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i PxNItn3 CF NET WHIT ix EGA) #3 yaounible the uo GL our cr candzatton fs: to vr: reas” fa tha wait States ta Serle lav to covtoh tua eaua to lewe wilesa he wits to nia ant to e2d-F ito. Aver) Person wae Joss Bp tac: to sydet tha egon7 to +4 io tered to eh ido Geeon tora of tha WOTEIAT 02 9" Duar. Seek Batoe TR Broer thot will f20 at ates ef yhte P 2 ig nerewiston ta plo aad Lottie vesb ata wslor Butera nent? ¥: ythda of wsia oh, aly 2. Soll a nacre qaytalns to ont, drink or rar. 2. % tha: Taal, howes, thin t whatsoov ‘ aor vith Hutel xsevers or eat. ombora will not Ane Ww wet whore Dasaaa to st who os ites rien mm c2 tho beawts: hide u baat pote eleved of be! cantzod that wilt ily vyopare: thay dche dosiza to sega, they WILL bo esct thera 7 not enor: ones tn tir lucé bouiad 49 eyticry tha axincors thes will be a sat pa Necco wb ps tee IA onetel Pho, ata ries Pharg i tees oN roca the setuta ong 4 APM Gputto7g sis white mon d@sabizo? Te wa lead nom tid co ok thea to Live wos: L wm. od 49 ty east a vaileciion & rinshised nore: at ig he, nddroazed to 2 ne, Th pa OrPore tan, ro in yoo eopsde te Iratrnetions f-an Snew ed Teron 08 AF ave warn mann | Feaign ron wile taue: | REPORT MAD BF Vv NewYork Gity ee 8/1 to 5/22 Andrew li, Bettle. ‘incl. | . Urenn ni 215, U. S. GU. as HO DEPRAUD. A Anausi Int! Mist convention thenselves he fo of bible ané country Gabriel Af the co} oe a mont irmor;. J. 3. Bone from ugust 1st: Yodey I ettendeé the opening meeting of the shire ern.tion:1 Convention of the Negro Feoples of the worlé .t ti or MrLunte stuff spoke nt the nd among other things urged the colored people to be true ¢ ené keep in rind that Mayor Hylen is ome of the best frien’s en quoted a pessuge fro. len. sey. br. Liggs +! aévised those present to aeke up taeir ainés ere there will be 2 nome for el? te and Supreme Cocmiesioner of the Us 2. lade suid emong other things that Gervey wis the proper lesdet 6 Jollow hia. Jennson ere rece mhowlé teke eourcge an As Poot, Secretsr,, who urged everyone to give ¢ éollir destion. Rev. J B. duetin of Pitisbuzgh, Peetor of the Jben Charch, urged the colored folzs to f2ilow their lioses, 2c :rce seid he ws an engel sent from God to leud the folxs. Other re br. Willisu d. Shurrell of Cleveland end J. We Be sssony that elthough he went to war to maze this country sufe for sl the country 5s no sefer Sor the negro thea it get ready to strike the blow ond cereus Crrvay read his epceeh un@ more than half of the sudienpe ile he s reading ite 7 : -2- [august 2né: Poduy I again attended the convention of the U.N. I. A. at Liberty 11. At 2:09 F.ll. Gervey ested the convention to Surgeon Generel J. D. Cibson for dishonesty end disloyslty to the con- vention. Convention moygd to put the matter into the hunds of = comsit-| fee of five for recommentation. Hareus Gervey tien esked thit H. Ue hea for dishonesty Jomnson, the specter of the convention, be 4m Gisloysity. This matter wes pleceé in the hanés of the cbove committee. Gervey then recommenced to the convention thst they send five @elegates to ceneva, Switzetlend, to sit in the conference of the Le-cue| of Retions which meets on September 4th and usk for « place in the con- ference. ‘he convention soved to gené the following five men es dele- getes sné they ere to leave here so es to get to Switcerlund for septen- ber 4th: Dr. J. 2. Digzs of Baltimore, Williem Ferris, Hearoh ené Willion Perry. I+ wes uleo said by thot if they went over und dign't get 2 hearing they vould . ze the blow. During the evening session William Jerris was one of the speaf- u urged everyone present tc follow their leader, it vey. ‘he next spesxer wes J. w+ Bows who Warned those present to be carg- ful of the traitors of the negro recé and steted that everyone of taew ought to be killed und cent to Hell. He wes followed by J. Johnson of New Orlesns who e: a everyoody to get together end suid thot the only way to stop lynching in the South is for every man to get 2 é send every 1 cher to Hell ns fust as they come and tht this wos the only y to end euch brute] crimes. He seid the foll:s in his county ere ei- / r nay ke th ae 5 : rendy to strite the blow it on thot oo be met polieve da cai te 7 : ~3- : lynehing or negro lynching. In the morning there were more than three | jthousené present. In the afternoon ebout four thousand present and in the evening more then five thousand and they are still] coming on almost every train. cee August 3rd: Todey I again attended the convention. First bvsi. ness of the dsy was the trial of Surgeon Generzl J. BD. Gibson on the ground thet he wes incompetent end disloyal to the orgenizetion. Larcus Garvey was celled to the stand and etsted that Gibson wae dishonest, éis. loys] end errogant and thet Gibson hed never shown him any pspers to Prove thet he wee ea 6octor of medicine. Gervey was asked whet ceused his to feel thet Giodsen wes disloyel. iihen Garvey Wes questioned further he Was uneble to stete any specific cese wherein Gibson had show Gibson wes no good end | but steted thet he hed heord that Cibson wes aisloyel end he added thet | not worth fifteen cents. Severs other x : | nesses were celled to the stund to testify egein Gibson, but nore coulé 4 of Gibson stevling any money or goods + Gibson was celle¢ to the stend end among other things he seid that his welary tos 36,500 a year, but thet he beon roid /409,0f this unvunt; that He had to mortgege: his home to get money to get Caiesgo and th=t Garvey would not pay him. He ststed thet during the nine weeks he wes in Uhiesgo he only received 735 end thet he wes practicelly sterving und had lent the Bleck Stsr Line thous- lends of dollers, but enuld not cet eny money from the organization. Several wStnesses were put on in Gibsorls behelf, some from Chicugo, Lone | |Braneh, Atlantic City, New Orleuns ané In@iuna. Whey steted thet Gibson! -4- had Gone egret deal for the orgonizutiqn. Gibson, waile on the stuna, elo showed five ciplomas he had receivec frow different colleges, not- withstunding ell of which Grrvey got a vote of 108 to 3 in fevor of in- peaching Gibson. At the cvoning sesnion Rev. We Broun evoke and rae song other things said that he was a friend of Garvey and urged the ne . hers to follow him (Garvey) and not talk so much, but do do mora. Rev. J.C. justin of Pittsburgh elso spoke and said that he was a frieni cf Garvey and would back hin up, but that he had no good will for the su He advised all the meaders to pull tog about tho thougand present ot the mornin four thousand in tre afternoon and nine thousand in the evening. During As Poot and were much upset about y Sarvey weS acting and that glad ice as Yhoy were afraid Garvey might impeac’ then Zor spite. August 4th: his sorming I asain attended first business of the day wes taken un by qarvey who appointed hivselt speaker in place of H. ', Johnson whoewas deposed, T spoke to several o leading preachers of Harlem during the day rogarding tho action of Rev. J. C. Anstin in taking part in the prograa of the ¥ Te 4. and they all wore of the opinion that he should not have done so and was herning both hinself and the Buptist cause by dealing with Marcus + The night session wa: ¢ ven over to the business of inducing t amongst thamselv.s. and delesutes not to £ 1a in the streets avery niet and tt po ren out of town; also that th erican nogro vhould not allow a fui: er to come to this country and stir the thinking nesroes up to suck a a: pitch of foolishnas: 2s Marvey has done. I. A. convention did not nest today, tine interviewing ameri¢an Beptist proach I Qhore ere soutings be = j | speakeFs advive their hearers that Garvey is a faker and that he vho=ta { ' noss non of Harlem to sea just how they felt toward coxvention. all those sont and had no fe negroes of Hurlea is @ run out of town or Sem wee 9/35/22 night session, Phe geusvel consensus of opirion of ell tr epo.e eeencd to be that snerica wea mot e safe place cor the iegro and thet the sefest place for &: future jjegro would be in Africa, In a telx I hed vith G. GADBY of Fanema, ne 4 Carve; for’the reason thet cervey ves va tae Ku Elux Zlen and wes elso to vers out of office vo that he could s Hie plen is to heve cll of ising the matter but she ng until Garvey hae his Zorecs rendy. enon be eble to buy even ar. of ell nis hold! me th Moreus Garvey not to try to carry a ie sete dt, ag tie vine is not ripe ss yee. I also hea a telk x BISALS of coccarut rove, ay uho ia Vice-President of thet Division. geld thet he thougat the vieit of Gervey to the Lu Tluz Klm ves proper, the Catholic end the Negro had no rig in tis greed to get the regro out of it. ania ne and would leave ere on 3e4 5 21 over the coun Gay for vlevelend, where he hea a brother Join with him end sprecd Ger t She mmericen presoncrs 2 grect 2018 on the eofthe country, He he hed bee! nped a4 Cocnnnut Srave lest year and he © rice dia re nuch for the vert 1: for the whites, ced 4 the only $2 1 by Killing three or four gor every one thet to gto cet vrs resdy, I heerd sleo thet mm. DAVIS is sald to be procurins arma at Fle, DAL. BATEIE 8/15/22 8/9~1o-11-12 suguet 1ith This morning I hed a telk with of 1g weet doth street, who told me enong other things sea City, hed teen pela 25.00 2 dey for ervey and hal e round srip cerfere said from © mass Sity, steying five deya in-ievch, siz days in \ in dune es ere until be hed I also atvvended another session of +] the subject ceing "Phe Indust 1 and Comnerciel Interests o delegetes spoke on thia subjcct ond after a lons caavay 8/15/22 8/9-1o-11-2; Joan to Liberie ag the United states would tien have country, while oshérs eystea it was their pey one cent A. to floet the loon, Podey I was informed by he invended to mexe his report by next tueedey eni thet vhen xe and F. 4, £007 ould resion end get out of she Gountry. Todey I head 2 tell yest l43rd Street, a delegate fron london. veliez et the eeoret of terous Gar ey the mu xlux lon tes not sold to everyone, becouse if it were, thie govern ent vould put 2 ¢ ze eleo said that Sp #0 Geyveyts plex d nade a mfsteke in trying to nendle every if he baa tru ed others, he tould have gotten better advice end the meatier would not ve gone so for se it hes, He ndvised me that the organizetion mas sending aen all over the country to inform the Hegroea tant Garvey'y visit to the ilen wes not intended tc be nornful gein met 0,2, sbezert, to the iegroes but rather to pthem | eld meta > Suceday ar Te a lenve his so que seld shay te: us Caway 3/15/22 8/9-1o-21-15 ad BARLE Us 8. YS BAR trying to get a position with the company as a director ong tried to a e 5 2a to be able to buy enou: Madre 1, Battle. fimwtne nie. ["enaae [BE ragous tur = PURTT ALO Soday I attended the weoting of the yrienis of Hegre Preeion in williags Qarver and his movenent vez sharply and stated that no ran who had good sense woul to farvey's to renounce his citizenship and leave the Unis to zo to Afri Ho said th 2s a List and e traiter + ould aver go to Africe and af ke could they wor b e used nore troui ble andngst other nati thon any other an cf today. There were stout 25 of which about hal? were garvey Zellowers and as a result + constent interruptions, but no real trouble. ettended a meeting at Liberty H2ll where Willies Zerris spoke ani ad all those present to oll us Varvey. lareus Jarvey als spoze and predict d that there would be another prepares to sar : ro would be on, but to strike the blow and get 15 to all those who are arainst the Y. lle T A. and stated that harm mi ght come to then if they did not stop their criticiss August 7th; This norning I attenied the convention of tha 7. Yho first business tuken up was the question of the pon. After a dovate Joimeun gomandel 9 written copy of the cha , but tho Judge | no cage could be tried without the defense having 2 copy of Garvey than 3 @ charges which cons iste he wes found gx by a vote of 109 to Lu, the conspiracy chirge was ar at the night session ¢ g brotherhood would be y was in favor of radio communication thea and te hag used in running tho convention ° JEaeH “August 10,” Memorandun for Mr. Gunninghan: Uy attention has just been called to the renewed activities of Garvey, those case is in your o: in connection with an effort to as: “the rails. Garvey 18 2 notorious negro agita- tor, affectionately referred to by his own race as the "negro Moses." Attached to hia name, you will re~ call, fa a list of titles which sould do credit to sone foreign potentate, He 4s again eng: among the negroce, end I em in? that his income is at least £1 ,00 day, secured from various funda, ged in propaganda Hy purros? in calling it to your attention is to action upon the panting, in ord that he may be once and for’all put be can peruse his Past activities behind the four w: nd the r wal: in the Atlanta cline, ine Pree SB. ACG J YOK, WY. | @-18-22 = SS Us Se vs EARCUS GARVEY Viol. Sec. 215 U.5.0,0, = Using the mails in ivrthererce of a ny yoRr, ’ Continuing on the ebove investigetion, Agent interviewed apt, J, Cockburn who informed fgent thot one Ir. J. 2. Gibson, sho vos Surgeon Genercl of U.N.T.i. hed seen @ teleeron from G27Y when he was awey on ais lest: trip telling GANCLS. et regerdless of Tr eng one else was paid, thet they were to see to it that DUST 2ITmAHUGG received his money prorptly every week, LR. J/LES A, BRO 126 west 157th straet ced THOS "R. DALY 101 Vest 158th Street, who were sent by the stockholéers of the Bleck Ster Line to go over the books in Bureeu Offices told scent after coing over sume very cerefully thet GARVEY would heve to 10 the stcekholaers whet i d done with ell their ronies, as the books do not tally with veut he hes been telling them ond thet they would report to the stockholders the 17th of septembers nt interviewed WILFORD SUITH and Attorney williens - 0: rvey's attorneys, who come to the Euresu Office with & proposition to have the Depsrtrent of Justice quash the indictment if Cervey would puy beck dollar for dollar to all the stockholders and the wey they expected to pey back wes to tex ener member of the U. 8 certrin cmnount cech month until it.was paid up feel menuber of the Usl.I.2, is a stockholder in the bicck Ster Line, vo thoy will be robbiny Peter to Fey Paul. Bew Youre City RE AND cf Tt &, where Gervey end teat diswssion being ereliy Lusie of the U. to sive to acco: 6/18 /, August lot: Wocay I ettenied the conventic more thua i the exers ¥ wos referred to ell over Cubs es course of ekers bra eda wT. As, told th co: vention sone 4ibh pL the Sibly.., but to then: the Jibie souse ror the ki /hi-1.