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North: relies on production and

skilled workers

South: relies on agriculture like
tobacco, sugar cane, and cotton.

Tariffs were very much supported South: Opposed tariffs mainly

in this region. This is due in part to because they drove up the price of
the regions reliance on
goods that they needed to buy.
manufacturing and industry
which supported the protections.
The tariffs would make the price
of foreign goods more expensive
then theirs.
The northern states were more
supportive of the National Bank.
The northern manufacturing
utilized credit and supported
investments into rails, canals to
move their products.

A National Bank was not

supported by southerners. The
National Bank would impose rules
and regulations upon State Banks
already in existence. The south
advocated strong state rights and
opposed any institution that was
centralized. The National Bank
would only make the north
stronger and more economical
successful. It would do little to
help the south.

The climate and geographic layout Their climate and physical

of the North supported a smaller
properties made large scale
based agricultural business and
farming and cash crops like

manufacturing/ industry.

cotton, tobacco easier to grow.

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