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JAMA Cardiology | Review

Diagnosis, Treatment, and Clinical Management

of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in the Contemporary Era
A Review
Bradley A. Maron, MD; Nazzareno Gali, MD
Author Audio Interview
IMPORTANCE Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is characterized by severe remodeling

of the distal pulmonary arteries, increased pulmonary vascular resistance, and right
ventricular dysfunction that promotes heart failure. Once regarded as largely untreatable,
evidence-based decision making now guides clinical management of PAH and improves
outcomes. However, misconceptions regarding the approach to PAH in the modern era are
common and associated with substandard clinical care.
OBSERVATIONS The clinical profile of PAH has changed substantially since its original
description. Patients are older at diagnosis than previously reported; disease severity appears
greater in men compared with women; and patients with PAH in association with connective
tissue disease are identified as a particularly high-risk subgroup. Risk stratification scales for
PAH are now available at point of care, which inform treatment goals, including a 6-minute
walk distance of greater than 440 m, peak volume of oxygen consumption of greater than
15 mL/min/kg, right atrial area of less than 18 cm2, cardiac index of greater than 2.5 L/min/m2,
and absent or low symptom burden with routine physical activity. At present, 14 therapies
targeting 6 PAH-specific molecular intermediaries are used clinically. Recent landmark trial
data have demonstrated the critical importance of initial combination therapy in
treatment-naive patients. These findings underscore a global shift in PAH that couples early
disease detection with aggressive pharmacotherapy. Indeed, recent longitudinal data from
patients receiving combination therapy show that the 3-year survival rate in PAH may be as
high as 84% compared with 48% from the original National Institutes of Health registry on
idiopathic PAH (1980-1985). Despite these gains, incomplete clinical evaluation and
misdiagnosis by referring clinicians is common and associated with inappropriate therapy.
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Compared with the original clinical experience, PAH has
evolved into a contemporary and treatable disease characterized by improved survival and a
high standard for defining therapeutic success. However, underawareness among clinicians
regarding the importance of early and accurate PAH diagnosis persists and is a potentially
reversible cause of adverse outcome in this disease.
JAMA Cardiol. doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2016.4471
Published online November 16, 2016.

wenty years ago, the first clinical trial demonstrating superiority of a disease-specific medical intervention in pulmonary
arterial hypertension (PAH) was published based on findings
from a small cohort of patients with end-stage idiopathic PAH (iPAH).1
In contradistinction to the original clinical experience, PAH has evolved
into a treatable disease characterized by maintained quality of life and
improved longevity in many patients.2 Despite these gains, the rate of
adverse clinical events in PAH remains elevated. Fresh epidemiologic
andclinicaltrialdatasuggestthatmissedopportunitiestoimproveoutcome in PAH may exist by virtue of delayed diagnosis and late implementationofdisease-specifictherapy.3-5 Fromthisperspective,thecontemporary approach to PAH diagnosis, management, and treatment
is discussed further in detail.

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Author Affiliations: Division of

Cardiovascular Medicine, Department
of Medicine, Brigham and Womens
Hospital and Harvard Medical School,
Boston, Massachusetts (Maron);
Department of Cardiology, Boston
Veterans Affairs Healthcare System,
Boston, Massachusetts (Maron);
Department of Experimental,
Diagnostic, and Specialty Medicine,
University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Corresponding Author: Bradley A.
Maron, MD, Division of
Cardiovascular Medicine, Department
of Medicine, Brigham and Womens
Hospital and Harvard Medical
School, 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur,
New Research Bldg, Room 0630-O,
Boston, MA 02115 (bmaron@partners

Demystifying the Approach to PAH Diagnosis

Pulmonary hypertension is diagnosed based on a mean pulmonary
artery pressure (mPAP) of at least 25 mm Hg determined by resting
supine right heart catheterization (RHC).6,7 Although a wide spectrum of conditions promote pulmonary hypertension, PAH is characterized by remodeling of distal pulmonary arteries in the absence of other cardiopulmonary disease. An elevation in mPAP alone
does not exclude left atrial hypertension or describe the disease severity because PAP may be only mildly increased in the setting of
end-stage right ventricular (RV) failure. Therefore, a diagnosis of PAH
is considered in patients with an mPAP of at least 25 mm Hg,
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Clinical Review & Education Review

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in the Contemporary Era

Figure 1. Classification of Pulmonary Hypertension Subgroups

mPAP 25 mm Hg
Supine at Rest by Catheterization

Pulmonary Hypertension
Left-sided heart disease
(PAWP >15 mm Hg)

(PVR >3.0 Wood units)
(PAWP 15 mm Hg)
LV systolic dysfunction
LV diastolic dysfunction
Valvular disease

Lung disease (PAWP 15 mm Hg)

Interstitial lung disease
Sleep-disordered breathing
High-altitude exposure

CTEPH (PAWP 15 mm Hg)

Thromboembolic remodeling

Idiopathic PAH
Heritable PAH (BMPR2, others)
Drug or toxin-induced PAH
PAH associated with
HIV infection
Portopulmonary hypertension
Congenital heart disease
Chronic hemolytic anemia
Pulmonary venoocclusive disease
Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn

(PAWP 15 or >15 mm Hg)
Myeloproliferative disorder
Chronic renal failure on HD


Pulmonary hypertension is defined by a mean pulmonary artery pressure

(mPAP) of at least 25 mm Hg measured by right heart catheterization supine at
rest. Patients meeting this criterion are classified further according to comorbid
left-sided heart disease causing left atrial hypertension, parenchymal or hypoxic
lung disease, chronic thrombembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH), or
other predisposing diseases associated with pulmonary vascular remodeling. In
the case of CTEPH, in situ thrombotic and fibrotic remodeling of subsegmental
pulmonary arterioles occurs in most patients as a maladaptive response to prior
luminal pulmonary embolism. By contrast to these forms of pulmonary
hypertension, pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is characterized by a
plexogenic, hypertrophic, and fibrotic vasculopathy that affects distal

pulmonary arterioles, occurs primarily owing to interplay between genetic and

molecular factors, and requires meeting the following additional
cardiopulmonary hemodynamic criteria: pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) of
greater than 3.0 Wood units and pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PAWP) of
no greater than 15 mm Hg. The most common forms of PAH in industrialized
countries are idiopathic PAH, heritable PAH caused primarily to a mutation in
the gene for bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 2 (BMPR2), and PAH in
association with connective tissue disease (CTD) or congenital heart disease.
COPD indicates chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; HD, hemodialysis;
HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; and LV, left ventricular.

pulmonary arterial wedge pressure (PAWP) of no more than

15 mm Hg, and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) of greater than
3.0 Wood units.6,7 Diagnosing PAH requires exclusion of comorbid
cardiac, parenchymal lung, thromboembolic, and other diseases that
predispose to abnormal cardiopulmonary hemodynamics (Figure 1).
The approach to PAH will often involve 2-dimensional Doppler
echocardiography, complete pulmonary function testing, thoracic
computed tomography, and nocturnal plethysmography to evaluate sleep-disordered breathing. A ventilation-perfusion scan to assess for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension is critical in all patients suspected of having PAH because this disease is
curable by surgical endarterectomy in most cases and treatable medically or by balloon pulmonary angioplasty in patients who are poor
operative candidates.8

AlthoughiPAHisthemostcommonPAHsubgroup,serologicanalysis for markers of connective tissue disease (CTD), liver failure, and human immunodeficiency virus infection also should be performed because results may inform a diagnosis of CTD-PAH, PAH associated with
portal hypertension, and human immunodeficiency virusassociated
PAH, respectively. In patients at risk for heritable PAH (HPAH), screening for a mutation in the bone morphogenetic protein receptor type
2 (BMPR-2 [HGNC 1078]) gene6,7 or other selected genes may be indicated. Pulmonary venoocclusive disease and pulmonary capillary
hemangiomatosis are rare PAH subgroups caused by obstructive remodeling of pulmonary venules and proliferation of capillaries,
respectively.9 Confirming the approach to diagnosing these diseases
requires consultation with a qualified specialist (Box).6,7

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Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in the Contemporary Era

Box. Conditions That Suggest Referral to a Pulmonary

Hypertension Expert Center
Performance of vasoreactivity tests
Patients with PAH with intermediate- to high-risk status (Table)
Patients in need of patenteral prostanoids
PAH with connective tissue disease

Review Clinical Review & Education

underpins adverse outcome in CTD-PAH with an mPAP of less

than 25 mm Hg requires further study. In addition, comprehensive data on the utility of treating any patient based on an mPAP
of less than 25 mm Hg remain forthcoming. Nonetheless, a low
clinical index of suspicion of PAH is warranted when encountering
patients with CTD, irrespective of resting cardiopulmonary hemodynamics, and their early referral to specialty care centers is justified (Box).

PAH with congenital heart defects

Suspicion of heritable PAH

New Trends in the Epidemiology of PAH

Suspicion of pulmonary venoocclusive disease

The reported prevalence of PAH is 5 to 25 cases per 1 million persons (incidence, 2-5 cases per 1 million persons), although referral
bias from registry studies is likely to underestimate the true rate of
disease.17 The mean age of patients with PAH in the REVEAL (Registry to Evaluate Early and Long-term Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Disease Management; United States, 2006-2007)18 and
COMPERA (Comparative, Prospective Registry of Newly Initiated
Therapies for Pulmonary Hypertension; Europe, 2007-2013)19
registries was 54 and 68 years, respectively, compared with 36
years in the original US National Institutes of Health iPAH cohort
(1980-1985).20 On the other hand, the large variability in the
mean age of patients with iPAH in contemporary registries also
may be explained by participation bias among centers and variable
accuracy in the diagnostic process. In fact, auditing for diagnostic
accuracy is not systematic in large registries, and the frequency of
misclassification is unknown, particularly in patients with risk factors for left-sided heart disease (LHD) and PAWP of greater than
12 mm Hg, for whom adjudicating retrospectively PAH vs pulmonary hypertension owing to LHD is difficult. The prevalence of
PAH favors women to men by approximately 3.1-fold21; however,
the clinical profile, hemodynamics at diagnosis, and prognosis in
men has appeared to be comparatively less favorable.17,22

Elective surgery in patients with PAH

Decision making about pregnancy in patients with PAH
Patients with PH due to LHD or lung disease and severe PH or RV
Suspicion of chronic thromboembolic PH
Any patients with severe PH and uncertain diagnosis
Pediatric patients with PH
Abbreviations: LHD, left-sided heart disease; PAH, pulmonary arterial
hypertension; PH, pulmonary hypertension; RV, right ventricular.