-15-1e, , snong other + Steuert exliea to si the com ens ent otae’ 3. VE. LAMCUS GARVSY, VIOLATION Suc, 215 -.USILG WLinakCn OF SUiiae YO DERRAUD. RES, "the Hoses.’ ES ssid, thet if enyone ro on the showljer, ne covla ce sure ti vss A convention thet a 3ible 22 Andrew i. settle. e soon would ue ¥ Be seii, tht it ention, the sub; vey said it wo pt Lioeet, i five thousemi people were in ettendence. serreli of stated, tarts Gervey also £7000 er Bat et wild getting = y eny attention to fvol et nso! tke Quiput of Industry." Agtur oe sed the convention, Sravld J. Yoru, Direeter give the sille: they preach uné that the UI. Te Ae * put to a vote and ninety-six 18%, Carvey would heve = unive, discussion the matter noenietions. ‘ At the evenins Session Phe delegutes present cli not have Black Stor Lino am Ccrve on this subject it should ve tcien 9: three res Py convention were hungreu ai thou bave gone h He hi to cone.of the Southern peorle do not preetise religion nor the refusol of vould not accept enything froz then. voted to eccept the then rulei that the vote was lust on real etending el. was Placed in the hends of tolu then, thirty-eight ong st ¥ B etates. he rectise unt | sivles would teuch then a lesson thr The eugeestion ws diules wbile figty-< the One delegete epres] ex world. After consia eon the subject for discussion was Fine! Qne delegate said thet nothix 5 a enaistd, sehaz a | i vding the receives sul asked © Gervey tren,” in discu! 412: istaxes the ne: much to say tut if they did not went to tL. the ogends. ‘The delegates vo ti nd about one-third ee August 15th: I this worniys attended tre eerly session vhere the sudject for & 7 { Scussion wos continued Zrou the evening before and con! sideraole tine was riven u> to discussing the effuire of the Slack dine. In ensuer tg e question by one of the delegetes as to the nuswer of Shares thet kaa been sould, the statement was made that one hunére. en eighty-five thousend (185,000) had been sold end peid for at Zive colisr. <5) a shere. It wes also steted thet, in order to settle un with the Sherenoliers, coout nine bunéred aii thirty thousend doliers (.950,.C0) world teve to be reieed ani ct prevent thore ie no money on tend, no thet the only vhing to do is to start the Line ogein end sell forty per cent uf the stock to the Jererese Weieh would the Line & with thet power ent oO. would sez the Line did not fsil. a1 ther seid, thet if disgrece auelted those n6, the in comuection ti sooner it ves found be 80 thet the dishonest une. might te stom wo. oh was over I hau a telx with ¢ 3. be Bory, 1C3 Vest LdSth ft. y ted that chen the Phyllis dhoctley ve. about to Pepe-3 ready to go to the other Side end put out enonp the powers, out Gervey prevented e bis going. also seii, that the U. B. I. A. ove ‘oim fifteen months pay at the rete of five busdres dollars ({500) e month end hed not pasa hin e colier, anu thet now Garvey, in order to avoié payuent, was trying to get rid of him on the ground thet he wes tov old, ‘This man is a delegate to the conven- tion frou Inmieo, Telso hud a tuli with ia Bird, & physician of Horfolk, Va., woo informe me that in bis opinion Carvey was merely schemint for his osm pood su thet the peopie of xorfolk were not sitia- ) fiew with iis methou ut doing things. at the evening sevsion tev. w. | : : ae, : ' Brown of 143 jiest 1dlet St., who is pestor of the Levropolitan luptict Church, spoke ond seid, among other things, thet Lerew Garvey ws "2 | | God-sent recuer ons edvised Gervey to pey no ettention to the people who criticises hin ge they aid not emouut to anything. Kev, J.C, ius- tin of Fittsbursh, one of the speakers, told the delegetes to stop mok- ing folse statements end to be sure thet they would ve able to prove any) such steténents thet they wight meke. Ee also saiu, that there will ve no ckexce for myoouy todey to go to Avrics end breek friendsni; vite tais governzent, eéding thet a person couié not leave on eny | nip with © pesovort oni thet the veesporte would have to be gotten from tae ite man; thet they could not get Zsvors from the white men ens hit bin @ his eudience © in tre face et the same tine. He then est + ony of © then would do With Atriea et this mouent ene seid thet they bec e long wey to trcvel tefore they would be ebie to nencle Africa. 2 avis ed thet the first thing to Go is to ovtein holding of ler * in thet country, establish fectories, tills, etc., teschk the young nea se trects of lend and woren end site g heaving sccompliehec this it would then be tine enox: to mexe a dash for afrios, It wes e like the tone of Austin's speech ani + truth then stuted that he rovld submit + Grrvey } Avgust 16th: @his morcing I kad a tel: with A. i Btated tht Gcrvey would ve able ty pey the wen who vould conéuet tue Goverment casa, i .inst hit anu nothing would ve done to hin. J leter attended the norning session of the convention, the suvjoct for Ciscts- | Tt. Suture." One ueler te seid, the \ reason the geo press hes not progreseou was vecuuse it wes for enle . anyone could buy it. anothor uade tke stuten.nt thet the oniy wy tio megro press voulé ve mpde to amount to enything would ve for the U. i. Te A. to nese in so: wey to buy suivicient stock in the difzerent uerro ne j ! epers end tas cgntrol then, After sone discussion on this watter! | Kirby of Chicco seid thet if tee convention would leave the otter to | hin ke vould in sume wey get tt tin wejority of skeres in every pri: press in the country end then the U. netter. At the sf rnoon session tre subject for discussion was the nogro's Suture in politics, Azter discussion ed gore on ani verious evegestions listened te, J. ii. all telzing evowt the nesro in politics; let everyone wiv can vote i. I. A. would oe eble to henale i | us hisisnd," oni es @ result not more then one hundred heli w thet Continuing his retmrks Ueson s i tesz. gcid thet nost of those resent thou good to properly iit theuselves td Vote, This staterent cause. ev. ror : : the west Indien éclegates. One delegute negro * % the only ect in order to isse bis vote uselves toc | 1 | As heve ell its uenvers yote one + count wee te have the U. ih over th rt ft on vere out the U. world oni wovld Rave & say in Cvngress, ne deleg te said thet the Aneric ® c1k Jason meade exception. iiason th e all rotten, to whieh re he had ueon working with hingel® to Girvey end oie and a kelf em thet ke had deen Lee to believe b 7 ~6- working together, out tht now Gervey seene: to think the West Indicn | [better then the Auurican n At the night cession the subject vas th: future oF the negro in politics, wut nothing of interest wat saié sudject. i e/2u/22 | 8/17/22 Abbade ie SAL Janel GARVSY & tits Begro Letivities. uorning agent ettended the euuveation of ti EIA. et 139th Street neer Lennox avenue ani tie subject for dis~ wegro in the west Indies. — dorie gic seut Tndien ‘hes no chence whetever net 16 or 15 ia thet the ovly way to 4d is @ to, set togetier end then the egro will ve elf. wi, Thick leet wes tured over to ¢ comittee of five the next suvject ves oro * iz sueject ves orened vy Lerous Grrve pistory of 2 sux cné gubstince of this devete ues thet history dia ret tell of rue tion ne old vorld, +A, Yoot nsee his rerer$ for the of the U.in1 ae ied “ot agent hod a tole with vv. vobive, tke meneper ef the Morus at lolst dtr. sim 7th wve. Atuong other thinse ts eras wns une of his closest 2 jence ani Gervey bed wo visit | ch es Uurvey rove gh tta bu Jana aden at avicute ins 1 ot an th wo he Soda the ia vem of “sek to wirice.” they couse beip Bie carey on iis pre 8/25/22 8/17/22". UARCUs GAXVSY oA. Li. SATTLS * vet : Garvey is my persoml friend ond I ccn elveys pet 2 word with bic. agent found thet two thirds of Gervey's foilovers ere nov eligivle to voce in eny Stele, most 22 the mexoers veing ~@st indians. Gervey es to cena 4 Eelugates to vecratery seid there auve veen 200 ne\. divisions vivwe the lest sith spoke 0: Garvey end how ui he fs. e rere cbont 2, Servey gozed that everyvoty give .1..0U dein to telp reite the uorey to vend the 7 delegates to ‘Geneve, suitceriené. A collection wes taien up end .5ed raised in 4981.60 subserived fore. (vill meke ais report fev gue vi2) ih Jiph Chancellor. ra in shiledelpiiis se Wea York, M.¥e BE: JARES E, sx0s Viol. Sce. 215 C.C. ils in furtheronce of e to defreud. 6-15-22 “to” 2B 8-25-22 Ue S. vs EARCUS CARVEY Ageat!s entire tine was spent in kecping in touch vith government witnesses, Agent wes informed by WALTIR WHITE of 70-5th tvenue, thet J. Ue He EASON hed told hin he intended destroying the Garvey movenent or that he would meke Garvey resign. Eo stated thet he snd ell the other directors were tired of Gervay's Weyo; thet ne hed control of the negroes end could meke them do Just es he vented them to do. Agent elso interviewed CAPT, COCKEY it 128%h Street, who informed agent thet severe] of the better cless west Indien negroes hed been to hin with a letter thet they hed drawn up to send to the Attorney Senersl, Showing hin the wrong that 6 wes Going to the negroes. 7 ea steel bathe nie. a elles ley me LS fore oo ¢ fers v ¢ ae oe abot greed Bak. aed dally i et : . et ce ape ee a Grae ae rn. : a mt 5, Cees eae ptewdg Henge pe pub Lp ? We. Cent a Tacenee, hes — ATV f ¢ oom ull al 7 — ie: aia cs Aa ee ee ae j es OND Less oan “9, a eal ita tre oteoled, a Yt ric dilecwg id’ Renae Phe Tes ee he eee aa : He bch eee Lh a. Blea 4 nee Kt af a.h aller a ePuctii af Aan cus Sunve,,, . Fi Lo : oe LLU ute Nets le Bf Kdcge ln pom een el ls en eck Bs : Ceo yee. clu. Ge yy 4 . eo eo if WKA inte Cre eel ly he eet ih” Enter & Fasc : 4 £. ee fbaneay gf Invezrication Fron Estelle J.Zlores, 10l . Ledth ote, oO. 6c. ® Being eo sea 110,35 che has read ia the ua our intention jeda. Cape the voret filthy ceat sritich te telly ii : eco juice ia every ite .aa'e eye eid iz he recente it, to beat hin to desth, etc. She caa bee: up these © hopes to see Garvey and jail. Department uf Justice, Bureau of Iuwestigation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 5 P.0.30x 287. August 20th, 163: ree Director, Eurean oF sation, Departuent of Jussica, seshinston D.c. Dear Siri son, a colored presche: niizely in earnest, statenent:i- nox, OF only about one hundred of perrasintstt i thet the bible and is not for the nezro to waite man ie againet thom. Further that tha nestoss Yt tenc’ Tevarand Te 0.9 excited acainst o euch an extent that at any tine 1 Without making any prouisss I told hin I would erent to « man who was intorested in church ezvairs Zor tha wurposs of 2scar- tainins if som mission Tork could not be don@ atong the neqrosa at “ootlasn, I had-alsg intended to have a confidentiel investization Bade at Noodian by an inforuant who is thoroughly familisr vith the GIRVEY movement. “ozerver, on telzing this ratter over 7 I find out that the inforcent 18 vell knovn to a dTalter Graves, President of Sarvoy'a movezent at voot~ I believe? it unsise to run the risk of turned up. is tis belief of Jotion of GA ne influence tenezing, Very trvly yours, SP 78. Fon RBS?0 RB. SPENCER Ie fut; | s/z8 27-20, 04 UVEY = VIde TS. ous AMAL OF Wnued BS 2) Te hat Uo. angust 26) netivchiy whole 9: confined wud -F bie rect tion C.rvey is. Gave reusrke te teliias those nssenbied the gelep. tes thet he vlenies te odtain e ivothois poten the eaumies sho tries ty tinder bis yunizetion, A collection wom @i4 nut snowat te tke evllectioa Siig oni wueen of Tieli to collect the Detroit Whe nicht much es the attendance wes vt Large. Zhe vvsuct v: s to Sell the Tuad tu cover e: the mses of weler. t In he eveaias nu in receivil Aoyesinis euia grect cheeri ryney evliew routine sessic reports eu 5 instructions re ° + @ from Spoctal Agent in - whye,PaweJ.Brennan. er owewione_[Reerongeopgwed grr mance New yors, N.Y. | aug.31 419224395: 7 ws James E. amoo. TLE AND OUURECTEN OF CASE Ue:S- vs using mails in furthersoce of + a@ scheme to defraud. At rew York, N.Y. Continuing on the above ca se, Agent interviewed auton GRONICH, attorney, whose office