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TO: Employee

FROM: Zavia Rudisell

DATE: September 13, 2016
SUBJECT: Problem Within My Job Responsibilities
I have a great idea for my client but their internal public relations staff and company lawyer is
not fond of it. The clients lawyers gave advice against the event that has caused my client to
reconsider. I am concerned this conflict will negatively affect the relationship between the client
and I.
My Ideas for the Client
Partnering with a well- known local non- profit for community efforts throughout
the year, including clothing drives
Partially sponsoring the non- profits annual Fun in the Sun community event
Company executives and their families attend the Fun in the Sun event
Company representative speaks at all events the client sponsors
Internal PRs Concerns
Lawyer has liability concerns with particular Fun in the Sun activities (water
slide, water balloon fight)
A former community organizer associated with the non- profit was arrested a year
ago. The clients PR team fears it will create a negative image.
The client doesnt have a skilled speech writer for public speaking engagements.
Does not want an external PR to write speeches.
Overall costs that may exceed their budget
I plan to continue to revamp my strategy and scheduled another meeting with the client and its
team to negotiate my proposal. My intent is to resolve the issue both parties are having and will
ensure to find a way to keep the client with us.

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