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Melissa Racca

Ms. Jizi
ENG 1104-015
19 September 2016
Weekly Schedule Recap
It wasnt hard for me to stick to the schedule, it was basically a reflection of
my daily activities already. I adjusted it slightly so as not to seem like I have
every minute of every day scheduled, but between school, studying, and
work I dont really have a ton of extra time. Down time was the area I paid
most attention to over the last week so I could better reflect my habits in my
schedule. I like to relax when I first wake up and before I go to bed and threw
in a few extra orange boxes (representing personal time) here and there
where I noticed I would normally have a free hour or so which can be used
for down time or time in. My class and work schedule remained the same,
and so did my study schedule since I already had the required number of
hours included. But I have three classes that are extremely heavy on the
reading this semester (the joy of being a political science/comm double
major) so I am always trying to squeeze in extra reading/study time and
might get up earlier or stay up later depending on what I have to get done in
a given week which is why I left orange blocks at the beginning and end of
every day; if I need more study time it will go to that, if not I can have a little
extra down time.

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