is at 7309 Broadway. ER, GRONICE ie one of the attorneys who had GaRVEY in his office questioning him concerning the assets of the BLACK STAR LINE. LR. GRORICE is also one of the attorneys for the Pay UNION CO. and they have a judgeent eceinst GaRVEY for ¥6,000, They will have GARY in their office again on September 9th, and have promised to.rive TS examination after he hes swozn-to 5. Agent = copy of 64 ASSEMBEY:: I GEO, HARRIS has been trying to ret Iw. GI to come to the Buresu office and give a statement, but so fer E30! has been so very busy fighting GiRV=Y that he hes been , HARRIS hes promised to have him-cone later; also SIDNEY DE BERG wfc was one of GARVEY'S eagets in Jamaica, and sold stock for the S. S$, "PHILIS SLY" has promise’ to come to the Burecu office and give Agent e statenent. Agent 4s very anxious to get both ESO: and DE BrR¢ here, as he feels boin could kelp the Government's case greatly. agent will keep after both until they come to this office. Agent got in touch vith S$. DZ BERG, #105-5 West 143ra Stxeet, Apartnont 10, who informed agent that he was the leader of the West Indies provinces and that ho sold stock in Santa . : August Sist,1922. James B, Amos. Doningo, Louisisnna ana Trinidad for the myth ship "PHILIS WEEATLY” and he is willing dnd anxious to be e witness for the Government. He also stated that all the estates were closed in Santa Domingo 80 that the neZroeS would not have any money to buy stock with. GARVEY refused to pay DE BERG his salary because when DS BERG cane to america to attend the convention, GARYEY tola hin he would not pey him as he had not. brought in any money after he, GARVEY hed deen indicted. -frostructions vosaived fron spa eetul rant in Charges EutiadABeaniiane i aug. 30th to | ae oe “New York, U.Y. Sept. 6, 91922.cept.6,1922, incl, games EY Amos. KAROUS OARVEY : Using ‘the mails in furtherance! of a.scheme to defrand. Atm york, N.Y. Comtinujng on the above entitled matter, agent irtor- viewed the gozDGi, ¥585 Kerkiner Streot, OkLYA, U.Y. GORD has given to agent all popers he hed in connection with this matter, but did not want to appear on t he stand as he is a minister, but after telking to sgent, he vromised to testify at any time the Governzen t wanted him to, as he now feels that GARVEY is a menace to the negro ra oe. Agent interviewed DR. J, D. GIBSG!, 7140 vest 1zZ3th Street, 1 City, former surgeon General of ‘the U. MU. I. Aes and he has promised to come to the Bureau office with letters, papers and anything he hes that he thinks will be of service to the Government when GARVZY is tried, ani is also willing to go on the stand at eny time. 4 gent also Interviewed J. D, BROOKS, #72 ‘Wickliffe Avenue, Mewirk, U.J., weom GARVEY had arvested for stealing v400.00 BRO mS was tried in Part 4, Geners] Sessions, before Judge “nott, but was found not suilty. BROS told gent he intended to sve G.RVEY for y100,000, for false 2 rrest ond @ofa nation of character. OS wa s penoral seeretary of the U. i. I. Ae. und went throurh the country + . September 6.1952. James U. mos. selling stock for the myth ship "PHILIS VHIATLY." He testified on the sstand before Judge Ynott,that ke sold ¥2,000. worth of stock certi- ficates for the "PYILS ATLY." — BROO! a ie ready and willing to testify at ony tine Sor the Sovernment. Agent interviewed J, EASON, who was leader of Areriecn negroes in the U, I 2 He has promised to come to this office cnd give a sictezent concerning the U. I. I. As, 2le0 of moneys he sent by mati to for his fraudulent stocz sales. all & these cen and hundreds of others are willing to testify for the Sovern- ment any time they eve called, Agent will forward statements of these men as socn as game are obtained, moro ware ar [oan wen mate aa JEM Pome weave ww: : ! Sept. "13 Eyl? few York, 2.¥. . Sept.7,1922.5ri,1922, “| andrew 1. Battle. Alleged Viol.sec. #215 (Using the mails to defraud. September i ® This morning I attended the U. I. I. 4. convention at LIBs: TY EsLL, and was there engaged until the afternoon, all tao time being taken up by the delegates in meking amenimat ts to the y have sold the stock to the At the night opening, the instgllnest of officers took plece ani 2 charge of 50/ admission was made at the door, the attend- ance being about 1,000. HH 0. A. WILLIANS of Okmulgee, Ok1ls., said that it was his intention on his return hora, +5 advise 211 members of the U.N.I.A. in his vicinity to get out of the organization, as they ware merely wasting ting. Septenher 2: This morning StgveY desouRG called to seo me und sald, among other things, that he was willing to fo to the offices of the Department of Justi ce and tell CUS everything ho knew about 2 U.S. vs. MARCUS GARVEY : September 7.1922, Andrew ji, pattle GARVRY. Later I attended the convention at LIBERTY HALL, most of the day being spent by the delegates in amending the constitution, ana receiving reports, In the report on the Liberian situation it was recommended thét seoret delegates be sent there for the purpose of going over everything and learning what could be done in that country. It was pointed out that this was the best way to go about the matter ss, if business wes transacted, the United States Sovern— ment would not know that wes going on. * The scheme of taking over the BLACK STAR LINE seems to be véry much azainst the wishes of the stockholders, as th 7 clain that the U, I. TI, A, 4s not eble to secure the 2L.CY STAR LID, as the U. I. I. 4, 48 in practically the sane fizas the SLi STAR LINE financielly, and the notes given by the U. En. I. A. would be of pr actically no value. a Everybody about the convention seems to be very much . @is-co tisfied with the management of GARVEY. at the conclusica about 5:00 F. i., GARVEY said he was going to leave New Yors on the following Sundey morning, nd sone mehvers seemed to think that he was ready to leave the country because of his forner wife's proposed Visit to this countrs. Septonber 5,19 This afternoon [ attended a meeting of the PORUi! at #13lst Street near 7th avenue, Where CLARENCE CARPENTER was the mR olaimed that the U. 5, Government was principil spoeker, cazrsit against the working class because of the injunction which hud been prented to tha Rallrods azainst the striker. He said tho only thins 3 asf g September 7,1¢22, Lndrew [).52ttlo. “to do is to train the people up to the ‘pitch where they would demand that a stop be put to this Government and if necessary, would use force. D. Ee TOPIAS, another speaker said that in his opinion GARYEY was tho only brave negro in this country; that he 1s the non of tho hour end a much braver man then ROOSEVSLT was. Forner High Chencellor 6, E, SISYART culled to see me again toda: bat I learned nothing of value from hin. September 4,1922: This morning JOE! SIDUEY deouRs, “est Indien lesder of the U.N. +, who lives at F2l¢ «, 40th Street, called to see mi and tola ms sbout having been imprisoned in Santa Domingo snd left with me a copy of a letter which he had written to the Secretary of Sta te on July 17th, 1922, The letter stated that deZ0URG felt that he was a "bron Anerican negro" and after compleining of the treatment he had received at tho ifands of the american soldiers at Ssnta Domingo, stated that he thought he was entitled to money con- sideration for the sufferings he had endured. Copy of this letter is atteched to the vashingto o ecpy of this report. DeBOURG again repeated what he had clready told me about having sold stock of the BLACK STAR LITE in Santa Yomingo, He also stated thet the woman whom GARVEY recently married had practicully forced him to do so, 1s as she knew so ouch about him. He said also that that GA present wife hod bought several homes in Jamaica and that GARVEY bad also bourht 2 find home thore. ‘hen questioned by me us to whether ho would testify against G\RVSY, ho said ne would have to tell the [end Bis to do co und not to shila GARve Ate ace ese, A S2etet oer , : “Nos 214 Voat Moth Strost, foneradle Sir, wipe oF your favor 0! ha rest of ctr life flay of 1 Pe rnc rour ehildred - wr fandly consi wich T havy alread tor Qo sorkL Inet oaiok wt 2 one te I feat se injured omer this ilinttent-ent timt mr mind te ner serious} exercised over went axount of noney camessation could repey ties a ran of oy ard, character and pooition - ies in ue tho out eriv-a ord indicin said distri nigh is cre: reer for the The Hencrad? Tua Pelaotos Tre Thtte we, Dew yor; + TAY. . 'Sert.7,1922. ane.31,192%.) Andrew in, Battle. Ue 8. vs. : Alleged Viol.Sec. #215 u.5.C.c, i (using the mails to defraud.) At Mew york, This morning the REV. G. E. STSIART, formar High Cksncellor of the U. I. I. A+, called to sea re, and among otner ‘things sald that he had been requested by telepaone to call at the office of the Jspertment of Justi ce. He asked my opinion ould do with regerd to the call and I advised hin the office of the Jepar sent end to tell the full truth and shield Tis FALL and attended the nomning session of the convention, LiR0Y BUNDY used up most of the morning laining to the Delegates that ha could not « rk for ¥6,000, © year. Hesorts were then read, which occupied the time until tho errivel of ARYEZ, who seened to be very much @ovmonst over the loss of the case which he had against BRGCHS, as he was quite sure he would be eble to convict =R2G0%3 of theft of the Grgsnizetion's funds. Tundoratand that LEROY BUNDY is to receive a salary 500. 8 year. The convention will hold on extra session for two days to wind up the unfinisted business. I siso understend that the BLACK STAR LINE obligations sre to be redeozod by the U.N. I. As, which proposes to pay 2'45 on 211 pa id-up Septembor 7,1922, Andrew 1.Battle. Stock from the time it was taken out until the stock is redeemed, This will be known ae the BLACK SPAR LIND NUEVPTION FuiID end it is Proposed that each member of the U.n. I. 4. will my 25d per month tovard this fundy ‘Hew York, U.¥. /Sept. 11,1922.Sept.11,1922, James E. Amos. RE: [aRcuS Garvey : Roti vities. | At New Yo: Agent “interviewed J. W. E. EASON, #245 West 136t Street. EASON was the leader of merican negroes, connected with the U. u. I. Ae, but was recently barred by CsRVEY for 99 years. FASON is sterting o new orgenization, to be known as the WEGRO ALLIANCT, to fight ¥ and his propsgenda in the U.S.A. and all other countries, Sunday, tho new organization, with E30 scting as cheirman held a meeting at the UATION ,BLBPIST CHURCH, 125th Street and 5th avenue. Agent has made an eppointment to meet ZASH Wednesdsy, September 13th, 1922, end then hopes to get an ides of this new organ ion, also names of officers. attached to the Washington office copy of thig report is a clipping taken from tho WORLD", Sept. Lith, 1922, regarding the new organization. Instructions receiv from Special «ront in Ghee, WoT. Brennen, meromr ane a | owe wnes aos remapping “tg | meron mace er New York, me, .|Sept, 15,1922,15,1922,4ne1, James L, amos. Viol.Sec #215 V.5.0.0. Using the mails in furtherance of a scheme to defruwwa, Ath Agent has kept in touch with Government witnesses this Week, and was informed by GEORGE E, HARRIS, #135 vest 155th street, that ALI DUSE VA EWED ha d left GIRVEY'S organization. "Efforts Will be made to loeste hin. Agent also interviewed #201 Vest 12 8tn Street, who informed sgent that he nad just received a latter from the first 12 to start proceeiings against LaRCUS GAtvV=¥ “bectuse ste states, trat in marrying AIW JACCURS, GARVEY hsd committed bigamy. Agent also interviewed SYST ui. BASIL, #206 Union Hall Street, Jacaica, Agent also inter- viewed WALTER WHITE, auot. Scey. of the WATIONAL ASS. for the AD! EARCUS AR) October 19,1922, James E, Amos. WENT of COLORED PEOPLE, and he thinké that GARVEY hes end io doing more to hurt the negro then anyone has ever done, also if GARVEY doesn't go to jail 1t will be the worst celemity the negroes have over experienced, Sent Aue de © x Sow, Hr Those New Yorn, Noy. October 26th, 1922, et al. PMepartnrent of Justice _Barean 6 Tnoesigation eo tacne October 26, 1992. ectfully, Merprpect Expert Banc Aecountant. Sumnery Heport of Investigation of Books and Racords of : * THE BLACK STIR EIS, Inc., and mE ou: ‘2620 BPSOVREET assocrarson, Aavolving : Gzozes taazas and OSLLIa Uy TEeesOR in Violettons of Sections Under ths title "U.S. v1 5 end 37 U. S.C, C US GARVEY, of ai.” x City, Be Ye, a IBDEX. Indtotment BLACK $718 LITE, Ine. eauaw Organization GragsZar cz Sabsarinstous Gonizot ot Cezrarazica Increase of Capital Stook Dirostora, czvicars end Changes tn Stoor Seit+=3 Flange stock Selaa Stecz Ca: Stoox, Sc1d to Us, Te te Books oF Szecent PFinencial Zopsria, Sto 2919 to Decests Statenont cf Ize: ares Jaze 1919 to szaembez 29, 1929+ Brosaurer'a zazorsa Steorictior 3 Belecco chsots Jaze 22, 2922, 8) Yorestth Operation of : Purchase of Phyllis Teatioy tes ushoy S.8.7ayiiia oe ie vetrey OdJects nad Mex OrFteteis Salarios & exonsoo Chancollows sisport anaitor Cong: Exoop+iois Boeke ant Wisnosves 18 ~ 20 - 25 = 25 = “4 44 46 8 47 48 SL Ba jew York City, Be To, : tober 27th, 1922, Hon. The Attornoy Consral, + Waspiegton, D. 0. : In accordence with instractions received from the Director of tha Buresn of Investigation on January 20th, T bes mage an exenination of the books and records of tho BLICK STAR LINE, INC. (Delaware) end the