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MDD Standard 6
The teacher candidate identifies the main things learned in this practicum and ways in
which this learning has informed their professional development needs, reflecting on the
meaning, values, and purposes that will orient his or her professional life.

4.1 Reflect on the main things you have learned about teaching and how these relate to your
understanding of the profession and the values that guide your work.
First of all is very important to observe the students, because you as a teacher need to
know the people that you are working with and the context where you will be teaching. In
second place, we considered that a lesson plan has to be well developed because with that
teachers have the 50% of the class under control. In third place we believed that if students
can feel more comfortable in the class they will be more participative in the activities. Fourth,
the teacher must not forget what the aim of the class is and what the students have to learn
in the time that they have. Fifth, some materials can work better than others and teachers
have to use them in order to facilitate the teaching and learning process in the class.

4.2 Describe one or two areas of professional growth (e.g. instructional strategies,
content knowledge).
As this was our first experience teaching as teacher trainees it gave us a view of how
we should do our classes in order to facilitate students learning. We discovered that it I
possible for students to understand almost every instruction in English if we use visual
resources. Also, this tutorial taught us that we have to be prepared for different
circumstance that could be presented during class, and be ready to make changes while
instructing if necessary.
References and Credits: If you referred to other persons ideas or material in your
narrative, you should reference these in a separate section at the end of your narrative
under References and Credits.

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