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Dulce Mandujano

Professor Stanford
English 1010
9 December 2016

When I came to this class I knew writing was important but put it aside because I
thought it was something I knew and didnt need to bring it up. However, now that the
course is over I got to see more that writing actually affects n who you are writing to and
what is the topic you are writing. My assumptions didnt change it was more that I need
to pay more attention on my writing because one wrong thing I write people would look
badly or would think I dont know anything but I actually do. Our first project was
influential in my learning because it made me see that these stories I am writing have
an affect in me and the people who are reading. Its because I can create world no one
has created and also show people that this world can have an alternative universe and
it is only done by there own imagination and showing their world they have created, like
I did. This goes to one of the threshold concepts I learned while taking this course and it
was language and writing are resources we use to do things, be things, and make
things in the world. And with this our teacher told us to look at some writing outside of
class and that's when I knew that this actually goes with everything I do with writing. I
saw that writing is important in politics, in the way I write mypost in facebook, when I
turn in an assignment in a class that is not related to an english course. It's all around
me and we make things like to show that we are doing something in what is going on.

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