Delayed Diagnosis in PAH Is Common

Inappropriate, incomplete, and delayed diagnosis of pulmonary
hypertension is common and reported in as many as 85% of
at-risk patients.10,11 This problem is likely caused, in part, by the
high frequency of nonspecific symptoms at presentation, such as
exertional dyspnea. Nonetheless, patients with PAH on average
express symptoms 2 years before diagnosis.12 Misconceptions
among clinicians regarding the diagnostic criteria for PAH, declining use of RHC despite its favorable safety profile, and overreliance on echocardiography despite its inadequate accuracy for
measuring cardiopulmonary hemodynamics contribute to misdiagnosis of the disease in patients. 13 In 1 multicenter crosssectional analysis of patients diagnosed with PAH in community
hospitals and referred to a quaternary specialty center,11 37% of
patients had not yet undergone RHC, which ultimately resulted in
diagnosis reclassification and the identification of prescribed
therapy that was inappropriate in 52% and 57% of the cohort,

Novel Clues to the Clinical Spectrum of Risk in PAH

Accumulating evidence suggests that in CTD-PAH, an mPAP of
less than 25 mm Hg is abnormal. For example, a resting mPAP of
greater than 17 mm Hg corresponds to a significant decrease in
the 6-minute walk distance (6-MWD) and peak volume of oxygen
(pVO2) consumption during cardiopulmonary exercise testing
compared with matched patients with an mPAP of less than 17
mm Hg.14 In 1 study of mixed clinical populations that includes
patients with CTD-PAH, a resting mPAP of approximately 20 to 25
mm Hg was associated with significantly diminished exercise
tolerance and a 4.8-fold increase in the 4-year mortality rate.15
Increases in PAP affect right heart physiology in vivo by disrupting
RV work distribution in favor of maintaining pulmonary circulatory pressure relative to blood flow (and hence oxygen transport), which is referred to as RVpulmonary arterial uncoupling.16
However, the extent to which RVpulmonary arterial uncoupling

Natural History
The original National Institutes of Health registry included mainly
HPAH and iPAH, and 64% of patients had incident disease. The
median survival was 2.8 years; the 1- and 3-year mortality rates
were 68% and 48%, respectively; and the use of standard therapy
at the time (digitalis, diuretics, or anticoagulants) likely did not
influence the outcomes.23 In 2010, data were organized for 298
prevalent and 56 incident cases of iPAH, HPAH, and anorexigenassociated PAH followed up for 3 years in the French Network on
Pulmonary Hypertension.17 In that study, 76% of patients were
prescribed PAH-specific therapy, and the 1- and 3-year survival
rates were 85.7% and 54.9%, respectively, although only 2
patients were reported to receive at least 1 PAH-specific therapy.
However, from the REVEAL registry, which tracks patients with
PAH from 54 US centers, an analysis on outcome that included
40% of patients receiving combination PAH therapy indicated
that the 1- and 3-year survival rates were 91% and 69%,
respectively.24 Directionally similar findings were observed in registries from Spain, the United Kingdom, and China and from a
European series reporting that the 3-year survival of patients
receiving combination therapy for PAH was 84%.25 It is notable
that mortality among patients with PAH is now akin to, or perhaps
lower than, that for patients with left ventricular heart failure, for
which the age-adjusted 1-year survival was 69% in 2010 and 67%
in 1980 to 1989.26
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Clinical Review & Education Review

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in the Contemporary Era

Pathogenesis and Current Drug Targets in PAH

Histopathologic Features
In PAH, effacement of distal pulmonary arteries involving the intima, media, and adventitial layers occurs owing to hypertrophic, fibrotic, plexogenic, and inflammatory vascular remodeling without
primary involvement of the arterial systemic beds. Small pulmonary veins are also variably affected, particularly in PAH, owing to
the classic form of pulmonary venoocclusive disease.27 In addition
to endothelial dysfunction and dysregulated pulmonary arterial
smooth muscle cell growth, pathogenic changes to the structure and
function of pulmonary arterial pericytes, myofibroblasts, and adventitial fibroblasts are now understood to play a key role in the vascular remodeling process.28 Increased accumulation of vascularreactive oxygen species, a shift in mitochondrial bioenergetics toward
glycolysis, overactivation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 signaling, and
maladaptive epigenetic modifications that promote DNA damage
are all implicated in apoptosis resistance, unopposed proliferation,
and/or transdifferentiation of pulmonary vascular cells.29,30 Ultimately, profound vascular cell proliferation ensues and results in luminal obliteration and impaired vascular reactivity.

