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Module 101 #3

Lesson Plan
The Spread of Germs
Created by: Leroy Cummings

Students will have an understanding of the functions of germs and their
ability to travel.


6 blacklights
1 bottle of Jergens Lotion
1 cup of Glitter, (Numerous Colors)
Science recording journals

Germs are very easily transmitted and spread
rapidly. Interestingly enough, the majority of
germs are microscopic, which are very difficult to
be seen with the naked human eye. Sure mucus or saliva can be seen,
however there are many other germs we touch every day that most of us do
not think about, only because we cannot see them. Look around you, germs
are everywhere. With a simple test you will see the ease of germ spread.
1. Turn on all blacklights and turn off the classroom lights. Students should
make groups of three, volunteer one, two and three.
2. Open the glitter and the lotion. The glitter will serve as the germs and the
lotion as the sweat. All three volunteers are to put lotion on their hands. Do
not rub the lotion in.
3. Volunteer one is to put a quarter size of glitter into one hand and then rub
his/her hands together.

Module 101 #3

4. Volunteer one should shake the hand of Volunteer two.

5. Observe the hand of Volunteer two. Record the results.
6. Volunteer two should then shake the hand of Volunteer three.
7. Observe the hand of Volunteer three.
Record the results.
8. Each student shall then go wash their hands
soap and water for 20 seconds.


Lastly, students should discuss their findings.

Each group
is to write a summary explaining how this
relates to the
spread of germs. Explain the similarities and
differences. Ask
yourselves, Why is it important to wash your hands after touching others or
objects? How will this experiment have an impact on your daily activities?

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