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Studio Six Discussion: Inquiry

I enjoyed listening to the guys from the minimalist and I thought they had an
important message. It is so easy to get caught up in a routine that you don't
even realize how unhappy you are or how unfulfilled your life might be. You
go to work to make money to buy things you probably don't need because
that is what you have been conditioned to think success is and that it will
bring you happiness. And you never stop to question what it is that you really
want out of life, not what society tells you should want, what it is that will
make you, as an individual, truly happy. It is a cycle that is very easy to fall
into but very hard to get out of, and their talk is an important reminder of
how much of an impact it can have on your well-being.
For my inquiry project I am going to look further into the field in which I
intend to pursue a career: international relations. It is an extremely broad
field and could lead to a number of very different careers, so I would like to
look into more specific topics within the field to find organizations or
concentrations that align with my interests an values.

I agree that focusing on what is important to you and what will make you
happy, not what everyone around you is doing or telling you to do, is crucial
to living a meaningful life. Unfortunately most people get caught up in all the
other material things that they lose sight of this message and wind up very
I liked the minimalists presentation as well, and I thought their idea of
boxing everything up and only keeping what you actually use is brilliant. I
particularly liked their mention of a young man who had everything he
owned in a back pack and moved to a new country every few months. I

would like to move to Europe after I graduate and often think about the day I
can finally sell everything and do what I really want with my life.
I also resonated with her speech having had several family members and
friends who have had cancer, and her message is powerful. We should never
just accept something because some else tell us it so, even in the most
hopeless of situations there is always something we can do or learn to help
move us forward. It is always important to ask questions, and when you get
an answer you aren't satisfied with, search for your own.

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