The Syndrome of PAH

Structural abnormalities to the alveolar-capillary interface, the left
atrium, and the left ventricle (owing to underfilling) occur as a consequence of pulmonary vascular remodeling in PAH. Upregulation
of neurohumoral signaling in concert with impaired renal or hepatic function is an important systemic manifestation of PAH,31
whereas diminished strength and fiber size in volitional (eg, quadriceps) and nonvolitional (eg, diaphragm) muscles is well documented and contributes to symptom burden.32

Pathophysiologic Features and RV Involvement in PAH

A predominantly vasoconstrictive pathophenotype is observed in
only approximately 10% of patients with PAH.6,7 By contrast,
decreased arterial compliance and elevations in PVR are universal
across the PAH spectrum and, ultimately, induce RV dilation,
impaired diastolic function, and diminished contractile reserve.
Therefore, analyzing the RV is important in PAH and includes
echocardiographic measurement of right atrial and RV volumes
and RV function.33 In PAH, RVpulmonary arterial uncoupling measured by transduction catheter and magnetic resonance imaging
precedes frank right heart failure and in clinical studies corresponds to decreased exercise tolerance.34 The pathophysiologic
features of CTD-PAH appear to be somewhat unique because
these patients fail to augment RV contractility during exercise at
RV afterload levels that are associated with maintained RV function in patients with iPAH.35 Thus, RV performance differs across
PAH subgroups, possibly as a function of disease-specific factors
rather than solely by elevated RV afterload levels.

Genetics of PAH
A germline mutation coding for the BMPR-2 gene, which is part of
the transforming growth factor superfamily of receptors, is implicated in 70% of patients with HPAH and as many as 40% of patients with iPAH.36 As many as 80% of carriers of the BMPR-2 mutation are positive for the genotype and negative for the phenotype,

and, thus, the contribution of reduced penetrance to underrecognition of BMPR-2 mutation status in patients with PAH who do not
have a familial history of the disease is not known.37 A smaller percentage of HPAH and PAH-associated hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia is attributed to mutations in genes coding for other transforming growth factor family receptor proteins, including activin
receptorlike kinase 1 (ALK1 [OMIM 601284]), endoglin, and SMAD
family member 9 (SMAD9 [OMIM 603295]). Other rarer genetic
causes of PAH include mutations in caveolin 1 (CAV1 [OMIM 601047]),
which regulates SMAD2/3 (OMIM 601366 and 603109, respectively) and modifies transforming growth factor signaling, and potassium channel subfamily K member 3 (KCNK3 [OMIM 603220]),
which encodes for the potassium channel protein TASK-1.38 Mutations in eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 kinase 4 (EIF2AK4
[OMIM 609280]) also have been identified as causative of heritable pulmonary venoocclusive disease.39

Novel Drug Therapies and Care Strategies in PAH

In the previous 5 years, 3 mainstream trends have emerged in the
pharmacotherapeutic management of PAH.40 First, the efficacy of
phosphodiesterase type V inhibitors (PDE-Vi), endothelin type A
and type B receptor antagonists (ERAs), and prostaglandin I2
replacement therapies, administered as monotherapy or in
sequential combination, have each achieved evidence-based validation for their ready use in PAH when patients are under the care
of an expert pulmonary hypertension clinician (eFigure in the
Supplement). Second, the following recent clinical trials show the
effects of 3 novel PAH drug therapies: the SERAPHIN trial (Study
with an Endothelin Receptor Antagonist in Pulmonary Arterial
Hypertension to Improve Clinical Outcome) with macitentan (an
ERA), 41 the PATENT-1 trial (Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Soluble Guanylate CyclaseStimulator Trial 1) with riociguat (a
soluble guanylyl cyclase stimulator),42 and the GRIPHON trial
(Prostacyclin Receptor Agonist In Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension) with selexipag (a prostaglandin I2 receptor agonist).43 Third,
findings from the recent AMBITION trial (Ambrisentan and Tadalafil in Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension)44 mark a
strategic shift in PAH therapy by providing definitive evidence in
favor of initial combination therapy over monotherapy for
treatment-naive patients with newly diagnosed PAH.
In the SERAPHIN trial,41 a total of 742 patients with PAH were
randomized to receive placebo or macitentan (10 mg/d vs 3 mg/d),
which was a modified ERA with optimal receptor-binding kinetics.
Most of the enrolled patients had iPAH or CTD-PAH (87%), New York
Heart Association (NYHA) functional class II or III status (97%), and
severe pulmonary hypertension (mPAP, approximately 55 mm Hg;
cardiac index, approximately 2.3 L/min/m2; and PVR, approximately 12.5 Wood units) and were receiving some form of background PAH therapy (64%), most of which was the PDE-Vi sildenafil citrate. Compared with placebo (mean duration of treatment, 85.3
weeks), the hazard ratio for achieving the composite primary end
point of PAH-related clinical worsening, which included death or disease progression, was 0.70 (95% CI, 0.52-0.96; P = .01) in the 3-mg
dose arm and 0.55 (97.5% CI, 0.32-0.76; P < .001) in the 10-mg dose
arm (mean duration of treatment, 100 weeks for the 3-mg arm and
104 weeks for the 10-mg arm) (Figure 2A). Directionally similar

