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Michael Garcia

Dear Mr. Barnes,

The overall purpose of my speech was to touch on why voting is important and why it is
especially important to the 2016 presidential election. To achieve this, I used the electoral college
as an argument to invalidate voting then counter argued that voting does have an impact on our
democracy. I used profanity in order to better captivate the attention of my fellow young adult
peers. I attempted to convey a sense of patriotism and unionism as Abraham Lincoln did in the
Gettysburg Address in order to appeal to my audience and portray nationalism. Instead of not
discussing the electoral college at all (like you advised) I went through with it and was able to
correlate it with why voting is an important civic duty. I was warned by a classmate that using
profanity would be inappropriate but went through with it anyway. The only thing I would have
changed about my speech would be to have been more interactive with the audience by asking
more questions, thus creating more sensible and personal vibes. After completing this
assignment, I now better understand writing as a social act (SLO C). This is due to going through
a process as to what I would talk about, how would I approach the subjects, why where the
subjects important. I began to brainstorm ideas, I had multiple individual proof read and give
feedback, then finally I submitted a final draft on learn and practiced to present my speech. I
have made progress toward my grammar and usage with this assignment because of the decent
amount of editing and proof reading that went into my final speech. I also made progress on
reflection. Prior to writing my speech I revised my SWA3 and re-read Lincolns Gettysburg
Address. This better help me structure and prepare for my speech, I was able to take Lincolns
strategies and apply them to my own. I enjoyed this assignment very much due to the fact that
the topic was very relevant and I often enjoy voicing my political views.

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