UNIVERSS, NEGRO T-PROVEENT ASSOCIATION, doth controlied by ABOUS GARVEY and his associates, i end beg to report ths: jon, es follows: () On Jenuozy 25th the Szend J Of Now York retarnd a true bill, alien! INC,, wos ¢ Deievors cozporstion, that et fz wee’ 500,000. divide! #50 105,090 shaves et 05, each & Docexdor'22, 1919, ita cavizal stock was increased ta y10,000,000. @iviged into 2,000,000 shares at v5, each, end charaing WaR0US CARVEY, BOT Gaxcii, GzOxcs roatis ana 02.2000 We FEOUPSON for the Sovthern Dictsiot With heving device’ a sohone cod artifice to defrend vi (yietira) of thor cone and property in ony by induct: lent representations, pretancoa and pronises and by docere: artizicas end dovieas’ to ‘th their couoy end prororty 10 the Purcheso oF ekaras 07 tho capits” stock of the BL: THC, (v) ”otst 2s ay secured and 3 ert of cat’ schose ono or nore ghtps choalé be Iubatonoe. ft seoul? be feloely opveuoate? y presented und promigad in Titerature z senvatives of tha SLalz S? @ excursion boat wre rty end of tho corpora janty know, were and at ull tinos baing the’ intent and purpose of da~ tondins end precising that ooid polfovins that the Etock of the cor tho price az walok ft wus Vulug ood wean e51) chips, vtc., as J ould bo orozatit sta forte: Yictiny showlad bo drce porcticn ‘aa sa! souls be gd ofzored for oule, (c) ‘That 03 0 shoulé to represented Lorger Gon ay fang to do kavwa sew ag ar ple the porporition efter tospection ant that such steamship should =. eit for africa with pusseasora and freight whon in fact no cach tenzohip ociaved, it boinr the inteat aad purpose of deZondunts An a0 repzosenting,posuteadios end promising, to secure money and property from cot4 victins for freight and pascaze to Afrfoa ond $0 deceive sald victizs into believing that tke stock of tho cor~ poration #17 and orld be worth the price at which it was being - Bold and offered Zor sate That as a further part of said scheso and artifice i: dod that a financial statenont be prepared and srread cron tha minatos of the corporation that said f4nencial statenant should Bo felse end Sreadmlsit in that it akeald te este te arveur that ‘tion tad an "Organisation expense” of £289,085.27 vhen 4m footy a9 ser dante ell Eno, ao such sum hed Yeen'so spent; and oorporation hat been built up and should be eZfective in sti suid viovics and the public Sendents’ that the said felse a5: fat, ehoald bs conied into and circulated by, sbeper controlied by deferdants. atended finsneial stav Sane Negro worla", a ne: fe) That as 9 further part of sate ech 2 and csaze to be eold aid 0: seid’ victins, susroa of ten © 5 : ead for ths tarpcco of ndueian the sald money end proverty in the purcsese of geid stock, substance, inieaied Zalseny tol Zrenéaiestay 0 tina that the 20% STAR LYS t wes intended to ence a corporation institutions of t doy; that they iz the erent com Vnow b: ase ence fadefenients) moreial 1 under thei= eeprrate ef to convey to af: of the great Lins 6.5. jaca; thet the PLC: that they (leieadaats) exergy. ell their abilt @ preatest nacien in thiso theeo areneten, The atzieun Xedeaptton 3. 8, Cozporation end tha locoing to the ‘ny asgociation's Construction Loa yea, (tho wicticu) will exsite shea (doZendanta) to censat the ftnsacey of thodr Ro0o w: et possible thrvura this ovranizution, nat only to build s mation, cnt vo vind cursolves (victina und derendenta! av ene iniestrint novsr acanr the other racna and nations of the world neat, boon the errors of the past, tho rrosent the ELAGk Soa? LIT da composed of troined tusinony mon ang cpacialty gdrvica nlp, wnqueattonubly equal to ther Bponsibis ors,” up of atrica (2) ‘That tt waa a further part of enid achena and artifice that the defontents should each appropriate and convert to bis orm uso in lary, dravin account, oxranses, con seions and brozits, a part of tke ransy ead property vsich tocld Be pods 7 oaid viotine ic the yarckase of the Atos of the BLACK ts) (Trorontter follor seven specific. county charging misuse #2 the baslotin violation of Section Lis Us S.C. 3) Bichth Coust: Rostleges elt the allegations of the firet sats that defendants from sune 27, 1919, to tho date of tho Ziilun ef this tal sy, eiifeliz, Enovingly ead Zelonsously cocspize, cosuine, conzeierate and eszae togethar to co various offéasea wader Section £15 U.S. 0.0. charged in the 3 count en’ that thereatter defenients éi4 other nuzerous oot the object of the said ualor/al end lerrors, cirealer letters, od- of Fokins the fulde end ead proaises desersbed in ygeane thoreot the eszey an property OF Joriisenenta cad Zrondolent representations Eisst coat Yarious pessons 3 ets: to effect the object thereo! 2ith day of Septesber, 22: tors oF the BLAGE SPA? LIT2, 10. at Sth street, Lew Yorr, 2. Ye The dofentents ¢ 2 necting of 1 Hani, 180 we Quen sor 3, - 10th dey of Februery, 1921, United states, in the College Stetion in letter eddrecsed t The defendants atdeo: dopocit in 2 Post Oztice of t: of tho City of lew York, ac! Tho dofendeats aid cn the 2nd day of Jars, 1901, plese in a Post Offico of tka Un: tea, in the Grand Centre! Station of tho City of Hew ¥ eddroosea: am, Davin F173, Port 8: ell fn violation BLACK STAR Liz, te. : Oreantent ton’ The "SLICK STAR LINE, INC." was tneorporated undor the ans of the State of Delensce oa Sune 27, 1919, with an mathorizea capital of $300,000, Shares 100,000, Par Velue $5. Te Erorat of captts) ceclured to commence business $1,000. the subscribers boing: uaxcus caxvex 40 shares : - 40 40, = 408 JANIE JERETS rd : Brapsfor of Sobseriztton: At a reoting of tho Board of Directors held June 27,1919, the Secretary prasented ‘ax of subscription ty the shove pened gubscriters to Universe! Negro Inprovenent association, Iao,, Zor the totel of 260 sherec. Beda, Septarter 2919, tt wes inteation LUIS controlled by the U. T, wut keting bad no roney tie, public bed to be eppealed to. to ents STR 50 as to b: Bssoclation ng persons ao were not mex to bo on the directorate to control the stocks Atel Sto ‘Tho {ncreasa of the capital steck ant cepiteliration of the corporacion froa 30,900. to 10,050,600. was Tirot reised at the Bowd of Sivestors néld flovenber 14, 1919. ae mooting cz fret stockholders neoting vas SVX) reverted purpose of ceetine "5004690. to 10,090,000. and that enngal’ (atockbelders) ‘9 Anteroat of tho cor- ‘uy the suthority vested in kin to Oall tho cactiz> “nd uo it wos Only by a majority voto that suck gotion could bo wuthorizad, At waa left with the stoczholders s7cenbl- ef aftor constiering tho proposition to deal with sex accordin. to ‘thotr conviction ¥ 11 be Sunivested by tha votes, 4 motion to {noveasa cur{tel Stouz Zrom vE00,000, to 510,000,600, waa unan= Anously carrfog, the shares to bo cold et ¥5. euch par, @eeording to tho b: mooting, but finding 4t nec: poration ho took tim opportund 4, “va people of but lit Gontrol of Corporation: . At tho first anqual necting of otockhenéers held Zale 26, 1920, tho Fresilont, Giver) stated we are here princi By'eb cocbers of the Us ty ie A. sho tacorparetel the Bpsce Se LIne to achieve tho objects it aet itselZ gut to do. entered es ‘omparience. The polloy of the U. H. Te ay 4g\ to cotrol fats corporation to help the Parent Body in acnict, Ate objects. Directors: 7 i At the first meeting of the incorporators on Juce 27, 1919, the following directors wore elected: Usrous Carver, Eager ws Croy, Ricnard 2. vara George Tobies, Jerenich Caz Fenrletta Vinton Daria, 1 Yonie Jenkins. ' OEfteoxa: At the firet Dircotor: the following off! Firat Vice Secon" ‘Treasarer Secrevery Assistant * treasurer Gn sncust 2, 1919, Richard B, Yerser end Zeger U. Gedy expelled es DMrcctors ind Orttcers, Fred Poreli apt Pivord Scith Green elected Directors, Eavard Satth Seen olected Secrets oleoted jesistant Secretary. On august 8, 1919, Fred D, Powell elected Assistant Treasurer in place of'iles Jenkins, rore added: On Septozber 20, 1918, four direct Biles ashvood, Cyril Fonry, aS, Bay DL Di Shirley, ona Prod D, Powell reritnod as Atsitact Treasurer Opril Hoary clocted as aogistant Jreesuror. List. ‘Fred D. Powell, Agsiatant Sec- On Zobruary 14, 1920, retery, rosigaad. June 3, 1920, J. C. Boyne (Director) protested his dis~ al_as_unfatr, * Second election: At the firat enous] ceoting of stockholders, Zuly 27,1920, ‘the following Directors yore eleate, Etoo Henrietta Vinton Davis, Biss Jonnie Jenkins, George tobies, C. Reavy. Brozesaor Fervis, Prea toote Eile Garcia, 3. Gortsin, Benj. C, Cisiez, By ecclanstion the name of WARCUS CARVEY was added to the Alford H, Satth ent Willior Lattkexs exe feted es enong the Directors proceat ut e meeting of the ‘Doart cf >! Hay 26, 1921, bat there te no 4 of shed mont until Ostover 16, 1921, drain vilzord 2. Gordon are 2istsd es anor the Directors Board of Diractore on del Oy 1 the electiog or apraintzont of Snith until Getove: the case of Gordo, ever. 26, 1921, sad in Oificere: Sesor4 clecth Ate meeting of Directors held on Jagust 7, 1920, the following offioera wore elected: Procttent Firct Tige Second” Seoretary Aosistent Proasira? 7 ® Scorelury a7. vieneee Ghanges fr > Cctovar 11, 1920, Ben!. C. Curley, Seeretery, huving resigned, Ello Garcia, Alsistent Seeretary, was eppointed Acting Seoretary. : ‘ . . ; Sac0sd_ inno mnotine of stockholders: Held July 26, 1921,’and adjourned to October 26, 1921, ‘ apparently without ection in rogard ta Board of Director i Direotors: Thtrd election: 4t En adjourned neoting of atoctholdsre held October 25, 1921, the following Directors wore elected: + Mazeos Garvey, 0. Hy kcapsen, Elie Garcia, : George Zobize, : Henrietta Vinton Deve, Wilford 2. Scien. Willten C, vettheta, Wiliies F, sersta, Pred i. Toote Jennie Jenztos, Officers: The minute book does nct record any election of officers at or about this date, (Octover 26, 1921.) * sl Yiegzo Ioprovesent association 4a Tuna ‘Tporation, “This stcck neve= was issued for, nowrithetanding 4 was tha declered capital with wiich 27, 192 : gz paid ‘they vore t0 conzence oceiness, at during Ble etey ca Sandsy, duge 29th, ead fur’ 0 in Bt a nootine of tho Doard of Directors August 1, 1215, the Prostdent (ECU 6. proper organized eaxpair poration. Jvatetod the tine x tho selling of tho stack of the cor- At @ rootine of the Bosrd of Directors aumust 8. 1929, At was recolve! that a Zslly be riven by tho BUACE STAR LUZ zor’ tho Brelling of ita funds by the sles of stocks At a meeting of the Board of Pirectora snqust 26, 1919, the’ reoulte of tho cuspaizn wrod during the past week for’ tho BLACK S732 LITE, Tx@., were divcusaod, Tha Trooeurer oould not far~ nibh a fincucial statozent a3 all tho applications for stook at Cardegie Holl bad not bean posted, t's meotinz of the Board of Directors august 30, 1919, At wes resolved that roetiaga be hola for the sole of BLACE STA2 EGE stock, a2 follos OvsplayThoatre, Patlatelphis, Sunday afternoon, august 51: Peoples 'cruzch, Hondoy evening, " Sept. 1st, Faneuil Holl, " Boston, Thuredey Bert. 42h. Xt woo alec geaglved thet the President (uancus GAnYEY! secure Halisoa Square Garden, City, for a meeting in the interest of the SUACE STaR Lin At a meeting of tha Board of Dixectors Saptenber 11, 1912 Gsptets Coakoarn rep2zz24 on his necotlations relative to the pur~ chase of the 3. 9. Ys2-00 to negoticte & chorter for tha shin on Saturday nora t it is intentel to nike t 3F x10 48005 tho charter will be ebout 2,000, per rooth end he explained even if ‘tha Corporation aid not neve 'nonay oa ter charter the phrsciorinal effect on the peoole would be eo erat that the chartering oF ip Sleze would tooa% the sales ¢: the corporation would be eugseaves. : Aeiso Defender, postaste! Setar? tt wes epporent: Ay Anteried to intineaco yurchese of the Ee eivined a + Benen Eroceed, shares of the Zi. batt for des With the action At e resting of the’Boera of >: the contenplate? trip of sone of the Dir Kost ta the intorsot of the U. I, SUERTE The cities to be toctel exe Puiledelphia, Chiceco he Board of Urectors, Oats! er] zade rovort of hie’ trip euecess InP Tat on scoount of tha pron~ fh Chionro ke van not #8 cueen y tor the corporation io oblain# License todo 9 orrested for ‘rou doing tusl- through thio the fl. thore, eaviced his Bustnaua tp Chie: violetion of tha ness withost tha finonotal- "of tke trip was desecod. tho President (2 Chiouso Dofanier made a rw apd van intended to Bg. a eutt tor a: 4n Chicago. Aotion approved. Application msde\throuth Ux. Lemom, counsel, for License fn Maryland, Tlinois and dost Vircinia to enable hin’ (Freatdant) to do businssa in interest of DLACZ S742 LIE, approved. At e special resting of the Board of Directors, Hoventer 20, 1919, Henrietta Vinton Davia and Cysil Reary were apgotated geoate of to BLICi ST LE, wie, ia the Republic of Zenena, Canal to soll the shares of stock afd iscua certificates of stock ; for Shazes eo sold: i At 8 motion of the Board of Dircotors Hovenber 21, 1919, the President, (itcUs O7=Y) reported that Lise Savia, 2nd Vise President, ana Cyzil Yenr7, Assistant Treesuror, wore boing seat to the Hest indies, Ceatrel asd South anericas At a special stockkolders necting, Decerbor 22, 1919, eapitel stock authorized inoressed fron ¥500,000. to (10,000,000. Ht 8 secting of the Board of Directors Jonaery 90,1929, President (¥aR0Us G2RVEY) cutnorized to appoint 27 in the