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Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in the Contemporary Era

Review Clinical Review & Education

Figure 2. Kaplan-Meier Curves for the Effect of Sequential or Initial Combination Therapy in Treatment of PAH
A Effect of macitentan as monotherapy or sequential

combination to phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors or

prostacyclin analogues


Patients Without an Event, %

Patients Without an Event, %


Effect of selexipag as monotherapy or sequential

combination to phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors and/or
endothelin receptor antagonists


Macitentan, 10 mg
Macitentan, 3 mg


HR, 0.55; 97.5% CI, 0.39-0.76
P < .001






HR, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.46-0.78
P < .001





Duration of Therapy, mo
No. at risk
Macitentan, 3 mg
Macitentan, 10 mg








No. at risk
Selexipag 574










D Initial combination of ambrisentan and tadalafil

Initial combination of ambrisentan and tadalafil

vs ambrisentan monotherapy

vs tadalafil monotherapy

Participants With No Event, %


Participants With No Event, %


Duration of Therapy, mo

Combination therapy

Ambrisentan monotherapy

HR, 0.48; 95% CI, 0.31-0.72
P < .001






Combination therapy

Tadalafil monotherapy

HR, 0.53; 95% CI, 0.34-0.83
P = .005







Duration of Therapy, wk
No. at risk
Combination therapy
Ambrisentan monotherapy 126












Duration of Therapy, wk


No. at risk
Combination therapy 253
Tadalafil monotherapy 121








A, The effect of macitentan as monotherapy or as sequential combination

therapy in addition to phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (predominantly
sildenafil) or prostacyclin analogues on the outcome. In the SERAPHIN study,
patients were randomized to receive macitentan, 3 mg or 10 mg, or placebo.
Kaplan-Meier curves for the primary composite end point of death (from any
cause) or a complication related to pulmonary arterial hypertension (disease
progression or worsening of pulmonary arterial hypertension that resulted in
initiation of intravenous or subcutaneous prostanoid therapy or the need for
lung transplantation or balloon atrial septostomy) up to the end of the
treatment period in the macitentan and placebo groups. A significant treatment
effect in favor of macitentan, 10 mg (approved dose), vs placebo was observed
(1-sided log-rank test). Reproduced with permission from Pulido et al.41 B, The
effect of selexipag as monotherapy or sequential combination to endothelin
receptor antagonists (ERAs) and/or phosphodiesterase type V inhibitors
(PDE-Vis) on the outcome. In the GRIPHON (Prostacyclin Receptor Agonist In
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension) study,43 patients were randomized to receive
selexipag or placebo. Kaplan-Meier curves for the primary composite end point
of death (due to any cause) or a complication related to pulmonary arterial

hypertension (PAH) (disease progression or worsening of PAH that resulted in

hospitalization, initiation of parenteral prostanoid therapy or long-term oxygen
therapy, or the need for lung transplant or balloon atrial septostomy) to the end
of the treatment period in the selexipag and placebo groups. A significant
treatment effect in favor of selexipag vs placebo was observed (1-sided log-rank
test). Reproduced with permission from Sitbon et al.43 C and D, The effect of
initial combination therapy with ambrisentan plus tadalafil on PAH outcome in
treatment-naive patients. In the AMBITION trial (Ambrisentan and Tadalafil in
Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension), treatment-naive patients with
PAH were randomized to receive monotherapy standard of care with the
selective type A ERA ambrisentan (10 mg/d) or the PDE-Vi tadalafil (40 mg/d),
or combination therapy with both drugs. The primary end point included first
event of clinical failure, which was a composite of death, hospitalization for
worsening PAH, disease progression, or unsatisfactory long-term clinical
response. Analyses were significant comparing combination therapy with
monotherapy with either drug as well as with pooled monotherapy, which
refers to all patients randomized to receive either ambrisentan alone or tadalafil
alone. Reproduced with permission from Gali et al.44 HR indicates hazard ratio.

findings were observed for PVR and the cardiac index at 6 months
compared with baseline. However, given that the 3-mg dose was associated with only a subtle improvement in other study measures,
only the 10-mg dose received approval for clinical use in the United
States and Europe.
The PATENT-1 study42 compared the effect of riociguat (2.5 mg
3 times daily) or placebo on change in 6-MWD from baseline at study
week 12 in a cohort of 443 patients with PAH. Most of the partici-

pants in the PATENT-1 study had iPAH (61%) and NYHA functional
class II or III status (95%) and were already prescribed background
PAH therapy (50.1%) at the time of study enrollment (mainly bosentan). Compared with placebo, the riociguat dosage was associated
with a significant increase in 6-MWD (+30 m vs +6 m; P < .001), decreased PVR (2.8 vs 0.1 Wood units; P < .001), and improvements to mPAP, cardiac output, N-terminal probrain-type natriuretic peptide level, World Health Organization (WHO) functional

