Geet Ageet Meaning

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the river sings songs of separation ‘and flows very fast to make her heart light she speaks to her her banks ‘arose standing on the bank thinks if only god had given me voice too i would have told the world about the sorrows of the month of autumn river sings aloud and flows but the rose stands quite on the bank tell me who is beautiful - river (gest) or rose ageet) ‘a parrot is sitting on a brach full of leaves vihich gives shade to his nest In the nest there sits 2 bird with open wings and gives warmth to her eggs parrot sings when the yellow rays of the sun penetrate from the canopy of leaves and touch him but the song or voice of the female parrot turn into love for her kids the voice of parrotechaes in the forest the feeling of the female parrot get converted into love for her young ones tell me who is more beautiful - parrot (geet) or female parrot (ageet) there are two lovers, when one sings a love song in the evening the first note of his voice to his beloved radha pulls radhaor brings radha from her house she is shyly and coyly hiding in the shade of a neem tree and listens why cant i be a line of the song her beloved sinas she complains to herself in her heart her beloved sings which makes her heart flatter tell me who is more bezutiful - singer (lover) or the girl (ageet)

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