Revublic of Fene=a 2nd the Conol Zone to ect for end on tensl? of tho ccrporstion ond thut the eathority eivan Fenriette Vinton Deis Oyril Feo=y renaine unrevazed.. at a. uactigg of the Bowed of Divectore Zeorusry 14, 1920, the soatizg of Secre Seith-Green to davon,’ Cuba and Janciea, BLN.T,, to repres: tion approved, At a reoting of t ‘the Presttent Spith-Green that he had he hed ronttted 3,000, hed recatved wnen goin: f Directors Lerch 22, 2920, kad received revort fron'ery Oxinz to cmicted opts Cooxbure Gia") da decene and hed cotied Smita-Gr: sted thot the 5.8. Yernouth a, Doltizore end Bootes on Ler return 80 es to no Ciporstion, Carried, te Board of Dirgotors toy 17,1429) the Preatdent ( es 2 Gtoon) had been sxe whisky cargo of end that scoordin dy Pr, Solthesy roply atate! he pril und the country tozrine Corporation end his been ¢iven 2 9 President charred thet 1% vitheat adaquate vouchora end cyostal mention 20. vas.nate of £9 chareo of ntock beine {squed without the correspond fng’arount Vaing produ ced, Uz. Snith-Greea pointed out in tho Special instance of tho atscx yale thu: At rus oving to lock of proper Fecordice ig thy noze office, (10 that fastenoe and otherd aot brournt te notice of Directors) as ho, had accepted revcipts or other wvident of parties having paid up their subscriptions on shares and tosned vertificutes 20 cover, consequently no ancant would be presented for fuch atock, Due note’of such transactions was Rade and could be ahora. +, Atgl nesting of the Reza of Directors June 3, 1920, the President (2{20US GARZY) zensrked that co: ryukere of reckleca In conseqnence support had fallen off gonsiderstiy cad he attritutes it to the reckless hardline of the ckip {3,3 Yoresuth) ty Capt. Cosvrarn, ae a = ho thoweht it best to renove Cept. Cockburn, vkich ke kad done by making & deal with hin to renain ashore for a few months and holp 4n enother strenuous caapaten. ats Prestdent (ists 42 never receivei cay = cord of Directors Joly 22, 1920, the thet owing to the fect thet ce h Hr, Witscn (Agent, Einesten, & and other business of tha line xo were eve stood, ve did not kacu whether tho duel us soney oF ne’ thea, Hu Er, Seithe to adjust tho eccouats of the Eingeton dseacy ahich However, sith the cosing oF Ur. Srcua the acvousts W111 e Eone foto by tae accountant end proper ad jastnents made att ‘the Preeident goriptioas to te but 2 top te World thet os 80 6a to show t! stockholters July 26, 1920, stesseceperses alleding $6 sub said that $609,000, es enbsor: Ate meeting of the Bourd of Directors Octoter 20, 1920, fhe Brestaant (6 inforsed the Board of the conduct of E.R, uatzls, silessea Ox STIR LICE who $3 recaipta co beitted an item of 23i to Court." Lent donisd Enowedge of any ease tet requires Beyeent 6 such en ecount or that he ‘o> atoted that & Ith Os, 3) mon 20] v Be pata ia 41 . Ghio, on Suspicion to; rarains paid 200. 20 rio give @ Bote for [300, to ‘at 6 rooting of tha Poord of Directors Garcia (Secvst~ry) rocdestad the Boerd to ousiine 1 Yue rade to th ca the varie" patlicz of the lis “hoatley) Lr, Gs¥eis eleo stated that ovdes to the eanditicns exeatod by the deiay in boxin= the boat and tho Ta{lure of tho conpeay to praduc said boot riowa duves given to tao putiie, the ratuene from tho ffe1d were vocreusine rayiazy with but very little hore of 4 provesont unioss a sousd way zessoncdle explanation rae given. Uatthovs. Lote 21.4 Carcsa etpointed a connittes to prerare suoh otatenent, ustth ond Jhonpgon adJod and to consult with ZFs Bolan about the whole matter. n At a meeting of the Board of Directors June 9, 1921, the Comittee rororted thoy had related tho whole matter to Ur, sjolon end pointed, out that ouinr to tha foot that the f. Ye Shipping Be ‘hdnge had dofcultod thoir contract tho compsay waa Consider ine to = 9911 off the anrotiations for the purchase of the 8, 3, Payllia Thoatley snd vtzhizaw ita deposit in escrow, lr. Hole advised tha apany aot to do wo, otc. > ‘i rea ©. U. Thorpson informed the Board thet 9 communica ion had roasnad hin tha nizht before from tho I. Y. Shinpice Sx ghange throurh Yr. Siiverstoa that the papazs wore signed in sash ‘fmgton and the yessel secured. He made known that sinca ths codsract with the 2. Y. Shineing oxchaneo calls for delivery in tev your wll sponses th yooneotion vita bringing the ship to et Yor! to be met by the U. Y. shipping cuchenze bat that to help oxr propszenia he had obtained the eatkérizetion to plzce ca_ths ship our ovm erez, After waiening carefally tho prospects of finencial Fesults in Philstelphic, the Board dectied that the 3, 8, Phgliis Wheatley atop et Philedisiphia, algo that the best atoo at NorZolk Ralf @ de7. “Conzittoes sprotnted to stase neetinee at doth plecas and take care of cespaign to be weged in conaectioa with the visit of the boat: Por Rorfolz - Lr, Toote end Dr. Gordon. Philadetphia- Dr. Eason, Captn. Gaines and Ur. ofa. ‘ ‘Thompson suezested end the Boerd erproved that tart- tations be sent to 2 rusber of prominent nen of the Bote +0 @ lndcheon on tha 5. 8, Phyliio Wheatley on duly 4th, pofaties oat that the Bich staaters of the skin cannot Fail to inpress thelr minis to our Donefit end therefore cocare their future figenciel end moral saprort, Gosnitiee on ieritiotions ~ Lr, Smith, Mathews, Dr. Ellegor sce ene: : Understendine th: zeaob Rew Yor: sboat the S. 8. "Phyllie Mheatley" xculd ie 25th, St ea dectdod that = ce be Jaunched in tex Yo 3 Juno'2s to July th. sarine this period effort to be 29 Of stock and the sale of 30,000 Bokote of a: 0 agiv at the cost of one dolier. Cempaten gomuittes ~ 92, 30 ‘Yo. y Dr. Brooks, Ur, walters, Ur. E,W, Fluntor, Yr, Bilegor, Uz, Tobias, Wies Jenkins and 1.Carota, BS tho remular stockholders nesting held July 26, 1921, the President ("ncus CSveY) gaze stockholders a Lenwthy report of his trip to tha west Indiee and Cen: a for the rurpose of Goveloping na bustneos snd brinqine new inveatzent of his unzo>tue * Anoonzetency Btook Sates: aa ecotpts and Désbursenents msdo by “ In tho Beaty 2 3 ‘the roceipts fron the eale rer to th of etock sero shown und the buds of: Office Healt Batt and fn ease of Spocial Driven or fron Spootal agonta under these heals. 1s, ae = 3 to have beon the custom to outfit thetr Aconts + Qa Arind with atock certizicate booze all signed up ani roudy to be #41104 out and notwithstundinc protast on tha part of Secratary Curley at 2 maatins of the Board of Direotore on auguat 83, 1320, * Foo Board eathorized tho practice continued. This prevailed until Febroary 28, 1922, when 1t ia known Secretary Garcia ordered the @ ef atock stoppod, . : re a | Althoagh subpoenaed on January 12, stock certificate books had to be called in from goats on tho Foad and the Last of then were Bot received ustil Larch 10th, Zven now thora are still 41 misstog, 2 ks follows: BOcES WrSSTRG. ; “Serta Huber, ‘to 50, ~=6150 10300 30400 0500 ‘15400 - Recetvea -3970r z * 9802 a : 40201 : 40503, 40701 : —— » 40802.— f 41101, 4.201 4701 41602 42501 Az6O2 45001 43101 7 43201 43501, 43603 4501 42001 44101 42201 £440) 44501 ce 4a701 Jn addition thora aro ounorous eertifiontes tn lots of . two to five mtosins fren the books aad stubs received, . Below io 9 summary of shaves teousd, eancolied, trano- ferred ad outetaading by conthe from July, 1919, to ¢ebrcary, 1922, Anclasive, coxpiled zron the stock cersizicate stubs receives water gubpoone, but uo oatinute evon can be nade of the nutes tosces ‘through the Datncoe Steet Ae fe Hes im woot, pee i. cunaties Be sess wasted Asset Bend Batete 4055 7.195 Ste ‘Schedule 12. Delivery Sactpaent cebatt Riis sue fay Sesseeta’ see roe © Bayae * Hotel Ievested caets (A) {Snoatd be $700 nore) Deferrat Cuaszos. Bropoth invzrence om Setssripsy propery Mtoe Dus fen subsorttess to Bepiin Sesee germans Avnets, Qeah ta Pace Bepsest (eserttz) Eeans Seostraste eee Orgsatiation experse sort Gephtd Steet: Leuet serine 8 toter Captian + wortengs coyatie Accounts royable GEIS wt x dseref eoterion erent Retag fo 31d, soho un a fotat Carpet Bethe 2,000.00, : 4ys20.27 Pree argytseces 76,359.01 354010.09 320,190.89 8,729.00 28,253.20 1835.48 Biaoe9 24,551.73, Deticrt on 269,066.27 re3,12604 121,800.00 2,140.02 tee Ties389 7,076.00 : yoayresane reaizesad a from: inalzsis of Coa 320K Incone ee Freight 8. 5. Yorrouth 8,644.11 ‘Peesonser “ 7 4,695.62 ft if " Shoayeide 5,306.67 sm Kenosha 976.50 Preight = - (153,08 2,774.54 Paszents on stock forfeited 35,115.61 loss 209,455.54 1100400 21,419.85 ayu7.s7 . (2,925.01, 2.262.19 3,855.45 31703.59, Bota) 34: En Scluioo Books, Stetioresy, Fricting, Poctese Light end Eect 70.80 433.69 : 6,636.00 21425159 aaae 338075 ‘ © 8188228 854065.09 * 7 54,644.12 Eeserne . 317,675.55, Sheayoido a3 201,283.95 FE 255,105.29 265,105409 yt up by your Acccuntents i (2) Under "Liabsit109" they akow : Gapstar Stock reoued $412,625.00 Scbssripeioss to Sepitai'stock..:.....9160,255.00 Tees duo fron Subsoritor 130,289.28 __60,081.72 otel capital & subscriptions patd 992,606.72 “wni2¥' wo show Capita: atock tosued 406,510.50 Sabserfetions to Capital stock (pata) 52,585.09 $438,896.48 2 53,710.26 al Stock teeued Ev. Difference... Thole figures in the cass oF Coy Chizricn states zave ereived et b7 ta of! Ths stece eae: figazo t7 5, 543 ca" inforoation fron a of many of 2h ace on tke Zirurea en: Gur goalyeis of ve gtack cer= epared by accountant Jasisonsko $421,160.03, : Oar £3 in tho Comn 30 azoant ©: salary en the net report ty © oi postisg only taser cadh eceived fron@iment, ‘This theory 19 supported in a countanta dated Octobar 4, 1920, in whicn thoy state: eat2 your to your attention sales by dzents Fe would bo justified in charging wilful T heraly think instance, ulvhourn it does show nisrepresentstion in this particule: utter incospetance, 2) Under head of “Current testo" thoy show “Deposit Security % 5,500.00" hoon mezpad inte the Genere? Ce spere 63) cad bad bean te-en into bin Bark, 1903.49", in seten 4% ‘This tten bed actually on Juno 16, 1950 (Sea Cu: eecount in "orzivias Was include}, Again I do not beliove this misrepresentation was wilful. a 190-1 78176. 7 73 43) Bot dn tryin tb dataace the "Ssaete" with the "Liabinitios” ‘they show on asaats side: “organization Expeoue..+...$289,065.27" and this Garvoz, Tobias end fozeson knew to be falee cod a wiltel Risropresertation, Garcia was elected a Director tenediately Zollor- Ing the restinz of tha rovort by Thonrsca and a resolation by tho Btoctholdozs to have it published, 20 he ceomingly escapes partict- pation in it. * Thp item roclly reprecents their Deficit for thé yaar, but according tofour analysis of Caan Books tna srouated to y2eds 795.91 eng fs made up of jeratins Lose $208,890.07 Shook selling & 11523303286 as appears by the following: STATE? OF Iroows and eee: Rosser fear ining Jane 50, 1920, Toter Freight S48, Yarzouth 52,201.66 Passenger’ * Stndyeii Eene: $8. Misceliazecus 7,082:52 $54,784.92 Rent,halls, ete. 6,487.47 Basic porsies20 Praveriics z Com, & Ssleriag Steces ,reveaae Advortistaz y Uisceilersous 163726113 Stock selling expenae total 79,602.24 Rent (6: $50.00) Salsrios 34,765.61] 9,298.54 Belctheno e Seteareyh 1yniaite Fsoty ey550186, ct £ Seceant 20627 General 9645.71 OfZie0 expense total Deftott for Your at Organization expensa, ucu ally nado up of incorporation enzea in ccanection with tho formation of tha eorpora- . Hoa, ahd the nasvrous other e-enses tncideat to putting the core oration into onoration and on a revanao produciny basis 15 penerally Fecognizei o9 a loritinate Dazorred Charza uatil duoh ting 29 {t can’ be ohers jevecua, althouzs sono authorities maintain it should be charged off ‘or divided over tuo years at cost, In th{s cass, however, the corroration had ruzchened a dont 4a Septosberyani woo 1a receint’of incom therozrom in Koventor, 0. That at the dtzost t zyeage therafore propert= charpssole Yo dcooant of Orranization Srvensa would bo thst incursed to and in~ eluding Hovenber, vi: ‘ Stock solling expense... Offica expense... Total $92,646,65 Pinencio? Aistresa: the siog instences tend to prove the Knorledre of the Directors a to t! snciel distress of the corporation prior te ‘tho pablicotion of the balance sheet, coms President,” (2:7 ‘goatas) 7: tion et the next Re eyoke with 5: by osr not relasiney Would neve ecliersei.” fe present situ; Zed we not been vigilant the BE.0E 8: uation ha sEporvision while tho following instance mates elear 1! thet the tin yoar hed boon included purposely in Oreunizu- In Jou znsi, pace S4, unter date of Tovember 30, 1920, appoara in the Lunturiting of fr. Ch “ships Fixtures and $63,000, to Ozgunization $63,000, To adjust Tronotion ere cooount 23, ‘The “arount by which the Linbilitien and Capital excoaded tha isuota woa oolled Ornunizatioa E=penso, which included tho Operating Doticit for the fiscal ‘your . yndod Jace 2, 1920, Luter it was dtocovered that Jarre = * exponditeres for sh taken into gonaideratton on tha F: "ed balance okeet a9 of Juno 30, 2920, Such itexo aa boda and beddinz, ebaira, febdlea, Eitenon equirzent, aardvare, tools, rallines, opo ond sundry other sundliva were not included onodg {ho eoopts on the edove bulonce sheet. Tals entry is made to'set up on tho boss the estinated cost oF the gbove roatione’ ?isteres end supplies for oll ships sn fo reduce the excesa of LA abilities ond Cap, over assets on Jane $0, 1920, (Signed) inthorized by 0. U. Thompson, ¥,Prest & Uanager." Incidentally this transfer of $63,000. to ships 7ixtares and Srpplies for the year ended cuce.30, 1820, de desond all reasoa. Their Flgares ta the puoliossd ototeaent une: Invessed assets ere: 5S. 8. Yercouth $176,155.36 - while our anslyste shows - $189,352.55 © Kenswzan, 102 = 68,761.47 " ‘Shadyside __$9,999200 - 35,000.00 ‘$298,616.37 291,123.12 a difference cf only $2,607.75 to be so transferred. Furthermore ee of June 20, 1980, thay set up in the Journal ecvougiy with the following set of Zigur end orencd 8. 