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Lancaster 1

This is a favorite writing assignment of mine because I was able to work on citing sources that is
from a movie, which helped me get exposure on using MLA format for different sources asides
from books.
Chris Lancaster
Professor Hansen & Blood
English 1A
Thought Quest #11: Equilibrium

Is it true that there is no murder or war in the society of Libria? Why or why not?

What could they do to reduce the violence? (Quote and cite the film.)
Based on the movie Equilibrium, it is false that there is no murder and war in the society
of Libria. This is evident when the sense-offenders are caught for having artwork and music
hidden in their houses. Ultimately, people that are caught with these items or have emotional
attachment are sentenced to death by the government. The government is the one that enforces
unemotional regime, which is ruled by a leader named Father. There is also an underground
community known as the Resistance, who collaborate to over throw the rule of the current
society of Libria. The Resistance are also sense-offenders that dont take the drug named
Prozium that blocks their mind from feeling and being sensitive to the world. The Resistance are
aware of the rule of the society as not being the way of living life and devoid of emotion. The
war is clearly between the rule government of Libria running the current unemotional society
against the Resistance. In the scene where Preston is brought in to talk to DuPont about the war
that is going on, DuPont expresses concern to Preston and says, how is it that you intend to
catch this traitor if all you do is attempt The cleric is the final line of defense, if the Resistance
compromises it, we are doomed (Equilibrium). This shows that the Resistance is getting very


close to freedom and that the government is working hard to preventing a takeover of Libria. The
society can reduce violence if the government allowed art and music to exist in the society.
Because the government refuses these pleasures of life, more people are prone to die because it is
restricted heavily and the citizens would rather fight for their freedom.
Work Cited:
Equilibrium. Directed by Kurt Wimmer. Performances by Christian Bale, Emily
Watson, Taye Diggs, and Sean Bean. Miramax, 2002.

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