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To whom it may concern:

My aspiration of attending the University of Idaho is something that I have been working toward
for some time now and I am finally ready to take the next step in the application process. I was a
little over halfway completed with my 2-year degree at Brown Mackie College in Boise, Idaho. My
intentions were to transfer this degree to the U of I and then obtain my Bachelors degree. As I
was doing some reconnaissance for my move (originally planned for May 2016), I discovered that
my degree at Brown Mackie does not transfer anywhere since it is not regionally accredited. I have
since had to alter my entire 5-year plan and bump my move and application process to the U of I
to the fall of this year.
My objective upon admittance to the university is to earn my undergraduate degree in either
finance or marketing within the school of business and move on to graduate school immediately
thereafter. From a professional aspect, I plan to invest in real estate and venture capitalism and
use passive income from these investments to fund a string of business that support my passion for
animals. My businesses will include vegan restaurants, not-for-profit animal sanctuaries, and other
corporations that will support animal rights activism.

I have always had a lot of academic and professional potential in life. I took
accelerated/advanced courses all throughout grade school and have held a
multitude of full-time jobs starting at age fourteen. At age seventeen I joined the
Army and married shortly after graduating basic training. My nave hopes of being a
housewife and starting a family at such a young age quickly put a hold on the rest
of my life. I had attempted various classes at Boise State University in an effort to
add some sort of meaning to my life, but I failed miserably due the extreme
emotional instability and domestic violence that resulted from my marriage. After
leaving the military with a back injury, I finally took control of my life again.
I left my husband and filed for bankruptcy, getting back on track both financially
and mentally. Since pulling myself back together, I enrolled at Brown Mackie College
which has now leaded me to the University of Idaho. I know my previous academic
failures are not a strong representation of my capabilities. I did not take my
education seriously before but I am in a much different place in my life now. I am a
young, single entrepreneur ready for my next challenge. I run my own small
business as a licensed nail technician, sell salsas and other vegan goods around
town, and participate in music gigs/string quartets when possible to support myself.
I have every confidence in myself that I will succeed at a university level and am
dedicated to putting forth every effort towards my degree until I have my diploma in
hand. If ever a person started on the wrong path in life, I am that person. As one of
my favorite quotes from Harriet Beecher Stowe reads: Never give up, for that is
just the place and time that the tide will turn. I am ready for my tide to turn and
hope you will consider my application for admission.


Veronika S. Lorenzana

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