8. Tarrouth $290,000.00 wi? “Fenech "Shadyside 8 ‘Totel $512,083.57 an atditional overcherce of $20,950.45. Sunsequent, to tho fizot, snnuel ceetine of oteorholtors mootins on July 25, 1929, tks following instences of finencis] distress ere evidenced by the! : ate special sdoting of the Board of Directors, sisust 88, 1920, the Prestiant f Pe eE ey eth tetera the Soort toe f130b- etal eistre fo cozpesitfon due to previowe bad Ranacsenst and (ornarerse setivity of Cooibsen, Prosent Ghetia oe 2ibclz agal net tho snip (oe 8, Fesn0uss) endune to otout $60,000 Af thig gootine It was corzied thet detize operation of fae be aSsoontinued until Zurcher, ineteucttons fo Shadyaide ve usud on or about Zav0r ay esidoat ond the Vico 2ressdant. oS. 3, Yarrouth hed consea to earn atter Soptestor 1, 'S."suadyaiea efter September 15, 19Ly and the #. Se time in Lurch, 2 2920, the 3. pe appereswy 2, At & mooting of the Board of Directors caly 16, 1921, it wae reoolvod to acoent the offer of tho U. Ml. f. ks to purchasa the office furniture and paraphernalia for ¢3500. in Cook aa tho company te pressed by nunerous creditors for pcyzents of elairs which St 18 uncble to poy om cccaunt of lass of fanie. Contrast this with what ‘took pleco at a ceetin: of the Soara of Directors the noxt duy, Jaiy 17, 1921, 2 welch 12 wes stated that funds wore needed %0 ear= ohase a'ctesz2r for the African trade ani tho U. 3. T. a, bas offered $9 end 410,c00, 17 loan in secured by a corteaze on the properties f the company at 56, 155th to run for one yoor at Giz. Thi Carried “and oxficers instructed end expowered to sign sil prc atrucante. 33 At a ceeting of the Bosrd of Directors 0 etober 11, 1901, 0, HF, Thoxpsos, Vice 7recident, stated he hed been unable to fet 2 sirety (on a parfozzenca bond Yo cuerantee that the Saipping Board woul? receive tho 10,000. roathiy pequente for the purchase price of the S. 5, "Orion") "bocguse of the fiaunctal condition of t eonpasy end becausa's2:th dneniiity of the conpang as operators. At 2 neeting of the Be Zt 49 recorde? that the corperat nunerou2 ore. porstion Witaoct s A of Dixectors October ZL, 1921, ‘port thereo? ant offests not previous Jy dienooed of wad tke African Communities Leseua bas offered to parehese the into Track for 13,000. cash. Stoo! ne Jaty 26, 19818 A letter from Fite Ge: Pressures, wee reed by ia, Secretary end ent (32003 org Tobfas, "Hon. Merens Cervo President, 3.5-Le Rew York 6427. Honorable Sir: td Oving to the nonarous trenscotions pending for eottlerent, tt ts farntsa yor with 2 ©: the true conditions of ooking that you uoe your adjournment of the et0cz Gene to briag sbeat aa aldars seetti Respectfully yours, Elfo Garcia, Socreta: Sano letter efrnet dy Tobias, Treasurer,” with tho result thst the meeting was adjourned unt! Cctober 26,2922. Taio raprecontation waa utterly felce, as ¢ ledgor started Beno 50, 1820, hed been written up to and includin= cone 30, 1832 forty: As tn ear posorssion a Zul} ropert oF mil operstions for tho sens by Sivonot?, seycor 8 CAtrin, accountants, sneluding statere: T PrOSt: an Loos, es well us a Sulince Sheot — ~ 4 sapported by verioca schedules togethor with an unoined letter dated Joly 26, 1941, with corvant on various accounts end tr audit eadressad to tho LIS, INC,, attentioa = tr, tarcup Carvey, Providoat General ~ statin> that they hol eaditod the bocke for the yeor ended Sun 50, 1921, end submitted report therewith. Folloving eppears the statenents referred to conpared with one net up by your accountanta from their analysis of Cash deci, etc. ¥ 26. ‘ i | : : i a - . LACE 8743 118 I sft Aart 7 if * * Kovarsh 132.03 6,220.43 pune een 54521,39 ‘958.05 5,812.17 7,791.62, “WS, OLE. TE - 210,885. tions General 4 Aininistrativa Expensa Maintenozce of §: Officers S21 Capital Stoo Aaa. Profit & Toes charges 7 Boda = Proniucs Stock Forfettames 25,115.62 1 sWise. Trcoze ' Gate Roc: “6,779.45 42,895,04 - ( : 7 aes 325,225 ‘ i fe . , | gue gon, 2072, : . fi Aa ect up by your Locountents inniyais of Cah Booka, ote asezns i ‘S. 5, Yersouth 7 7 189,842.90 Fe Eenawhs 75,359.45 * Sheazesae 55,000.00, ost, Esteta 26,665.00 Pornitrre & Fixtures 7 4120.25 * Motor Truck 4,440.16 2 Cesh (2,850.31 : 5.5. Fay2iie ieetley 25,000.00 puliding fond totes 1,978.87 teens Feceiieble 14,814.99 ; : : usr : ceptter % . 564,612.70 " aére1as3s - = agouse potures tess Deficit : : Mortgages Payable 19,400.00 Beano * 82,072.32 " 4,500.00 = Soiute Laberta 3. 8. Eenerah 127,473.03 8. S. Sheayside ‘85,000.00 Real Zstote 27,825.10 * | Fernitur ¢ Pixtares 8,676.02. Delivery qi7e4115 Slers.82 —aljec5.77 878.00 < Luazievolsy __“eles7io7 : LES8 54 (B) is8.c69.59 4,644.22 lone.41 194,352,08 gneona. Bean. = s0,0sy.07 Panrangor 4608 Qrevatin: Loca Hotes: . to dnnuary 1929 charged to Investzent acaount. 922, ovorhoud or doprectation charged. 70 138, 02 6G,865.89 15,55 Ba . + 7 -PUROHSE 5. 8. Serprsroe. At a vootinz of tho Board of Directors arch £2, 1920, the Presidont fYs20US CUIVET) otated he vag intarestod ta'a Pleasure Byourdion beat, to acccnzodato £00 passanrora and 400 tons of carso, for y55,000,, nd could purchase sane by poying ¥210,000. qach and th Dalance’ io adtes, We, Johnson and hinself bed inspected the sant fe thetr opinios ronla be @ sondertal egset ag it could be noe’ bere 4m eusjor ang taken to the vont Tadles io winter. $2,000. pata By ghesk ALS29 A dated Heroh 24, 1920, to Booa 2, S.t2t, 83000. paid by certizign check 1556, dated April 10, 1980, to Zeon Suizt. 2,000, paid’ny check 72749 datad Yay 4, 1920, to Leon the Boezt of Directors Jezo 3, 1920, tt ie parsente to be nede on the 3, 9, Sbodyaide of 2,000, per roath for 10 saath. $2,000. grid bz check ¥1978 tated June 7, 1920, to Leon Seite, At a posting 0 shows 9 notes of eOrte = 241 april ist, Peynents 02 there notes hod boon ned thereafter ux: + as follows? Baty 14, 1820 - + - £2,092 (Chock ntssing CB. 32) ang. 25) == “B}000. Hig. 27, =25 Loco» 7 ne *"* 20; === Xoo, ate t6B leering 25,000. unpaid, + At a mectine of the Aoerd of Directors ingust 28, 1220, ‘the opersticn of tha Shoizside wes discontinued azcopt for’use on oF about Lsvor Ds7, The Cosh Boox soz sho ceased to carn after Sopt- ester 13, 1920. . Darin, was badly ders It 45 also aat2 the polices mention of eny of those fa the rlater of 1920-1921, 1t 4s roported the Shotyside a by foe end Se sold to be felly tec red for 554000. n8 been esaioned to Leon &, Suift, bad no records. n8ysie. Period cutizg Zotel entire Sate §, WE, Foriod $5,220.29 $ 1.00 17,241.73 21802163, 61269220 5,237.65 5,639.73 78,00 20,952.45 : At a mooting of the Board of Direotors april 6, 1920, the Prosidont (i: 10US GAIVZY) cald ho had called the weatiny Zor the parpene e7 dizcusins whather or not they should purchase a ship of 4050 tons, after rons over the svocifications 15 waa decided that heaving revard to the fact thoy weuld havo to pay a larro caonot of monoy on tha Yarmouth, alo tho shedyaide, it sould not be wise to _. Purchase, it being a Goveznsent saip end the terns very stringent. erty! i At a rooting of the Board of Directors april 25, 1920, the atter of tho vurchese of 9 third ship mas thon broaet up by the Precigent (8.2008 GAUICY) who calé theze was a rreat desaud for hip of ensli tozaaze for ths Intar~Colonia) Treia end go the Tere mouth vas not fittcd fer loas yoyzrea, 1t sould be, in bis estization, -pavisetlo that suca a ship bo ectuired to taza psasencere and ccilect freight botuveen the islands, so that the Yernouth wold be able to neko ehort on: tz Josatea via Czba and back to Tew % He thon seta thi thet 42 he Fonld entered into for ths purchase oF erthy end teat it negotiations $5,000. pata by enock #1550, dated Sort et, 1920, Yo dente iy deiteas : 20,000, paid by certizisd £99, dated uay 25, $380, "Zo Fases : At a necting of the Foard of Directors June 3, 1920, tt ip noted that there exe parzants to be sede on the S, 8, Fens of $7500, per roa! & eontka, fett r Lett Re York ta aueust, 1920, for Me York Neves 28, '1821, for Cuba, not, 1921, this yess01 put into the port of sntilia, Tn dng: 411 theres Guba, in ded condition ond at istaat reports vas - . ‘i Te enounts invested are a9 follows: Parehsse price. Pixturos i Repairs (21 On the purchase price the following peysents wore mad " Apri 24, 1920, s+ 8,000.00 0 May, 25 oe 9366! By Cash 15,0:0600 By totes 282009209 - THES On the notes tho following payrents have been madet x 4 Yono 29, 1920,,...91000. 4 + aly 20, 1920.....975005 aprit 26, 192) ange 6 ‘sooo; | ay 2, : Seat : 2. Bs, = 3, Jose 18: 2000: uly 10007 : : $48,500, , Of thls, $500, was roversad by Joarae] entry Jane 29, 1921, ase 29, end cherfed ao"a paynent t9 th Heasachagetts Sondiee’ Co 92g $5,000. 1ibel essiaat the Canatha, ihe ressigiog c1sc00" eedia : to beed overyaszeat on the purctase price of tie Eeasvbas ‘Qperation of Shins: ete 8. 8. Exes. Repatrs (4) 7 e $57,790.08 § 200.00 $57,2¢0.¢3 Wasoe Si.ees.s7 $5,551.74 —“telo4e167 “5,180.02, Feel 68.50 ~ 74944015 - Supplies sna fi Frovistens + 4,008.77. 23,229.51 1,585.22 19,5: Port & 2 $15.00 ~ - Boeales a 8 y438125 Pilot 2 282035 Yor.9 epee : Insurance : 22350 - = Cleses cibe19 545.25 = $.480.09 5,000.00 22.00 _Leuess _ dles7eo 8,572.90 109,205.48 12,202.92 193,042.22. Breigat - 258,08 = - 153.08 Passenger 0.25, 23005, 166,25 = ores 7 + _ - & s6.8 345.13 166.85 = 1,207.68 Qvernting Loss } 3,962.58 8,229.77 108,339.21 12,201.92 152,733.48 Repairs to Soptesbor 8, 2920, hay, Ho office dzpesise, overhead or dep: c 4 to Tnvestnent docourt. elation charged. 68,329.08 aaa $5,865.89 15,553.70 139,748.61. SUFLLIS TEE Fourth Ship - Soo first poragroph S. $. Kenowba, 85. At a moeting of the Board of Direotora dine 3, 1520, Quostion of chartorin= 2 chip wo3 dfacucsed. Tea Preaiient 33 ‘Giwi7X) onta text co rer, ho had found that chartoring shina usually gost nore than buying thés outright ond the matter of chartering was iropped. : The Ninute Bock stony USRCUS G/PYEY to have been procont ata Spocial Yootiar of the Zoard of Directors held oc October 25,1520, and seetinss ware subsequently held, at wien he does not appoar to Rave beon prozent as folloss: April 19. 1021 (Text of recora.) i wey 28, ¥ oase 2 rly way 1 But on that of ‘Taly 20; 4t to indicated he woo present. Im tho books and records of the Black Ster Line, Tne., the ‘izst indication of the prozesed purchace of this vescel ppeers in Esra eerie ee onlieg tonrumractr. (or ea ane Bank, on chock gtud $4029-4, (ship) Sxckenge for e 5 13 Teeveene on ne ¥ ttn Fone rd, 02, cbicz ouad {lies dated April 8, 1921 Exeienge for $2,000, for “oa puroksee prica S.'S. Fons of ths checks pertaining te produce’ on ecrvice of ena, bat it world ‘the nuster of ensend etannd Were exisucted cof tnet no dont was eathorized to sign to ao. ho Fourth, on ckeck stab #:170-4 dated April 19, 2921, to How York Ship = for y15,000,-"in part pamnons 8.3, Phyllis waeatiey, ger tified"; The Pieth,'on check stub SHIp ssekinge for y1500, My-A dated ap=t1 19, 192, to New Yor ext peynent on S,'S, Phyllis wheetley.” Bt 2 cooting of tha Board of Directors tey 29, 1981, 0. ¥ eon (Vico Presisen al Hoaptar) in char: = tetions tor + 23, 8, Phyllis Wheatley re: had just ret Se Ra bod visited t Whoatioy", whic! end shone cequist tlos, 2 mach cradit to ti e9 beyond Riz” gontrol tho 3113 of nshineton bat that the ating any ecfort to rush the closin: to do signed ony cit that because of the fect that the 5 tod thetr contrsct the nerott: @ amount 4 esorow with tao Parzors ioun Cseriet unanirovely York Ship Exehenso Rid telco with thon be called off, =] & Teast Co, witharsia, ) requested the Board to ont2ine the ur, Coreta (Secret: ublic since the various ensouscenents etatercat to be mule to the made weto not colne to te kept, 1 Committee to praare euch a state- Bent wae appointod, a3 follors: itr, Vathews, Er. foote and Wr. Caria. It woo also unanizdusly curried thut bérore execution of this cotion a Counittoa, consisting of Hloaara. Snith, lathes, Zoote, Thospaca Gad Garcia, consult Lr. Yolan about the whole catter. At a nooting of ths Boord of Directore Juco 9, 1921, tre Witford Sutth cpeasing, tho Conaittee renorted that !