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Jake Helder

Professor Johnston
Assignment Description
For my CQ Strategy assignment, I chose to create an interactive
guide that shows people how to develop CQ for ministry. Specifically,
Im placing this in the context of youth ministry. The audiences for my
guide are youth pastors, youth ministry teams, church leadership, or
even Para-Church organizations like YoungLife who are looking to learn
how to minister more effectively to children and teenagers.
The main thing I want people to learn from my guide is that
building multi-cultural relationships is the heart of youth ministry. I also
want to communicate that the current method of American youth
ministry can easily be done in a culturally incompetent way. By
analyzing the main aspects of an American youth group meeting, I
hope to provide insight about ways we can do them that are culturally
competent and engaging for a wide variety of students. My learning
objectives are to start by
1. considering your culture
2. considering your audiences culture
And then seeing how that applies to the common American youth

Common meeting space

The Word
The Ministry Team

Jake Helder
Professor Johnston
Most everything we have learned so far this semester, including things
like Hofstedes cultural dimensions, Dialectics of cultural
communication, non-verbals, social/cultural identities, and CQ studies
all really apply to a youth ministry contexts. I aim to apply some
concepts and knowledge to this specific topic so that leaders are able
to make cross cultural relationships in their youth ministries.

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