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Clinical Review & Education Review

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in the Contemporary Era

Table. Point of Care Risk Stratification for Patients With PAHa

Risk (Estimated 1-y Mortality)
Determinants of Prognosis




Clinical signs of right heart failure




Progression of symptoms








WHO functional class

I and II



6-MWD, m




Cardiopulmonary exercise testing

Peak VO2, mL/kg/min (predicted, %)

>15 (>65)

11-15 (35-65)

<11 (<35)

VE/VCO2 slope




NT-proBNP plasma level

BNP level, pg/mL




NT-BNP level, pg/mL




RA area, cm2




Pericardial effusion


None or minimal


Imaging (echocardiography and CMR)

RAP, mm Hg




CI, L/min/m2




SvO2, %




class status, and dyspnea burden. Riociguat was generally well tolerated; syncope was the most common serious adverse event and
occurred in 1% of patients.
The GRIPHON trial43 randomized 1156 patients from 39 countries
to receive placebo (median duration, 64 weeks) or selexipag (median
patients had NYHA functional class II or III status (98%) and iPAH or
HPAP (86%) or PAH due to a corrected congenital shunt (9.5%). BaselinePAHtherapiesincludedanERA(15%),aPDE-Vi(32%),anERAcombined with a PDE-Vi (33%), or no drug (20%). The primary end point
of morbidity and mortality occurred in 41.6% of placebo-treated
patients and 27.0% of selexipag-treated patients (hazard ratio, 0.6;
P < .001) (Figure 2B). The effect of therapy on 6-MWD was negligible,
and the adverse effect profile of selixipag was consistent with that of
prostaglandin I2 analogues (eg, headache, diarrhea, nausea, jaw pain)
and corresponded to a drug therapy discontinuation rate of 14% owing to adverse symptoms.

Strategic Shift in the Management of PAH

Meta-analyses studying patients who use sequential combination
therapy suggested a signal toward superior clinical benefit among
patients prescribed multiple drugs compared with patients prescribed monotherapy or who receive placebo.45 To address this further, the AMBITION trial44 included 500 treatment-naive newly diagnosed participants who were randomized (2:1:1) to receive initial
combination therapy with the selective type A ERA ambrisentan,
10 mg/d, plus the PDE-Vi tadalafil, 40 mg/d, or standard of care
monotherapy with either drug alone. Patients in the AMBITION trial
were diagnosed with PAH a mean of 20 days before study drug day
1 and had NYHA functional class II or III status and moderate-tosevere cardiopulmonary hemodynamic severity at enrollment. At a
median of 517 days, an end point of death, hospitalization for PAH,
disease progression, or unsatisfactory clinical response occurred in

Abbreviations: CI, cardiac index;

CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance
imaging; NT-proBNP, N-terminal
probrain-type natriuretic peptide;
PAH, pulmonary arterial
hypertension; RA, right atrial;
RAP, right atrial pressure; RV, right
ventricular; SVO2, mixed venous
oxygen saturation; VE/VCO2, minute
volume (expired)/carbon dioxide
production; VO2, volume of oxygen
consumption; WHO, World Health
Organization; 6-MWD, 6-minute
walk distance.
SI conversion factor: To convert BNP
to nanograms per liter, multiply
by 1.0.

Reproduced from Gali N et al.6,7

Integrated assessment of clinical,
functional, biochemical, imaging,
and cardiopulmonary hemodynamic
data are used to risk stratify patients
with PAH according to the predicted
annual mortality rate.

18%, 34%, and 28% of patients randomized to combination therapy,

ambrisentan monotherapy, and tadalafil monotherapy, respectively. Furthermore, a 50% (95% CI, 0.35-0.72; P < .001) reduction
in the hazard for achieving the primary end point, which was a composite of the clinical events, was observed in the combination therapy
group compared with patients randomized to either monotherapy
treatment (Figure 2C and D). Initial combination therapy was also
associated with a decrease in the hazard for the primary end point
by 79% (P = .005) among patients with NYHA functional class II status, providing evidence in support of initial combination therapy in
mildly symptomatic patients.

Approach to Patients With PAH in Practice

Pulmonary Vasoreactivity Testing, Risk Stratification,
and Initial Management Steps
Assessing the effect of inhaled nitric oxide, intravenous prostacyclin,
or intravenous adenosine on cardiopulmonary hemodynamics for the
purpose of determining vasoreactivity, and, thus, treatment should be
confined primarily to HPAH, iPAH, and drug-induced PAH and performed at a PAH referral center. A positive test result is defined by a decrease in mPAP of at least 10 mm Hg to reach an mPAP of no greater
than 40 mm Hg with a decrease (or no change) in cardiac output.6,7
In such patients, high-dose calcium channel antagonism therapy is indicated as first-line treatment owing to relevant improved clinical outcomes after treatment in this PAH subgroup.
Systems for classifying patients according to 1-year mortality risk
are now available for use in clinical practice.6,7 Low (<5% per year),
intermediate (5% to 10% per year), and high (>10% per year) risk is
determined based on a collective analysis of clinical, hemodynamic, biochemical, and echocardiographic data (Table). These and
other criteria and warning signs that should prompt referral to a

