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Michael Garcia

English 110
Professor William H Barnes

For my creative revision I chose to rewrite my MWA 2. For sequence 2 we discussed
political rhetoric and the main assignment was to deliver a speech on who to vote for the 2016
election. Instead of rewriting my reflection of my speech, I assumed it would be more
appropriate to rewrite my actual speech from the sequence. The sequence on voting was by far
my favorite and the assignment I enjoyed composing most was my speech (SWA4).
The new rhetorical situation is my speech is now writing an article in a magazine. My
audience changed from just my peers in class to a much broader anyone who can read. I also
changed my stance on who to vote for in the 2016 election. In my first speech I bashed Donald
Trump and even went as far as referencing him to Hitler. I also praised Hillary Clinton and called
on my fellow Americans to elect her based on her many years of experience in public office.
For my second speech I asked my fellow Americans to elect Donald Trump to the
presidency. For my justification I referenced Trumps success as a businessman and the charisma
he holds. I also bashed Hillary Clinton by calling her a crooked politician and even went as far to
say that voting for her is voting for a nuclear holocaust. I left out how one could make an
informed decision on a candidate & also toned down the profanity
With both speeches I went to the extreme when bashing a candidate, I did this to display and
evoke a strong sense of disagreement and to discourage anyone reading the article from voting
for that candidate. In both speeches I kept my bid on the electoral college in order to encourage

voter turnout and to prove that ones vote does in fact count and matter. The reason I toned down
the profanity was I needed to be more formal and not come off as strong. Also for the pro-Trump
article I used repetitiveness, this was a technique I observed in SWA3.

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