%. Nolan ecphut- feally odviood szainat oalling off novoviseiona for purchase of S13, Phyllio veatioy ond vice its denasit in escrow and premised to foxt day to hasten the tronssstion an! secure a piedze of condideration should tho company bo uncole to meet the full peyneat of $20,000, as stated in the contract. Xr, Thongoen etated that the Hew York Ship Bxchauge had cou z threarh Lr. Silveraton that tho ington and the vessel secured. That 4t sould Was done ha Would toke the Captaia end Chic? Sorineer to Horfoli ond bave thon mek ¢ the trip froz Morzolk to Hew York on the boat. At this point tt ray be etated thet from Juse 2 to 27, fhe terpest balznce oF ganz cfatletle veo 1226.51 09 2 tho necting o2 the Boer of D! the Pryiiis 4 Aeancks’ in ! vane 26 to cuz 4, Bele of 90,000 tiskery of aduisvivn oa the stip at y2e each, the 1 for public’ insrection to be vary Sr4 snd 4ti ‘a’reealt of this tol- Lor drive the Parent Body of the U, U, I, a, collected, ss forioxs: fox the salo of stock eee, Whe aly’ 62.00 Anguet 102150 bs 959.28 nea over to the Black ef cs folle gf hich, on Jone lath, thor t tar Lino, Ince, §5,000.,"nnick snount Geo tmadtatery oF Pitth: on obe Yaited States sairping soars 107 Exchange ee prczese price 5, 5. 7 * sted #4141 dated Jane 18, 2992, to order "ey 0 £ tev Yore Sap, atley,cheok certified,” At eneeting of tho Board of Directors Jaly 2, 1921, it 1s stated thet oxtnz to the iniel! ag of the purchese of ¢! end wast resaly was to be expected, the letter written being es follocs: tur, Phinby Enterer, Salp Unitea Sextoa Seipping Sard, escourse of our {nzpstinat ion at the Uotted Office, of 45 Srosixay, New Yor= City, Mr, Bocter, hoad of the Constaot Jepurincat Aso referred us to you for'informetion in the following cotter, a7 a . _dbout tuo months aro, the abore nunad sonpany entered into a contract with Lr. Rudolph Sivorston, dotor bazinoss under the neae of tha New - York Ship inchan“e, to purchase for 1t 5 ehip from the 4@ Brohanro. itter epre negotiations with Yr. Silver ston, bo ovstsd to ua that he could purchase Tor ua from'the Unite States Governzent the ateceship Porto Bios, then in dry dock at Brooklyn end efter several trips to wachin=toa ha care back ond stated that the paid steacship Zorto Sica had beca avarded to ths Black Stor Lino, I ce., throamh Rio efsorta, Fe forthe: stated thet hy hid depsJites mith the United States Sniping Board 5,525. on on ortion, of ¥225,600.. the parchas atote? thot it Sktppinz Board tequ ized waton’ acount was turnod 7 over to hin to secure title to said stoacer end 8 certified check of 5,000, of sid exoant mss mado payeble to the order OF the eaia United States Saipping joare. After recelvirg the dia 325,090. the satd Stiverston reported that tha pepers Zor the full transfor <2 Wound De sigred ond approved withia send on Jane 17, 1921, tha said siiverston signed fio fund wrendser ana delivery of seit Tater thea Jun: 1821. Go Jone ress of the negotiations e1 thet es the new Zeads Yor, the papers could not be osz=o @ Loney, gure c7th, when they world xetorn to « Gn Jung 27,.the Bleck Star Line Wes inforsed Uz hin that owing to’ Cor Rovgente re woaia have to ¢ be treastorred end from th: pbip ronld &: 23, when 2: 2 for said shiv, 2. of the Sairring 3 ® o'tina we have boca put off, In viex of the fact thet the acquisition of this ship 4s urzant end thet wore thes five elapsed et n norotietions vor the par the Sena, Fe would te very eretefe1 to yo ur Depertnent Sf you wox14 furnish us with tozormetion eoncarning tao nature of L=, Sllverstep'a treasce with the Shipping Board end what rocults ta may expect from the 8 farther to know 12 the esta ‘Bune ‘Seine Parckased oy the | RosLa turn out tha: tha corotiae + Saiveraton G14 got take plese. Ropiog ‘that zo a S122 oblige us with @ pronpt Forly, no bog to, rensia, Yours respootfully, BDACK STAR LIT ito Gorcia, Secretory.” tio r Vashington on nox! es Division of Shipping Board, hoo: ow Lottar stato! that after nerotiating with Ur sey dura ig tha matter of tho Porto Rica, the latter Letter sine’ by tho Chatrean o: ino Bhty— é partezed by the Board 19 3a. ead. therefore his offer in bohlf of He also statod that aftor belog 0 foforned tr. Stlveraton, howaver, refused to tke back the cam of $12,500. placed by him do-aa option on the S. S. Porto Rica, but - manifested some toterast in tho 3, J, freedom und cuthorication wis gyren hin to feopect cata boat with & view of leter on suking un offer for sani, the Porto Bica Eine, Toc. Ur, Phitbus confivnad this in writing and this lettor ws ead to tha Directora. (Zotter not in inate Book.) Caxeied that tir. Thenvaon (Vice President) at ence cease 211 Degotiations wita tha How Yorg Snip Sxchange represented by ir. Silver~ tha cre¢antial given hia es our aneot end denaad the ind OF y26,000, advanced for the purchase of a eteenship. mouse it is not fortntorisg the ectior to be placed ia the bucde of Ex, ffolen, oaz attorney, for colloction end if necessary referred to the District attorney. Ur. Gateta (Secretary) stated thet Bis conversation with feve tt waz pocstble ead even core fatare to deal directly with the purebasing a stesner sigate abou: eatps on Dey Stewart and ir, Vatthers. Sbippieg. ‘sosrd 6 ‘be not Gerota vse requested by the Bosra to dram a statenent for the public to make clear t galy 2, 1921, At 9 socona nes inforzed of thd Me, Thonpson (Tice tot to Vr, Silrars the sazt Joard esis petericl inroreibiil ty, 2 Lice on the det acter, That it still was his Delic! that ths Yow York Seis’ Seahange ne BO=t0 yetBostig ee gostgone witatzaral sotion end steve Rice enf requested sent to the public until saly.7th. Mr. Snith requested Er. Thompson to noke euch statenent in writin; eh ke dia, es follove! ”y ponsetty beltere throurh =: with the New Yo: et aly buch oprortnutty 7 tke Prinz G28 Ster Lise us ave the corronronie Abburt represeatin’ ‘Ship 2ee fe Co. and the New Yo @ Sgard to rarresent tho juctico of" the caus in ters of tre Black Stor Lines Peed vsSt Hayy G02 Ge'dontaus ensas presenslur Uo cove, to Jr yiger teressinol’ ithdtarad setion aod otatenent 0 tke patite. 0, E. Thonpoon. Roqveat not gruntad. 39. Ur. Goroia nade the following etatenent which ho wos fnstructed to propaze for the public, (Jote--stutenent does not appear in Uisute Book.) At a cveting of the Bosra of Directors July 17, 1921, it fo tates that funds are geoded by tho conpasy to f$nonce the purchase Of 9 atesnsr for tho ifrican trode and that the Zc. Te ae has offered to leod 310,0d0.-providod 1can is cecured by a mortzage on the prop ertios of tho conpeny at 56 West 155th Street for a perio’ of one year. aa ypdts® weotizg of the Board of Directors July 20, 1921, Quancus Ganve? present ‘tor the first time sinoe October 20,,1520,) the mingtes of Sine 9, 192), were eczrecto’ by tha addition of "tho exocnt 9f $16,300, lodged 4a tinct wi Famaze Goan 2 “rust Co. and paid to the iiew York Ship Sxchanca by the Vico President, Er. Thoapsoa, without the knosledge und epprovel of tha Hoard” which had been omitted, Marcus Carvey et interfered with tha fat em jointed ont that since his return he hed not ae ‘ork of eny of the departronts of the slcok Star > for eoyone to speed @ runor that 70. tot ‘o Payllis ‘Taompse2, Vieo eat baa been i Phd tg gnhes ovziccis ez tue! Connga7. yea trenosctions Zor veck o> esusa faze: Tanarer, dested Gent ena Torr fered with by tha Prestiéns, out the tripe of the Secretary 22 fegton on guze 22 and SO kad done so uniatentionslis or not by aizclosice he gece of te Bs Hr, Carcta (Secretary) took exception and certified that on kis first trip to Washington on June 22, he did not approacs th Shipping Boeri, even had be done vo be vocld not uave teen tis ore to @: ef Board ¢: xso filed Jase 29 cx Line, the 6: veniéred on dane 25: to eire S, 5, Forte Shipping Boerd show that such decistoa wes Ae resting of the Bosra of Directors Cototer 12, 1921, the President } States that the seovins mee estied 0 decsae action ‘Setter of 4 boat io weza auproced iSbave bat Se eing oa fee Frick Steatton ot yet consuzzatos. U present pesttioa: sotd sale of the S. 8, Orion Stor bine, "int for the belence oathly par Seon vratte ow shout eirat pees of recrimtnations with — fog &t coposr thot the early negotiations ror the S.: ‘muro outsile of his knowledge, Bote: Uorews Phyllis 40, Ato noeting of the ons) of Directors Qetober 16.1921, 0 Profosttion ‘nada by tho eoll 45,000 chares of thair é % socepted on torny sot forth in writin: dated dctover Sth. = Gent ond Sreacures vere enmasored and dngtructed to execute al. Proper ingtraconte ty carzy this into effect and to l=modiatel> tronafer to Black Stor-steunchip Co. tha 322,500. on dapocit with the United States Shippicg Sosrd oo first paysént on geld purchuse of stocy om a thereafter poy cach month the sum stipulated, (y10,000.) etors October 17, 1921, 2) heving proposed to Sesame the “iece stax Lino, Tue. to chase of the S, S, Of1cn ‘which Bas ‘end £8 consideration oF the osstsesent by the Bleck Star Lind, Ine. of all rirat, title end interest of ouch sesicazedt by the Bleck Ster Lina, Inc., of such exard and the cool gnrent of tho eeposit ty the Black Stér Liss, Inc. to the United States Skinpiag Booz] at the tins of the auazd and'to sect Line, te., finding Stself unsble to eo: With the requirezents of the Shitving Soard and to cerry out tts oon: trect end obligations to seid Ssipping Board, ¢ Black Ster Line, Inc, accept the propos! ansbip Co. sad asdien to it ail right, tite the evara of the S. 85 orto Carried, that Betyed See all contes in the hangs ‘3? the fo secure the 5. S. Ortea tn phe depre gdligetions of the Black Star Board, 3 of Directors Januery 3, 1922, tho At o noting of the purchase of tke 5, 8, Orton from tha Appt: of coulzasy ent pronseed bond and cortzaze, Tho Fresilent } stated that orticers of the company, actinr unter his np with indivisuata to advance su f= surches0 of the S. S. Orion by cosh Boara, that to ¢o 0 4t fost that the cost pr at ew York, fully repaized, cost price of ¥350,000, Board wea discussed Vico President end Joos Carried: That 0, !. Thosp: 314 to continue nerotiati B, Bolen, admiral be athe: with J, Hol2? en Line, inc. to ¢ 3 Nolen be guthorised to ne-otiste farther with Vs 5, reductns the ret priee eh gon and Uolan be ath orized to o-re> to vay for seryizos, or bonus, to pose? lenlery as brokers, as my "bo tion provited that the cost 7 repaired end delivered to tha Blucz Star fine] price Pixel for tho $. 5. orfon in a ser fagolen Silversta Officers fe end directed to oxeoute nececeary conirects, 5 Boge end place a bond lesue I? neceesary aguiast mortgage. Becassazy to price of the 5 ino, Tre. et a, : Officers! Satarios: WIRCUS CARTEY, Prostdent. The first paysont to Corcus Gorves, as President of the Block Star Lino, Inc., w22 425... on snrust 12, 1919, thereafter $50. a wook for'the Zittosn aeeks to and includinz Zovember 24, 1939, thereafter 3100, ¢ week fron Jeconber 1, 1919 to and including Dec~ enbor 51,,15£0, efter chich no poments appear to have been made. Tn total for the foriods ceationea $ 1175.00 : i us8.64 August 12 tg Decesber 22, 1919. juary 10° wo Bit 19202) At a mesting of tho Board of Directors turuat 8, 1919, it wos resolved that the Preaidant be alloned e salery of 950. 8 Faek, a raise in three uonths end travelling expenses. In eddition the Parent Body of U. H, Te As ond As Ce Te paid Marcus Garvey es sclary, (Seo Uinute Book Wovenbor 3, 19204) 8 fo Lows: : - 1920s eeeeeeenees 1016.68 27950216 Rovenber-Decexbs Tansetys agencies &. B. THoson (Later Tice Presizent and Pizet eppaers on peyrold apett 29,1920 et $25. pi iisy 21, 302 Oot, 22, " ™ 4, nF : BO ieiesein ae eOe ancien and thereafter, : GEORGE 703715, Treasurer, Firot oppears on payroll August 26,1979 at $50. per wook Movember 29,1520 750. iu 7 2, : end thorecftor until January 13, 29 ELIS G2R01, Soczotary, Mo record of any salery botar paid to him by the Black Stor Tino, Ino. Ungarned_ na: Paease ronex 3. fs Theetley": On thelr Lodger to June 90, 1921, thi g to carried unter the heat of None af Passa tlelnt - Edauwsh", pare 365, E1th @ Eeestt potency Cor IL sofitty! of 7490180, salon Leptecbes 30s of $7280. Bolow are the uctual receipts, refunds an} not anounto that should appear in this account: 190-1781-6 ° ; 1 . Rocetved. | Refunded, Balance. - : February, 1921 $ 169.25 # 169.25 7 March’ 450.00 620.25, apr 4555.00 9 250.00 495ul28 Mays 2275.00 "180.00 gg29128 + Tage 40:00 7289.25 daly 230200 35.00 444025 ioguet 672.50 20:00 8006-75 Septonber 240:00 7858-78 october ¥ 254100 7602.78 £ Bovenber 650.00 952.75, : Docenber 350,00 3120100162775 A January, 1922 20,00 6142.75 1 As this boat was edvertised to eail for West fries on a giveo date in Anvil, 1921, the collection of these moneys was a * Pelpoble fresd “3. Its objects and airs as outlico’ in artielo 1. Sect. 5 of 8s Couctituvtos end Booz of Lesa, Yew York, July, 19210"are, 30 a 01 > wopasers anp ars" : vatzezcal vero Iprorenont ities’ Loamue shell be: to yzatt7 ananc tha rece; to pride end fer" to an) ssi eadent Repro Beti sfonaries or i: oe and cities of the 7: ‘the prisetest ¢ [en aa 4 sotaction for tho govt o work Yor bettor conditiccs fa ali ueszo co: Offiotets wore elected ax follows? * EXXCUTIVE comcm, -dumast 19, 1920, feos Testor JHE. Eocon Laster Bigs Tobit Tnitea Rector HS .vodeurg : ‘quel Zzesident Mezeus Gorvey Gabriel Joknson &.9, Marcus ¢ + F.D.doreon' D.D.Lawi3 Blatooto elilcatnos. and EXPEHSES, Article VIL of Constitution and Book of Lane, New York, Joly 1918, reada’ “Sec, 1.” Tue salary of tho Potectate and Suprene Gozsissionsr stail be in koopinr sith hia Binh office sud respon sibiiities, wulek seiary shalt bo exented dy the convention. "to Fotoxtnte shall Leber Zor tao gee 4 erg wolfere of tho cerapiztion, Arrespective Of seiory oF other consitera Seo. 2. The Sarrese Deputy shell be subjocted to ‘the Sens conditions oa ratte: of salery ax tho Fotentete, High officers, Sec. 3. 