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Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in the Contemporary Era

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Figure 3. Evidence-Based Treatment Algorithm for Patients With Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH)
General measures
PAH confirmed by
expert center

Treatment-naive patient

Supportive therapy
CCB therapy

Acute vasoreactivity test


Low or intermediate risk


Patient already

High risk

Initial oral

Initial combination
including intravenous PCAc

Inadequate clinical response

Consider referral for lung


Double or triple sequential combination

CCB indicates calcium channel

blocker; DPAH, drug-induced PAH;
HPAH, heritable PAH;
iPAH, idiopathic PAH; PCA,
prostacyclin analogue; and WHO FC,
World Health Organization functional
class. Adapted with permission from
Gali et al.6,7

Note: Some patients with WHO FC

III status may be considered high
risk (see Table).

Initial combination with

ambrisentan plus tadalafil has
proven to be superior to initial
monotherapy with ambrisentan or
tadalafil in delaying clinical failure.

Intravenous epoprostenol should be


Consider also balloon atrial


Inadequate clinical response

Consider listing for lung transplantd

pulmonary hypertension expert center are provided in the Box.

Achieving low clinical risk also functions as the principal treatment
goal and includes 6-MWD of greater than 440 m, peak VO2 of greater
than 15 mL/min/kg, right atrial area of less than 18 cm2, and cardiac
index of greater than 2.5 L/min/m2.

Initiating PAH Therapy

For patients with a positive vasoreactivity study but calcium channel antagonist nonresponder status or patients without a positive
vasoreactivity study, treatment selection hinges on risk level
(Figure 3). According to evidence in the literature, adoption of initial combination therapy with an ERA and a PDE-Vi is recommended for treatment-nave patients with low or intermediate risk,
which often equates to NYHA functional class II or III status. As an
alternative, monotherapy that includes an ERA, a PDE-Vi, a soluble
guanylyl cyclase stimulator, or a prostacyclin analogue may be considered as initial treatment in low- or intermediate-risk patients. For
patients at high risk at the first clinical encounter, initial combination therapy that includes intravenous prostacyclin analogues should
be considered, with intravenous epoprostenol prioritized for its favorable effect on survival in high-risk patients, even when administered as monotherapy.1

Therapeutic Escalation
Medical assessment that includes 6-MWD testing should be undertaken every 3 to 6 months (at least twice annually) to observe for a
decline in exercise status. Additional studies, such as echocardiography or RHC, are often performed at least annually or if indicated

by a change in clinical status. Determining timing of therapeutic escalation is challenging and should be tailored to individual patients.
An overarching goal is to maintain WHO functional class II or I
status, 6-MWD of greater than 440 m, and cardiac index of at least
2.5 L/min/m2. Therefore, if drug treatment fails to accomplish this
objective within 3 to 6 months of its initiation, or if clinical decline is
precipitous (decrease of 1 WHO functional class), then the addition of therapies is warranted. High-risk findings that suggest advanced RV failure, for example, may alter the timeline of treatment
escalation. The recently proposed strategy of initial combination
therapy with oral compounds in patients with newly diagnosed PAH
and WHO functional class II and III status6,7 will leave in the future
only 1 additional escalation step to reach the criteria for maximal triple
combination medical therapy.
Escalation of therapy by the sequential addition of PAHspecific drugs is common for patients with progressive disease, despite initial treatment selection of the maximal tolerated dose. The
addition of macitentan to sildenafil, riociguat to bosentan, and selexipag to an ERA or a PDE-Vi are each class I recommendations for
most patients from the 2015 European Society of Cardiology and European Respiratory Society guidelines,6,7 and triple medical therapy
in refractory disease is increasingly common. It is important to note
that the combination of PDE-Vi and riociguat is prohibited owing to
severe adverse events.46
Referral for lung transplant evaluation is recommended in patients prescribed maximal medical therapy. The preferred procedure in patients with PAH is a double lung transplant; an inverse correlation between preoperative frailty and posttransplant outcome
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Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in the Contemporary Era

has been observed.47 The introduction of a right-to-left shunt using

balloon atrial septostomy or a Potts shunt may be a consideration
to palliate the clinical sequelae of right heart failure in PAH, but should
only be implemented on an individualized basis at referral centers
with expertise in these procedures.

