developing: Performance isnot consistent; periodc checks will be needed during student teaching. (3) Proficient: Skil performed at appropriate level, meets expectations at ths point, (4) Exempiary: Performance is superior; exceeds expectations at this point. Sander) "Not Acceptable (2 points) Developing (2 point) Proficient (3 points) Exemplary (4 points) ‘No Opportunity to Evaluate (0 points) Performance Dimension 5. Skill in Developing Caring Learning Environments and Showing Respect for Students 5a, Showed rapport with students o[o[o|le|o ‘Sb. Established and maintained consistent standards for student behavior using a variety of classroom management techniques ofo[o|le|o 5c, Demonstrated a commitment to learning with understanding allowing opportunities for students to participate o/ol[o|a@lo ‘Sd, Used nonverbal cues and other light touch” techniques to address distracting behavior and promote good behavior 73 ofofolelo ‘Se, Handled disruptive attention-getting behavior in a timely and appropriate manner 73 ofololole '5f. Showed patience with students 73 ofolo|lelo ‘5g. Used positive reinforcement and corrected mistakes in a sensitive manner 73 o[olo|lelo ‘Sh. Promotes sensitivity to diversity issues (ethnicity, language, gender, socioeconomic status) 74 ofolo|lole Composite Score for Performance Dimension5>>| O | O | O | @ | O Performance Dimension 6. Skill n Assessment and Impact on Student Learning. 6a, Used multiple strategies to assess students’ mathematical knowledge and understanding of the information presented 83 olololelo ‘6b, Provided helpful feedback to students 7a ofololeto ‘6c, Used assessment information to guide instruction 75 ololo|lelo ‘6d, Matched assessment to instructional objectives 75 oTol|ole|o 6e, By end of lesson, students demonstrated achievement of objectives or made progress 75 ofo;/ole|o ____ Composite Score for Performance Dimension6>>| O | O | O | @ | O Performance | Ratine Key? z Indeators | (2) Not acceptable: Performance is less than adequate; considerable Improvement needs to be made inthis area 2) g| zg] Fles + | pele erence so content ped checks wie eed ding ude eicng yf) a a (@] Proficient Sil performed at appropriate level, meets expectations a this point. : Sie i s Taba eters apsoneciah epoanee ta oer i | aH mn]? a 2s Performance Dimension 7. Teaching Math 7a, Used clear and coherent communication about mathematical thinking 3a o,o],]oO,;e)]0 7b, Demonstrated how mathematical ideas interconnect and bulld on one another to produce a coherent whole 43 o[o;o|;e|o 7c, Used the language of mathematics to express ideas precisely —|32. [olololelo 7d, Recognized and used connections among mathematical ideas 4. ofojolelo Te. Organized mathematical thinking through communication 33 o[o|o|;e|o 7f. Monitored and reflected on the process of mathematical problem solving - 14 o;ololelo 7g. Engaged learners in the effective analysis and evaluation of the mathematical thinking and strategies of others 34 ofololelo Th, Selected and used appropriate math-specifc technology tools (eg. spreadsheets, graphic calculators) 61 o/o)|;o,;e|o 7i. Used a variety of teaching tools including mathematics specific technology 76 o;o);o;elo 7. eect ud technology potenti or bulking understanding of theta concepts ad developing porant 39 olololole 7k. Applied and adapted a variety of appropriate strategies for problem solving La ofolole|lo 71. Built new mathematical knowledge through problem solving 13 ofololelo “7m. Applied mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics using real-world (outside the classroom) examples 42 ofol[ole|lo Composite Score for Performance Dimension?>> O | O | O | ® | O Performance Dimension 8. Commitment to Teaching and Professionalism Ba, Demonstrated a positive attitude throughout the lesson o;o,Tolelo 8b. In post-conference, reflected on lesson and offered suggestions about how to enhance teaching ofololelo &c. Accepted suggestions for growth and, in subsequent observations, assimilated the suggestions olfololelo Composite Score for Performance Dimension8>>| 0 | 0 | O | @ | O 9. Narrative: Attach ad ional pages to describe the lesson briefly, highlight the teacher candidate's strengths, and offer suggestions for improvements. | To Score this Observation Evaluation: Step 1. Add up the scores from categories 1-8: Le Step 2. Calculate average (Divide sum of scores by 8 & round score to nearest tenth) Final Grade: Step 3. Match score to the grade equivalent by looking below. YY Step 4. Write in the grade in the box to the right——> average Is below 2.0 (FJ= Not Traverage Is 20-2.9(6, C+, and B)= | average Is 3.010 3.0 (B, Bx, and A)= | Paverage Is 40 (A and Atj= Acceptable Developing Proficient Exemplary Performance is less than adequate considerable improvement needs to be made in this area, (< 70.0%) Performance is not consistent; periodic checks will be needed during student teaching, (70,0-82.4%) Performance at appropriate level; meets expectations at this point. (62.5-92.4%) Performance is superior; exceeds expectations at this point. (92.5% and above) NOTE: Candidates must earn a 6 or better on the final evaluation to pass the course. Those that do not meet this requirement must make improvements until the satisfactory level is achieved. 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