21 offictels and hich officers of the Voiversal tarro Innroverent issoctztio n cr! african Conmuntztes 2 thas ths Poteatate and Suprene Ate granted eat wore they perfora, thick toa.” The bcoko of sccoxat of this Association ave not in any Detter shape thas Books starz ko ge of the Bt. e7ak LEE, 7 et watok t: subpoena, wenber, 1920, were, eo follows: TeLY SL, 1920. es.s06. 8 4,030.03 ane. 31 SII” 53256027 Sept. 500 IIIT plese October a1 2 lors, At e necting 2 they Bzecutire Council Zovesber 3, 1920, it was steted, ‘the to seleries, "se enve sutsiesent asgote ti maka 8 stert, "to 2 this ba succetsfutiy continue, aach mend Would have £6 v9: eooseientionsly tus asasuricg up fo his eulery." At thio the purchase of 915) » Rowvor, thay he pletges up to date for {don as to be Ascued "Hor uso 4a tha furtherance of tha Tnduatet=1, Coueresat fricui ize] rarseaes of tho Agavesation tn its Constzuetien pl any in Aerica, Thetr totar recosrts for Novenbor, 1920, were $14,085.70 of whieh $24,105.05 wus froa the sale of the chore ‘bonis. Poros Noventer show the foutowiag poynents for S01 Gt .Gutnes , sof Lartona,edlary 1-15 962-50. . @ “62.50 Fred a. Toote,ipenker in Uon. ” e . Vim.C.uatthess,isat.Consul Gon.” = "125.90 Elio Garoiu.uiditer Gen, sn 308.26 Tota. $1,708.55 3 ‘The Balance on hand Movember 30th wee 36,760.41, but out of this, uficy dete of “gcester 1, (Cash Book p. cd] all Of thy setertes Shanerafel usove are deavled and teat ror “Salary to Govesber 30th,” ieatin ¢ overpaynent of 1/2 of a month's salary in esch instance and in addition, the 2011. : Misa H.7Davis-eo1! 6.0.uerx: * “Toter $3,792.70 45500. had been pata ont of-the receipts of the seles of phowing thet fonds for officers sclavies, for the month of Tovecter elone, prectlee continaed will be stow in the anclycis Zellewing. AG. : . AWEE Boor gerry He : e : Shuyettorte Ronert = femegmnan 1, yey te Zaty 204 Lets A ne. Genera! Beas. i 1 fa Drak Boyte 14 1950 Teaieae i Shiga fe Thascnos & stevamee eiiteao : Betlur issescoet Son trawsee Feeo's: Srsaheeo Eeetie asheoziss as + Delar bite zor Su 90,048.00 Bepanditere Petty cers mpenora telesbeas et - yissege, ates (So0301b) Mamta ¢ fst Betmed ones BRtar{es ef'octisere (ar.cosses) hatte " explegees( 99743.61) — Lo/dagec0 1 Stasis retsttes sonore Coot of Suppite eis? Bosse to 5. ee3.09 Pareheze of Steak of tagro F 3.0108 7 Boras, fer ictes "227.00 Yocte Bevscizs pose 2ut75.00 Feleccese 023tes 3128800 Betind 22:5, Suet seek. DoLter isis 5,000.09 ES87 (A) Bedesee in Zane saly uth TES ‘Genserartion Lean Hotes soe rorsgsaeae : 366,650488 4,020.00 . aieesies 2iess.40 sos-<2 ointo.62 geavernics rolerends Arrersteien « “620.00, : Rveceet t2 B5.2, oe Finis 2 2r'e goad wines oo : 90,048.00 a aseyiess est tess e7.ce5.07 ke Ioriwer Batenee ceraut Pay Peo wT ceote Baer assen38 10,913.67 ‘ 1) oye by sus core : BE BE ro Tess fe SE RES a Ag published. A nists 38s: : Baleneo tm Berk July 30 10,915.67 Faraiter> & fixtures 2,154.00 Tncollestes checks 3,494.50 Kochineries. Sew W111 #-uinaent Invested in biilding neteriel Liberie Inventor: Supplies cn bend 6896 shares connon stock BSiLe 34,440.00 604 " connon stock MPC 5,020 gro Worle, estinsted worth "8 purebase price onnts i : Arrears fron trenofes on dues Death Tex ungeid vy brenches Founs “soos BeS.Line Teds Loo’ Total 144,450.55 6,600.0 26 4561.97 4,463.62 4,000.00 4,500.00 87,460.00 60,000.00 87,690-52 68,666.80 BES, 240471 Lede we car lozesp ta. 3,260.65 3B 4545-52 8,502.58 ¢ Ty860623 2,843.01 + 14778449 6,634673 115,080.42 2 $2785.89 ¥ 6,081.18 1,500, 53 shows: Disbursenonta. 1,815616 40,440.00 2,278.90 453.91 2,958.01 4,000,009 4,465, Prom Socretary Gerorel Gonercl Toans, ete. rofunded wo" 'U, Hi I. A, pectal Bonk collections end general omnigeent Soleries (211) Buttons, Banners, Beages,fomms, Uatiord, Vrosses & wecoravions. sts F ‘personal, Loens Black Star Line Foorption Parsde Co Gon, Legal & Frome Rorunas extlon Real Estate August 15, 19: The owing oppeored in “Tho egro 24" ander dato of a + MURTVERSSE NE0R0 sr. Assocrarrot AUDIDOR-OETRIE'S RPORT Yo the Honorable Dolorates and Deruties to This Convention Eonorable Geat lozen: It is not custonary for the auditor of a convany or en orgarizati¢n to subnit eny detailed rerort of his ow, hua statezents and balance sheet submittsd by tho treas— uror of saié coucera, are cutisraetory to those who re~ prosent t ha finaneia) interest of the business, However, I may say that I heve oudited the reports as reed by the High Chencalle=, and that I have found elt the iters mentionsd ig the etatensnt of receipts and dis Darserents to be traé on’ correct and survorsed by prozer Youckors end thet wil” payzents were.nale by the order of the Presidont- Generel of the aszociaticn scoording to our constitution. Revertholoss, it is elusre the duty of he enditor, whon such stazsnent and rezorva Reve passed throuca his hands, to to the intarestsd pertias inpressicn that 5oi2 und telance sheet Loz rage uon h also th o iticanee of the figures es lined un in the reports, antherity the dad, elec + him, throxeho: transactions of aiso his duty to Teves to thoze ia ‘ous reasons wey the report 12 F003 oF enuces of ices of srofit cs found out by { bis investizetion and evgiting of the concern. For the beneZit of those vho may not hove fully under- stood the true eiraificonees of the report reat dy the ehescolior, 1 wi. enti You beve notice’ that to separate ond distinct reports have been rade for the funds received by the parent genes] funds, sad the construction ody nerd no co with the mainten ent, 6s thoy or nee and operation of the action f2nd: represent tho enount invested in mater isis for tio building of our hoadqaarters in iAberie. In the exponsea made out of the eon: the iters of 73,000 4,463.42 rerresents tha cost of a sav etil Pho Sten a sed vy tae Executive Coureil oa . which "25 pur equiy ‘the request or his Hichnoss, the Potontate, ada which is at the present tina, in Hoboxon, Il. J., roady to-bo ubippad to Monrovia, I iberia, at the rirst ovportunity. he it ero of $27,206.42,, aa also the one of 39,740.61 represent the vslaries of tho staff, both menbors of the Council urd oriinzry employees, cho'huve labored for the Bales of the beais. The itena of 370,872.19 is tha cost of retlwoy tickets, ger fares, ani other conveyances of tho otuff throaphout this count=y, a3d abroad, also for the disposition of the bonds. 5 tory JH? tt02 of $6,400.00 for advertising ts self explene~ ory. The ten of 254,440.00 represents the investneat of the perent body in the Bleck Star Linz, Inc, The ttem of £46,555,20 represents the cost of perchsse of the good will of the Zeero viorld, the officiel orsen of the Universol {erro Inerovenent Association, from the Kew York Locel for .60,000.00 Balance Stcot-—iesete. ‘The generel fusds of tha parent body and the construc- tio n funis scounts to 310,915.67, waich was the bank balance es per July Sist. ent belence of 51 fch is slo to be c: 56,00 to the credit edites 40 the the geod will of perent boty by paid Negro Phe item of presente of the pore! 1b4,00 ror fuxniture and tix the furnitures of the vario less a rgasonadle anoant for The item of [3,494.50 mentioned aa uncollected checks reprecent tha agzrézata amount of nuerous enecl:s returned t collected from the stated, the velue of tho new, his a0 depreciation, The ito “hention ed és inventory rerrosents © the cost ¥, sea hands in the Cheplein Geaaralts esioner Coneval's of; ice ond tha Sec ‘tee, to be sold to the verious branche ents tho balence dua by «Ind, to the parent body .60 represents the ecrrect enount varioas branencs to the parent body. ros duata tax Dy aed whieh chives tn uneotlacted oT SO Ey Liabiittios Tho p..cnt body haa no other Liabilities excent the enount of 124,420.85, uhich 19 tho onount of honds sold durin tho yotr, Thin Lisvility {y oxtended over a porfodof t2h fours und tho books chow that thore © no nore ti 0,000. to be raid ovt in ene your, computed intersot on suid notes 19 26,500. tho total Liabilities b olnc, therefore /160,900.50, chowing a net Worth of 62,590.15, on duly Sl, 1321. Before closine ny coments I should Lit tho net worth of - $2,590.13 is enly: the net arth of the central office of tht ecdoctation, but is not the not worth of the Untrersy, Herro inrroverent isvocdation, vaich te to dncluto sha het worth of all the branches oF the Ustver~ Sal Herre Inpr ovenent Acuociation throughout the world. 0 to cell the attention of the ronorshia gates to tio invortint fact that the parent body has y incoz but what f9 pela vz the breaches to its y and when the byenches Za{1 to caiatain thelr eblisetiozs or fn!1 to keap up their payzents. the parent body raceives nothing. I wont steo to brics to the attention of the honcr- able delezetos jortent Zor the presidents of sto devise means ond vaya by which dues end death tax fron the U eir branehes. Sgest usher ots a lerge cerber nave found + 2 ecozenie eons eri espeo~ telly oF or foot enact co cpeven eo ha intesinents made ove ail it ip tho future. It cust be orfanisetion es bros In ro Inprovenent .ss00sst40n, a te ceet tha At s scope es Jerga suns 0: the experienc a budeet of x ndkson ainurd Exooption The reoeints of the Genorcl Funds and fron the Sale of Bon as are, of ccurs2, shown under their respective heads soparstoly but in the ease or Difburcerents thare is nothing in the Cava Book Andicatins whother on ascount of tho Parent Dody or on account of the Construction Lous. Your accountant is nnuble to detersine by waut process tho division was arrived at, This hus pertie~iar reference to the division of Saleries, and 7 revelling S.penses, summarized as follows: fney show: We Show: : Officers caterios (sen.tcads) 4: (bonis) THe Employees * (gon, funds) 10,105.00 . fi 7 (bonds) 9,740.61 a1 - $72,571.77 $75,789.22. Travelling Dzpencee(een.funts) 5,546.59 Gronds)__10:672:12 an" i 4265215.58 12,403.53 . Totel.... $88,790.35 $58,192.64 The enount reesizsd fron tho Sele of Bonds according to frets Cosh Fi 1921, 155,250.37 (chile they show 5 0458 ig ehouid be cecacted the 226,595.20 used for es stot procesds exuloyees. sal. trevellice ex~ and ipes out the 4a hare been Rela separate end intect. to aierose of Rew Yor Local $54,400. tn This cet: July, 1920, to Ju’ ity end on’ duly Won cerssoa 72 be invested in 3. On mnrz 29, 2 Tis capttel atocks at the too n to everyone concersed with tha transaction. : WS221 Fereh __ucnount Berea At a. Jotin~ wes dectiel that the portea dys hor for ¢ Buy ost tee” dutevest ia cutive Cousetl «uly 20, 1921, Lt gol tira over to”ako safent Régy utd iow Tork Local, ated by tho rued books ‘York pron / rate tha Parent Body vo their credit of desae anotaer of Live atanent of asaets they s2d at ..0,000, s0.iS-ad appraciation oF fs etates the Goestructize 5 stated to the credit of Bsrent dedy by vir World, iF 2 eppeszs to be ccasia v3, irticle 1, tax of 10 cants par month shall be z, which siell be separate and dic- Ale di ead the death tex Sormanitiest ssooistionts has paid nm of saventy- fucd fer bid Respectfully subaitted, port Rane leconntant. : : mow You. Hit, I. Yay 7 Oatoser Sh, iver. Wilties Herrera, ¥ Unitel States sttiZnoy, 7 Bow York City, UY. : Bir "ow In the o20 of U. 8, vo ef ol, ond farther to summery report of dotober £3th thereon, folloxing may prove of inte: Iox Tonk 050 wes this noncy torr ined?” : Pi OZ ee oe ‘ J Bea the Univercal Yosro Iszovems: received any o: ito noucy iv retura?, aeeveret ion No, 44 hoa not. : . Q, Yeu tho Blest jtar Mino patd ory interest on that” iowa? ! te Hoe i + & Mat ts th evs of th, Be ApET gant tneebted 19,009, Bleck Star Line? &. teas gseate of the Black Star Lino? * Al There sre no sccvtae Q, ast ig tho equity in this building at 56 Reet 155th Street? a. Well, as : Bren’ i? th: 2 n0 eqrity, beacaze 4t is ell mortraced, talldias wero to bo maja we vice the mortgage te out of the next ese poadad by treve of tha & rere oo the shat ve of 4 tho Jodror of tha Alack Sta Lino, Ino a paral ¥en Te 4 tha. Ster'Lt: ae Paro? rar «4. Parent Soly show locus mala to ina, Ince, fm tho total of 03 ,4°0. so Gerrce%, tha ustust enouat Lossod Phe books of tus U, Jaz 20, 1951, to vhs Slack Bat/se 3 a: to this tico betar * Thas a delncce ef e510. rus etill evice ty tho Bleck Stay : {udfoution they ali baltered they Mvion sc ¥ ths followin: loans ack vier Li daly 21,2922 $1009.00 . ange 1005200 1909100 ; 1050.06 1 sop 1190100 ; get. 50,00 | 4 Faten aldea to the proviong bil ence of 5 2 32 i tot a this oo tint “ye te At u nooting of tho Board of Dircators on Catohor SL, 1921, + Ak ves rorolyad that 29 tho oorcorstion presad by claiza ntivonnonts vd Tat oo corporation nna td pay gala efnina, or ony not . thoreor, oh OF its Sergoael proverty and efzeots co ft kod bot prerton sragad of oni the Agsizen ormunitieg Lemna, extern? yp vasanas3 Le un ait rag te eters : ani cceltad 9 gals -2>toan ¢ ties Licsae upe. Except a loon of 1200, from the Atricns Conmuaities Learzo soenber 1 150, of th 59, their does not indicate in april, oa tho A, 0, Ly watch was nevi yart of this. Cereta, Scozetery esigent Conorst Tale exéck teers the "Blovk Stoz Line, Ings, a Tobing 2reasazer.” to he veing tasiz of it? «+ Moverver 1, 1.922 Sgeni, The oenes ¢ » els

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