Prescription Exercise in PAH Treatment

Although once regarded as potentially dangerous in PAH owing to
concern for provoked sudden death, exercise training has become
an important therapy in the management of PAH. Mereles and
colleagues48 first established prescription aerobic exercise as a safe
and effective strategy to improve exercise tolerance and quality of
life in patients with severe PAH. A recent meta-analysis of 16 prospective studies in PAH49 (n = 469) showed that exercise was associated with a significant improvement at follow-up (median, 15
weeks) in 6-MWD (+53.3 m), pVO2 (+1.8 mL/kg), and pulmonary artery systolic pressure (3.7 mm Hg). Generally, inspiratory muscle
training that achieves greater than 30% of maximal inspiratory pressure (30-minute session, 1-2 times per day) and aerobic exercise that
achieves 50% to 85% maximal aerobic capacity (30-minute session, 3-7 days per week) is recommended to patients.50 However,
the practical application of exercise programs for a rare disease in
the real world requires further developments and adaptations to the
different health care systems.51

Difficult Clinical Scenarios

Patients With a Borderline mPAP Increase
Several reports in unselected populations that included patients with
LHD and pulmonary disease describe an increase in clinical risk associated with PAP beginning at levels currently classified as normal.52
In the largest study (21 727 patients),53 a continuous association between mPAP and the adjusted hazard for all-cause mortality was observed beginning at 19 mm Hg. Furthermore, the range of mPAP of
19 to 24 mm Hg was common and corresponded to a 23% increase
in mortality risk. However, whether an mPAP of less than 25 mm Hg
is sufficient to induce right heart pathophysiologic changes and account for adverse clinical outcome in these patients or whether
events are caused by comorbid disease is unknown. Determining
whether this subphenotype is an early disease state has important
implications on patient risk stratification and merits future investigation. At present, data informing clinical decision making in patients with an mPAP of 19 to 24 mm Hg are lacking and, therefore,
such patients should not be treated with PAH-approved therapy.

Mixed Clinical Phenotypes

Encountering patients with multiple risk factors for LHD and cardiopulmonary hemodynamics consistent with PAH is becoming

Accepted for Publication: September 30, 2016.
Published Online: November 16, 2016.
Author Contributions: Drs Maron and Gali had full
access to all the data in the study and take
responsibility for the integrity of the data and the
accuracy of the data analysis.


common.6,7 A subgroup analysis of the AMBITION study44 involving patients with PAH with at least 3 risk factors for LHD and a PAWP
of no greater than 15 mm Hg suggested a signal toward clinical benefit. Determining the manner by which this patient subgroup contrasts with PAH (ie, precapillary pulmonary hypertension) and bona
fide LHD with a preserved ejection fraction thus bears important
ramifications on PAH diagnosis and treatment. Opitz and
colleagues54 showed that patients with PAH and risk factors for LHD
and patients with LHD with preserved ejection fraction in the
COMPERA registry were incrementally older and had greater body
mass index compared with patients with PAH without LHD risk factors. However, patients with PAH with LHD risk factors were treated
commonly with PAH-specific drugs, which apparently was associated with meaningful improvements in functional status and 6-MWD.
However, the magnitude of treatment effects was inferior compared with those in patients with PAH without risk factors, outlining the potential negative effects of comorbidities.
On the other hand, we need to acknowledge the important
limitations of the data provided by the COMPERA study, which is a
voluntary, noninterventional registry that is not systematically
audited and, as such, cannot provide definitive results on the comparative effects of treatments in the studied patient groups. The
differential diagnosis between iPAH with multiple risk factors for
LHD and LHD with preserved ejection fraction and pulmonary
hypertension is based substantially on PAWP, which is greater than
15 mm Hg in the latter clinical phenotype.6,7 The assessment of
PAWP may present technical difficulties and artifacts, which can
lead to uncertainties in the PAWP, particularly from 12 to
18 mm Hg. In cases with the diagnosis in doubt, a direct assessment of left ventricular end-diastolic pressure may be helpful.
Fluid challenge or exercise hemodynamics have been suggested in
cases of persisting uncertainties, but unfortunately the heterogeneity of protocols and the lack of age-related normal thresholds
for PAWP limit their diagnostic reliability. In clinical practice, the
differential diagnosis in these cases should be based not only on a
borderline value of PAWP but also a comprehensive assessment
that includes the patients history, the severity of comorbidities,
and the response to medications such as diuretics.

During the preceding 2 decades, PAH has evolved into a treatable
cardiovascular disease associated with improved survival and
decreased morbidity. Optimizing clinical outcome hinges on higher
clinical index of suspicion for PAH at the point of care, understanding the broad clinical spectrum of risk, and recognition of the
importance of early aggressive therapy in patients with newly
diagnosed PAH.

Study concept and design: Both authors.

Drafting of the manuscript: Both authors.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important
intellectual content: Both authors.
Administrative, technical, or material support:
Study supervision: Gali.

Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest.

Dr Maron reports receiving funding from Gilead
Sciences to research pulmonary hypertension.
Dr Gali reports receiving grants and personal fees
from Actelion Pharmaceutical LTD, Bayer
Healthcare, GlaxoSmith Kline, and Pfizer Inc.
No other disclosures were reported.

Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Both authors

have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for

Funding/Support: This study was supported by

grant K08HL111207-01A1 from the National

JAMA Cardiology Published online November 16, 2016 (Reprinted)

Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in the Contemporary Era

Institutes of Health, grant 15GRNT25080016 from

the American Heart Association, the Cardiovascular
Medical Research and Education Foundation, and
the Klarman Foundation at Brigham and Womens
Hospital (Dr Maron).
Role of the Funder/Sponsor: The funding sources
had no role in the design and conduct of the study;
collection, management, analysis, and
interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or
approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit
the manuscript for publication.
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