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Taekwondo 1
1. What did you learn about"lifelong wellness" from taking this General Education
I learn about "lifelong wellness" from General Education is we need to have live

healthy. You need to something for exercise at least 2-3 days per week. That why
I take this class. I can training by myself at home. And have relax after long day
in school and outside door. Due with stress when you feel not good.
2. How would you apply this information to your life?
I can work with my friends and think that is help me too much for my life. From that
reason will make me work hard. But still keep brain have rest. It also help me due with
my stress by myself. When I took this class I use it for due my stress from school and
3. What is your intention to continue to practice what you have learned in your life and
Keep do it same thing in the best in class at home. In life or anything we need to use
the best we study in school or anywhere in your life. I studied this class, first reason
make me want come to this class is curious. But when I came I studied to much to help
me skill can save my friends or my family. I also can save me by myself.
4- General ideas for improving this course?
This class is really good. But if we can have more time to study more thing in class we
can study more. I need to know how to get grade in class from begin, but when I know
how to get grade in this class. When the class almost finish and I cannt do anything. I
hope I can see it when begin I will know how to do for this class.

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